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Katie Day

Animated Tutorials: General Biology - 1 views

    Summary via The Scout Report (April 2012): "The Sumanas Corporation was created in 1994 to help design accurate and interesting products for higher education. Along on the way, they have seen fit to create a range of complementary online animations for students and teachers interested in biology. On this page, visitors will find 37 helpful animations that cover a range of topics. The first two on the site address meiosis and mitosis and they are a good place to start for any student of general biology. Each one of the animations includes audio narration, along with a step-by-step tutorial and a short quiz. Other favorites here include "The Scientific Method" and "Simple Stimuli Trigger Fixed Behaviors" Overall, the site is well-designed and it may pique the curiosity of those who haven't thought much about biology in some time. [KMG]"
Louise Phinney

First day of school activities - 1 views

    "What's your favorite first day of school activity?" Here are eight great ideas to break the ice, get students to warm up to one another, and establish rapport on the first day of school.
Katie Day

5 TED Talks on Science That Will Blow Your Mind - 1 views

    "To make things easier, here are five of my favorite TED Talks on science. The selection rules were simple: - Was I engaged within the first few seconds?- Was I entertained, inspired and challenged?- Would my kids understand the talk? and- Together, do they tell a story?"
Louise Phinney

Cool App To Share Your Favorite Ipad Apps - 2 views

    May be a way to share the apps we are using in class with parents - it can also be used on blogs
Louise Phinney

The Honeycombers - Our Favourite High Teas in Singapore - 10 views

    Not school related, but who doesn't like a high tea?!
Adrienne Michetti

Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories - 0 views

    A5) I'm hoping to create some Twine text games this summer, but I haven't started yet. #guildchat - Ellen Burns-Johnson (EllenBJohnson) Reading & learning abt @twinethreads - looks super interesting @kenjmcclure @FriedEnglish101 @davecaleb @klbeasley
Sean McHugh

How Stephen King Teaches Writing - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • One either absorbs the grammatical principles of one’s native language in conversation and in reading or one does not
  • Reading is the key, though. A kid who grows up hearing “It don’t matter to me” can only learn doesn’t if he/she reads it over and over again
  • You need to take out the stuff that’s just sitting there and doing nothing
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Ask yourself what they need to get on in life, the bare minimum (like filling in a job application), and concentrate on that.
    • Sean McHugh
      Surely this is true of reading as well? Maybe some students need to just focus on being 'functional' readers, like reading the instructions on a job application.
  • telling the truth is the most important thing, much more important than the grammar
  • I would often ask them to describe operations that they take for granted. Ask a girl to write a paragraph on how she braids her sister’s hair. Ask a boy to explain a sports rule. These are just basic starting points, where students learn to write on paper what they might tell a friend. It keeps it concrete. If you ask a kid to write on “My Favorite Movie,” you’re opening the door to subjectivity, and hence to a flood of clichés
  • See, then say
  • A good reader digging into a good book is wonderful. Musical
  • Reading good fiction is like making the jump from masturbation to sex
  • Good teachers can be trained, if they really want to learn (some are pretty lazy). Great teachers, like Socrates, are born
  • What about teaching? Craft, or art?King: It’s both. The best teachers are artists
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