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Tracy Viselli

Non-Profit Organizations ‎(Social Brand Index)‎ - 0 views

    non profits on twitter
avivajazz  jazzaviva

3 Steps To Building A Profitable Freelance Business Using Twitter - 0 views

    3 Steps To Building A Profitable Freelance Business Using Twitter
Jennifer Dorman

How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME - 0 views

    Evan Williams and Biz Stone of Twitter Robyn Twomey for TIME ENLARGE + Print Reprints Email Twitter Linkedin Buzz up! (44) Facebook MORE... Add to my: Technorati reddit Google Bookmarks Mixx StumbleUpon Blog this on: TypePad LiveJournal Blogger MySpace The one thing you can say for certain about Twitter is that it makes a terrible first impression. You hear about this new service that lets you send 140-character updates to your "followers," and you think, Why does the world need this, exactly? It's not as if we were all sitting around four years ago scratching our heads and saying, "If only there were a technology that would allow me to send a message to my 50 friends, alerting them in real time about my choice of breakfast cereal." Related Audio Host Katherine Lanpher talks with TIME's Just Fox on stocks vs. bonds and Barbara Kiviat about the housing market's new movement Download | Subscribe Specials The World of Twitter Specials Top 10 Celebrity Twitter Feeds Specials 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business Stories The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher More Related The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher The Future of Twitter I, too, was skeptical at first. I had met Evan Williams, Twitter's co-creator, a couple of times in the dotcom '90s when he was launching Back then, what people worried about was the threat that blogging posed to our attention span, with telegraphic, two-paragraph blog posts replacing long-format articles and books. With Twitter, Williams w
    "Injecting Twitter into that conversation fundamentally changed the rules of engagement. It added a second layer of discussion and brought a wider audience into what would have been a private exchange. And it gave the event an afterlife on the Web. Yes, it was built entirely out of 140-character messages, but the sum total of those tweets added up to something truly substantive, like a suspension bridge made of pebbles."
recriweb prinkipo

Twitter : fiable ou pas fiable? - 0 views

    [Demain tous journalistes ?] "Je profite de la lecture d'un post très intéressant sur la fameuse rumeur qui a couru sur Twitter durant les événements de Mumbai (Bombay) pour répondre aux commentaires générés par mon dernier billet sur le sujet. Stephane Dangel: "Comment par contre, authentifier avec un maximum de certitude une breaking news transmise par twitter ou n'importe quel autre device ?" " (...)
recriweb prinkipo

La Mutation des Microformats - 0 views

    [Notules, Chroniques vagabondes] Comment expliquer le succès phénoménal de Twitter ? "La semaine dernière, en évoquant Europeana, nous avons parlé des portails à très grande échelle. Aujourd'hui, je voudrais discuter l'évolution actuelle des Microformats, surtout celle représentée par le service Twitter. Twitter, c'est l'équivalent d'un SMS sur le web. Les attentats de Bombay ont démontré encore une fois l'utilité et l'importance de la plateforme (des blogueurs ont été les premiers à reporter les attentats et à les suivre en direct): Twitter une communication quasi-instantannée, une multiplicité de voix et de perspectives et une large diversité de contenu. Tel qu'il semble évoluer en ce moment, le service est en train de modifier la culture du réseau en légitimant une pratique ancrée dans la liberté de la contrainte: bavardage et superflu sont éliminés au profit de l'exactitude et de la promptitude" (...)
Elizabeth Koh

Collaboration 2.0? Twitter team-ups for fun and profit - 7 views

    While offering only 3 concrete pointers for collaboration, the article does paint a positive future for twitter.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Twitter And (Not) Monetizing The Attention Economy - 0 views

    "I actually believe Twitter will find a way to make some coin off its service-in the barest, basest and crudest form." -Jon Fine, Fine On Media
B Ginther

We Skip Because We Can : Find and Convert Blog: Inbound Marketing Strategies - 2 views

  • is a non-profit with a simple idea. Skip doing just one thing for a day…a coffee, a car wash, a pack of gum and give the money you would have spent on that small luxury to help fight world hunger. Skip1 doesn't have splashy billboards, ads, commercials or any of the traditional trappings of branding campaigns. uses social media to spread their message by engaging people and building relationships. @Skip1 is on Twitter. Skip1dotorg is on YouTube. has a fan page on Facebook, an active blog, and numerous page 1 Google rankings of its web pages and of blog posts by everyday folks to celebrities about the charity's good works.
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