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Paula Shaw

An Open Future for Higher Education (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 2 views

  • splitting up the functions of content, support, assessment, and accreditation.
    • Paula Shaw
      This is how we have started to understand how UDOL functions as a 'disaggregated model'
  • open approach is likely to encourage the crossing of boundaries between inside and outside the classroom, games and tools for learning, and the amateur and the expert.
    • Paula Shaw
      This is reflective of 'Activity Theory' and social constructivism. However, open approaches haven't yet solved the issue of safety - we have an academic responsibility for the students in our charge which we can't honestly guarantee in open environments.
  • new attitude toward research and scholarship is needed
  • ...56 more annotations...
  • clear across all business sectors is that maintaining a closed approach leads to missing out on ways to connect with people and locks organizations into less innovative approaches.6
  • where explicit permission to freely use and modify code has developed a software industry that rivals commercial approaches, a proposed "open content" license7
    • Paula Shaw
      We know that OER are licensed under Creative Commons but what about MOOCs? There are things in MOOCs that are open like You Tube videos but what about the written content and activities. It is not yet clear how accessible these are for repurposing.
  • Such a model has limitations in how it can scale, given the need for physical buildings and direct contact.
  • core high-quality learning materials linked to cohorts of students working through those materials and receiving feedback from tutors.
  • The development of appropriate pedagogical models depends on understanding how people learn.
  • transmission metaphor
  • resonance with the idea of the lecture
  • learning as identity creation
  • construction of human identity as the key underlying purpose of learning, which has four components: Practice Meaning Community Identity
  • belonging, relating to the social configurations in which we participate in shared enterprise
  • becoming — the process by which we define who we are and how learning changes who we are
  • John Seely Brown
    • Paula Shaw
      Writes and lectures extensively about the shift in education especially online. His wiki is worth a look:
  • learning is less about transmission, or indeed less about knowledge, and rather about how to operate at personal and society levels has resonances in the current striking change in learning environments.
  • user gains the ability to personalize educational resources in the widest sense
    • Paula Shaw
      I am not sure I entirely agree with this. Certainly in closed environments like Blackboard the tutor or more appropriately in UDOL, the author has the ability to select what they think is the most appropriate tool, I would't say that the user (student) has the opportunity to 'personalize educational resources'. In open environments like MOOCs the users do have more choice of communication tools which are still limited by their own abilities, so not in the 'widest sense.' In both open and closed environments  I still think that the ability to personalise 'educational resources in the widest sense' is controlled by the content author.
  • customized learning agenda
    • Paula Shaw
      This isn't about personalizing the content but more about personalizing the way in which they navigate the content
  • a disaggregation of the content, support, assessment, and accreditation functions integrated into most education systems
    • Paula Shaw
      Although we use the term 'dis-aggregated model' in UDOL this is the first time I have seen it in print. Our dis-aggregated model is similar but our 'support' has been separated into tutor support and OLA support, 'assessment' is combined with tutor support except for Study centre+ and accreditation is a university regulations system.
  • As the technology emerges to support this form of learning, it is hard to know how to best apply it or combine it with existing methods and structures.
  • an imperative to experiment with the ways in which it might work.
  • content plays a direct teaching role, explaining tasks and incorporating ways to assess progress.18 This means that the value the OU has placed on its content differs from that of more conventional universities;
  • move toward open educational resources in its OpenLearn initiative risks its existing market while also offering a greater chance of reuse.
  • Enhancing the OU's reputation Extending the university's reach to new users and communities Recruitment of students from those who come to see OpenLearn Supporting widening participation
    • Paula Shaw
      These I see as means of marketing the OU.
  • Providing an experimental base of material for use within the university
    • Paula Shaw
      I don't think we have considered this, We have thought about tasters but it is assumed that the taster content will be in its final state. Testing out small sections of a module, perhaps 1 or 2 units to gather information about interest and/or relevance would be useful.
  • Accelerating uptake and use of new technologies
    • Paula Shaw
      We haven't really thought about testing our just 1 or 2 technologies here either, or even a new simulation tool.
  • Acting as a catalyst for less formal collaborations and partnerships
    • Paula Shaw
      I m assuming here they mean research collaborations? but partnerships - Karl?
  • analysis of user behavior, then questionnaires targeting those who used the site more heavily, supported by follow-up interviews and monitoring of activities taking place with the open content. The results from one of these studies (n = 2,011) highlighted two distinct clusters of learners: "volunteer" students and "social" learners.21
  • The volunteer students sought the content they wanted to learn from, and they expected to work through it. These learners were most interested in more content, tools for self-assessment, and ways to reflect on their individual learning. Because OpenLearn provides a learning environment (see Figure 1) with many of these tools, some learners showed these traits in practice, even completing essays and indicating that they met word length conditions, either in the public forums or in the more private learning journals. The social learners were less motivated to work through the content. Rather, they seem to see learning as a way to meet people with shared interests. This cluster of learners ranked communication tools more highly and were more interested in advanced features on the website.
  • content-driven learners were more numerous in the survey data than social learners, it nevertheless seems that offering open content supports both models for learning, with users interpreting the site as designed to meet their needs.
  • Casual users may find their answers quickly rather than through engaging with the material in detail, though it is notable that around 10 percent choose to view the content in its complete "print version."
  • open approach allows universities to support learners at an additional marginal cost over providing access to students registered at each institution, although those costs are not insignificant. The total investment for initiating the OpenLearn service exceeded $11 million, of which nearly $9 million came from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which is clearly not repeatable across all institutions. Initiative-based funding completed in May 2008; since then the continuation of OpenLearn has depended on mainstreaming the approach22 so that production of open content happens alongside other production of content. Recent figures from MIT also reflect reduced reliance on outside funding as the institutional priority was recognized.23 On the other hand, it is worrying that Utah State University chose to cancel its open courseware program in reducing its costs to meet the financial downturn in 2009.24
  • The view of individuals learning in their own time and at their own pace continues to have a clear role and fits with other aspects of "learning to be," in which mastery of an area needs to combine access to individual knowledge sources with interaction and practice in the field.
  • parallel by empowering the learner to either engage quietly with content or to gather around the content as an attractor that brings together a sufficient mass of learners for social support and exchange to occur, related to but not dependent on the specific content.
  • Technology, and mobile technology in particular, offers interesting ways of supporting the transitions made by learners across settings, for example between classrooms and after-school clubs, or between in-school working and working in the field.
  • focus less on the age-related generational aspect while finding real evidence of "net behaviors" occurring in all student groups, changing the way some people relate to their educational experience
  • Our studies indicate that the merging of these two worlds can bring benefits in connectedness, willingness to learn, and engagement.
  • One difficulty has been the disjunction between the play experience and the need for demonstrable learning feedback.
  • European project called eXcellence in Decision-making through Enhanced Learning in Immersive Applications (xDelia) aims to use wearable sensors (see Figure 3) and serious games to identify and address the effects of emotional regulation in financial decision making in three fields: professional trading, private investment, and personal finance.
  • mixes games technology and feedback but also careful evaluation to address the learning concerns and fit the needs of industry. Again, this challenges conventional routes to education, as it is unclear that accreditation and assessment are the drivers; instead, motivation comes from more authentic experiences and links to others facing the same problems.
    • Paula Shaw
      I would tend to agree, I haven't yet seen an example of gaming that really meets the need of assessment and from this point of view it is hard to justify the ROI.
  • This approach is exemplified in citizen science, where members of the public contribute to scientific projects without needing significant specialist training or expertise
  • Evidence-Based Inquiry Learning across Formal and Informal Settings (PI),
  • Research on "serious games"31
  • peer participant in authentic activities
  • The iSpot Nature Observation Site
    • Paula Shaw
      Have the environment health team just invented a similar app?
  • CMU found that adding metrics to the content itself increased its efficacy for learners by giving them feedback; it also enabled researchers to understand how the online content was being used.34 A mix of methods were applied in OpenLearn to build a picture of activity, combining conventional questionnaires and interviews with monitoring of blogs and analytics.
  • we are carrying out targeted research projects, building capacity through fellowships, and identifying and sharing results.
    • Paula Shaw
      Something we don't yet have the capacity or expertise for? I think when we come to discussing research there will be tension between subject related research on research about online learning
  • Results from research into the open world are of necessity often tentative and based on partial data, which conflicts with some of the norms of academic research — it seems that some Web2.0 principles allowing rapid software development also tolerate the idea of a "permanent beta."35 The slow rate of publication and the demands of review are at odds with busy practitioners' desire to contribute their observations and opinions for rapid reflection.
  • OLnet adopts a model of collective intelligence supported by appropriate tools36 where ideas can be challenged or agreed with rather than proved and assessed.
  • Open research also raises ethical and practical issues. One of OLnet's research subprojects investigates how participatory learning takes place across socially driven sites
  • . The ethical and pragmatic view is that such research activity is appropriate because no harm can be foreseen; realistically, it is not possible to obtain the informed consent we seek in other cases when we gather user data. The next stage in open research is to make the data as well as the conclusions public, and we are taking steps to build this practice into OLnet by providing less formal reports38 as we progress and organizing data in tools for others to access. These methods are still in development, but represent part of the movement toward a new understanding of the role of research and scholarship when information sharing and connections can be made very rapidly.
  • we are exploring the links between these practices to provide a model of digital scholarship.
  • drawing attention to the power openness might have as an agent for change.
  • However, the move to being more open also raises challenges across each of the core functions of a university: business, teaching, and research.
  • Even more significant changes are happening in the world of information, however. Internet systems are causing us to question the value of personal knowledge and to establish new measures of shared and self-published information that has not been judged by conventional academic systems.
  • There is no easy answer as to how to operate in this new world, though it seems unlikely that a face-to-face fixed location model can respond as effectively as other models.
  • in producing educational material, it is important to look beyond the immediate audience to target a potentially wider group of learners.
  • ; the main opportunity may lie not in being a producer of content but rather in being an effective user and supporter of learners using such content
  • , then skills in bringing together good patterns or designs for learning44 and connecting them with assessment and accreditation will be extremely valuable
Paula Shaw

"Teaching Online Made Me a Better Teacher": Studying the Impact of Virtual Course Experiences on Teachers' Face-to-Face Practice - 0 views

    Anecdotal accounts from teachers have long suggested the possibility that virtual teaching experiences have a positive impact on face-to-face teaching practices, a so-called "reverse impact" phenomenon. Survey and focus group data collected as part of a statewide evaluation of a virtual school offered an opportunity to explore this impact. Findings from a study of teacher perceptions indicate that three quarters of teachers who teach in both virtual and traditional environments felt that virtual experiences improved their practice in face-to-face classrooms. The authors discuss three types of impact reflected in teacher comments and discuss tentative implications for teacher preparation programs and for bolstering the rationale for using technology in education. (
Paula Shaw

Evaluation of evidence-based practices in online learning: A meta-analysis and review of online learning studies - 0 views

    A systematic search of the research literature from 1996 through July 2008 identified more than a thousand empirical studies of online learning. Analysts screened these studies to find those that (a) contrasted an online to a face-to-face condition, (b) measured student learning outcomes, (c) used a rigorous research design, and (d) provided adequate information to calculate an effect size. As a result of this screening, 50 independent effects were identified that could be subjected to meta-analysis.
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