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Home/ Twitter Freaks/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Elizabeth Koh

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Elizabeth Koh

Elizabeth Koh

Twitter - Mahalo - 0 views

    Factsheet on Twitter and several related links
Elizabeth Koh

MICROSHARING | Pistachio - 0 views

  • Twitter is a collection of remarks
  • Microsharing reduces the emotional and intellectual distance between people and helps them become more engaged, connected, effective and collaborative
  • As increasingly larger communities engage, rich streams of information generated become resources in their own right. Data can be queried, followed, stored, researched and referenced to provide critical insight, knowledge and tracking of market opinion. The resulting datasets enable early discovery of latent problems, innovation capture, real time tracking of product awareness, breaking news, ad campaign effectiveness and dozens of other business applications not yet widely understood.
Elizabeth Koh

Unit Structures - Twitter as Courseware - 0 views

  • When I log into BlackBoard, I see about 30 different things I can do, and for each I have to click a link and go to a page to do the action.  Twitter strips away the features, instead using an inherently flexible textual space to facilitate communication, accomplishing the same goal of other feature-ridden “course technology.
  • I see Twitter’s artificial limit on post size as an important factor in classroom success.  First, it keeps the information space managable, meaning information is economized and easily retrievable
  • Twitter’s short form as a communication equalizer
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • “overfunctioning” leads to a segmentation of communication,
  • Twitter is the opposite of segmentation, forcing all communication through a single, flexible channel.  This creates the impression of activity, again stimulating discussion.
Elizabeth Koh

Logic+Emotion: The Human Feed: How Twitter & Networks Filter Signal From Noise - 0 views

  • one of the functions that networks such as Twitter does is to serve as something of a human powered feed, a real time living stream of links, content and conversation often times generated by our friends, peers or the people we look to as "filters"—indivisuals who we trust to seperate the wheat from chaff.
  • the internet is still about information—but it's also about attention
  • We have a deficit in attention.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • We all suffer from technology induced attention deficit disorder,
  • Bookmarks don't help—now we need tools like  And of course we need Google more than ever. And there's once more thing we need. We need each other to make sense of it all. We need a Web with a human touch to help guide us through the fragmented, landscape of the internet. And that's where the human feed comes in.
  • power in the human feed
  • Often times the quality of links and information I get on Twitter is better than what I would have gotten from Google because the knowledge of the human feed is deep, niche, and fickle.
  • It's not always about size—it's also about quality
Elizabeth Koh

Twitter Fan Wiki / Groups - 0 views

    instructions, ideas and tips on how to use twitter
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