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Mathieu Plourde

Blogging for Learning: Mulling it Over - 0 views

    "From 1. Documenting (video, audio, text, images, embedded content,manage online work, curated content) to 2. Reflecting (meta-cognitive, connected, goal oriented, as an assessment) to 3. Sharing (published, transparent, making learning/ thinking visible,  to teach others and contribute to a network) on to 4. Connecting (for authentic feedback, collaboration purposes, finding mentors and to gain perspective)"
Mathieu Plourde

Delivering Peer Feedback with Google Forms - 0 views

    "Google Forms makes peer evaluation possible and simple. I collect the names and email addresses of both students: evaluator and evaluatee. I use the "grid" style question type to allow peers to rank each criteria on a scale of 1-5 against the rubric. I can include a URL to the grading criteria in the help text, so all students have access to the standard assessment guide. "
Mathieu Plourde

Arizona State Working with Community Colleges in Interactive OER Pilot - 0 views

    "What Anbar has in mind is something he calls "active OER." That's taking the standard digital textbook and expanding it with the addition of digital resources, including simulations that are both interactive and adaptive. "The learner doesn't just move something around in the simulation but actually gets prompting feedback that guides them to success," he explained. That's where Smart Sparrow comes in: The company produces aero, a learning platform that allows the instructor to pull together lessons from a set of templates that can include text, tests, assessments, virtual labs and field trips, and other digital components. For the purposes of the consortium, those elements would be pulled from OER materials."
Mathieu Plourde

A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students - 0 views

    "A handbook for faculty interested in practicing open pedagogy by involving students in the making of open textbooks, ancillary materials, or other Open Educational Resources. This is a first edition, compiled by Rebus Community, and we welcome feedback and ideas to expand the text."
Mathieu Plourde

Technical ignorance is not leadership - 0 views

    "Decisions are only as good as the implementation that results. Marketing isn't a plan, it's a system of feedback loops from the market that need to be adjusted in real-time. It's one thing for politicians to sign a bill into law, but another to ensure that the bill's intentions are actually encoded into the software that powers government."
Mathieu Plourde

The Future of Education and the Learning Management System - 0 views

    "On the first full day at the unconference my "neighborhood," those interested in different aspects of personalized learning area, were tasked with coming up with one, three, and five year plans for personalized learning under the categories of Dream, Do, and Drive. Our collective dream in year one was to develop and sustain effective models and criteria for good teaching and learning-it all starts there. To do so requires the clear creation of agreed upon learning objectives informed by data, student feedback, and peer review. Rewarding good teaching and rewarding learning are ultimately driving this first phase."
Mathieu Plourde

What Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Student Information Systems (SIS) Are Used i... - 0 views

    "We use this chord diagram in our LMS subscription, offered with MindWires, to show the movement in the LMS market - from the old system to the new system. We got great feedback, so we decided to use the same format to represent the relationship between the LMS market and the SIS market."
Mathieu Plourde

Building the Alignment Triangle for Quality with Coursetune and QM - 0 views

    "Presented on May 8, 2019 by Dr. Janette Isaacson and Grant Kirby form Oregon Institute of Technology It all started with the question, "Are we really sure students are learning what we think they are learning?" Hear how faculty at Oregon Institute of Technology have used Quality Matters Standards and Coursetune mapping software to strengthen course design and alignment across the courses they teach. Dr. Janette Isaacson and Grant Kirby have implemented a student-centered instructional design model that begins with three key components: QM is the foundation of quality metrics; Coursetune provides scalable modeling for alignment mapping; real-time student feedback provides an empirical measurement for quality success."
Mathieu Plourde

Metacognition and Student Learning - 0 views

    "What makes so many of those atrocious singers laughable to us-excepting the ones who put on deliberately bad performances in order to get on camera-turns out to be a problem that plagues many undergraduates, especially the weakest among them: an inability to judge accurately their own level of skill or knowledge in a specific area. Poor metacognition means that some terrible yet hopeful singers on American Idol are unable to assess their own weak vocal talents. And it means that some students have a mistaken sense of confidence in the depth of their learning."
Mathieu Plourde

All the world's a classroom - 0 views

    "Over 49,000 students registered for the class, over 16,000 attended the first week's lecture, and over 4,900 students earned a certificate at the end of the 10-week course. It would take 32 years of teaching our SI 502 foundations course on networked computing to interact with that many students."
Mathieu Plourde

Why My Six-Year-Olds Have Digital Portfolios - 2 views

    "From the first week of school, the six year olds in my classroom begin to create an online presence in the form of a digital portfolio.  We use a blogging platform to do this, and include artifacts that show their progress in writing, reading, math, social studies and science."
    This is what I LOVE about this article: "Students relish the feedback a comment gives, whether it is from a classmate, a parent, or someone they have never met. The audience becomes part of the student's learning." Now, I still have privacy concerns, but from reading her comments to others who were skeptical she says that she has not received inappriopriate comments in the 8 years she has been doing this. OK- Matt, my eyes are opening...a little bit. ;)
Mathieu Plourde

Reflections about Being an Online Educator - 0 views

    "In this framework, teaching was an intimate experience shared between teacher and student, the relationship was central. I knew who my student was and I knew, to some degree, if they learned what I intended to teach in the moment it was taught. I am now faced with a new kind of teaching; this mode of teaching provides a dimension to learning that challenges the core of who I am as an educator. This type of teaching is less about the act of teaching and more about the act of learning. In the past, I was an effective educator because I was good at being responsive in the moment, I could guide a conversation to deeper levels on the spot and I could redo and reteach based on in-the-moment assessments. But I am now facing a kind of teaching that doesn't make use of the teaching skills I have developed and refined over the years."
Mathieu Plourde

CTAs - The Visibility Factor #edcmooc - 0 views

    "So as you can see, a varied view about the presence of CTA's emerges from the comment, but most seem to agree that their presence was indeed required, and people would have actually preferred if they had been informed about the presence of the CTAs. As it turns out, there was a thread on the Coursera forums introducing the CTAs, but I think there is a problem with that. I have already voiced my view on Coursera's forums - they are not very user friendly and a thread like this can easily be missed there. Honestly speaking, I prefer the social spaces as compared to the forums on Coursera."
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