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Melissa Mulder

NEA - Using Smartphones in the Classroom - 0 views

    Mobile devices as learning tools
Morgan Von Lehmden

Mobile Learning: Resource Roundup | Edutopia - 0 views

    Smartphones, tablets, e-readers -- today's students have a variety of mobile technologies at their fingertips. This is a look at some mobile-learning resources.
Kailey Balducki

5 Apps That Engage Parents in the Classroom - 0 views

    • Kailey Balducki
      Neat idea!! Who would have thought you could Skype for parent-teacher conferences!
  • Whether it is class homework updates, project deadlines, school news or dinnertime conversation starters, teachers are taking advantage of Twitter’s free tool and keeping parents up to date and involved in classroom happenings.
  • Get more parents involved in the classroom by streamlining how you ask for help and making it easier for parents to sign up to help. 
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Simple online signups from smartphones, tablets or computers make it easy for class parents to choose a spot that fits their schedule or to send food or supplies for special events; auto reminders and calendar syncing help parents keep their commitments.
  • organize parents to read to the class, help in the lunchroom or at recess, attend parent-teacher conferences, and help with class parties, field trips and performances. 
  • Pinterest offers a great way for teachers and parents to build community and share ideas
  • Invite class parents to create and share pinboards with links to age-appropriate themes and ideas including educational boards like fun math apps, favorite books, vocabulary games, and science fair ideas
  • A free, sa
  • fe blogging platform for teachers, students and school communities, Edublogs lets you easily create and manage student and classroom blogs that keep parents up-to-date on class happenings and give students a safe portfolio for sharing their work with parents and extended family (via password-protected blogs). 
    How to connect and communicate effectively with parents via technology!
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