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Ivan Ferré

¿Es legal tu blog? - 2 views

    Aplicación de legislaciones de Propiedad Intelectual en Internet
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Gifts for User Experience Geeks 2011 | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Comm... - 2 views

    Al final del post hay un listado de libros recomendados. Espero que os sea de utilidad :-)

Field Studies: The Best Tool to Discover User Needs - 1 views

    The Power of Field Studies Even a short field study, such as two or three half-day visits, can yield tremendous value. From these we can learn: Terminology and processes Context Similarities and differences

The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors - 1 views

    seo metricas cool infrografia


    ideal per a fer presentacions

5 Timeless Books of Insight on Fear and the Creative Process | Brain Pickings - 1 views

  • oday, we turn to insights on fear and creativity from five favorite books on the creative process and the artist’s way.
  • In Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking, working artists David Bayles and Ted Orland explore not only how art gets made, but also how it doesn’t — what stands in the way of the creative process and how to overcome it. Fear, of course, is a cornerstone of those obstacles.
  • r The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, which tackles our greatest forms of resistance (“Resistance” with a capital R, that is) to the creative process head-on.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life. It frames creativity as the product of preparation, routine and persistent effort — which may at first seem counterintuitive in the context of the Eureka! myth and our notion of the genius suddenly struck by a brilliant idea, but Tharp demonstrates it’s the foundation of how cultural icons and everyday creators alike, from Beethoven to professional athletes to ordinary artists, hone their craft, cultivate their genius and overcome their fears.
  • Love & Will, existential psychologist Rollo May published The Courage to Create — an insightful and compelling case for art and creativity as the centripetal force, not a mere tangent, of human experience, and a foundation to science and logic.
  • , Shaun McNiff’s Trust the Process: An Artist’s Guide to Letting Go remains a cocoon of creative reassurance that unpacks the artist’s process into small, simple, yet remarkably effective steps that together choreograph a productive and inspired sequence of creativity. Never preachy or patronizing
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Accesibilidad integrada en todas las fases de desarrollo de una aplicación We... - 1 views

    "El objetivo del trabajo es ofrecer un soporte metodológico para incorporar los requisitos de accesibilidad en todo el proceso de desarrollo de una aplicación web, aportando sistematización y un enfoque DCU que situé al usuario como protagonista."
Nahuel Sotelo

The Construction of Instruction - 1 views

    Articulo sobre microcopy
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Design Studio and Agile UX : Process and Pitfalls | UX Magazine - 1 views

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Yo amo el diseño de experiencia de usuario | sortega - 0 views

    este vídeo donde se explica de forma casi mágica el trabajo del diseñador de experiencia de usuario
Nahuel Sotelo

Dealing with legacy content « Boagworld - 0 views

    ¿Alguien más tiene este problema?. En mi trabajo (una editorial) lo tenemos por 3: Biografías de autores desactualizadas, noticias antiguas (y maquetadas con tablas) y mensajes en el foro.
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