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Eileen Schroeder

UPEI - School Library Program - A Handbook for School Administrators - 0 views

    Introduction to school library programs for administrators
    Introduction to school library programs for administrators
    Introduction to school library programs for administrators
Eileen Schroeder

School Library: Advocacy for Administrators - 0 views

    YouTube from Mansfield University on program for administrators about school libraries.
    YouTube from Mansfield University on program for administrators about school libraries.
    YouTube from Mansfield University on program for administrators about school libraries.
Eileen Schroeder

The Principal Difference: Control or Cooperation - 0 views

    Create a school culture for change.
    Create a school culture for change.
Eileen Schroeder

Fund our Future Washington - WCSLit - 0 views

    Home of the WCSLit, champions for School Libraries and Information Technology in Washington state.
    Home of the WCSLit, champions for School Libraries and Information Technology in Washington state.
Eileen Schroeder

School Library Media Centers Rock! - 1 views

    YouTube video - images of school libraries
    YouTube video - images of school libraries
Arlette Leyva

Michael Bierut: How to design a library that makes kids want to read | TED Talk | - 3 views

    When Michael Bierut was tapped to design a logo for public school libraries, he had no idea that he was embarking on a years-long passion project. In this often hilarious talk, he recalls his obsessive quest to bring energy, learning, art and graphics into these magical spaces where school librarians can inspire new generations of readers and thinkers.
Tina Birkett

NJASL School Libraries Video - 0 views

    This video produced by the New Jersey Association of School Librarians demonstrates how School Librarians Transform Learning.
Eileen Schroeder

West Virginia School's Google-Like Innovation Center to Open Spring 2016 - 2 views

    Probably a good idea to adapt finally from a "school of journalism" to a "school of media".

Wisconsin Library Legislative Day - -Feb. 21, 2017 -- Madison - 1 views

    I attended several years ago and spoke with many legislators at the Capitol about the importance of libraries. This was so awesome! The people missing were: School Libraries. I am going to try to attend this year

School Libraries Work! - 0 views

    Looking for research to support school libraries and librarians? Look no further! The information contained in this 2016 updated compendium provides all stakeholders with plenty of support for the effectiveness of school library programs.

Laura Fleming: Don't Let Makerspaces Be A Passing Trend | School Library Journal - 3 views

    Here is an interesting article posted on the Google + Community for DPI School Libraries about the maker revolution's place in education.
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