Things I'll Never Say - 7 views
Jeremy Fitzgerald on 06 Sep 12That was a cool website. It looks like it is a way for undocumented to have a voice, and share with the world their stories. The website seems very user friendly, and very engaging. It is also for a good cause not just for making some type of profit. Overall I really do like this website because it is so user friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and it is for a good cause.
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Randy San on 07 Nov 12It was really remarkable to see these young different youth in America sharing their struggles and sharing it in a way where they can really connect to it. For example, Jessica Lee seemed very emotional reading a piece of poem she wrote which really showed me how much sharing can help oneself. I feel like allowing someone to share and expand their feelings can overcome their shadow. -Randy San
Tyler Baker on 08 Nov 12I really liked this website. I love how easily accessible it was. It was remarkable that these people actually got up in front of people and were so brave to tell their story. I think this website would help others to come out of their shell and tell their personally life stories. You never know, one person talking about their struggles might help someone else overcome their own life struggles.