A widget that aggregates a bunch of different twitter conversations that teachers are having on twitter. It's a great way to display what your PLN is saying right from your blog.
Twups is a twitter aggregator, pulling the most popular twitter topics into one place, so you can keep up to date on what is going on in the world, via twitter. We also make it super easy to reply directly to a tweet, or even retweet something you find on Twups directly from your Twitter account.
All topics can be found via category or alphabetically, you can also do a quick search. You can also suggest topics via our
Eddy is a media aggregation platform built for the public display of up-to-the-minute activity on realtime services like Twitter. It offers three primary features: rapid collection and curation of what people are saying about an event, moderation of acceptable material, and speedy, reliable republishing of these conversational streams. Setup of the application is fast and easy, and made specifically for use by interactive media designers.
Most important from your Twitter stream
The Tweeted Times aggregates news in your Twitter stream and ranks them by popularity among your friends. Never loose any important news!
The old static blog is indeed dying. But it's being resurrected by Wordpress as a real-time social media personal portal. Check out Buddy Press and P2; they help you aggregate your Facebook/Twitter material inside your blog.
At Combo our goal make you the center of the social web. We want to make your favorite sites communicate with each other. We want all your friends, everywhere, to be able to interact with you and each other. Our initial beta product is a dashboard for your social web experience. We're going to roll out awesome new features regularly on your Combo, so login and buckle up.