Twups is a twitter aggregator, pulling the most popular twitter topics into one place, so you can keep up to date on what is going on in the world, via twitter. We also make it super easy to reply directly to a tweet, or even retweet something you find on Twups directly from your Twitter account.
All topics can be found via category or alphabetically, you can also do a quick search. You can also suggest topics via our
Tweet Tweet is a plugin for WordPress that will archive your tweets, and the tweets of everyone you follow, plus replies you receive from strangers, and direct messages too. All these tweets will be stored safely in your database.
iTweet is the best interface for using Twitter on the iPhone or the Web! Built-in autorefresh, search and hashtags. Full follow, block and notifications features. See current Twitter trends with one click. Watch conversations with inline 'in reply to' links. Created by Colby Palmer using the Twitter API.
Twitter is a lot like a dinner with a large group of friends at a big table in a busy restaurant. Everyone is chatting, there's a lot being said, and if you're not focused on a particular conversation, it sounds downright noisy. So just like a large group setting in real life, there are some conventions about how people tune in to listen and the most effective ways to be sociable.
Topify, a simple but powerful tool, saves a lot of time and energy when replying to direct messages and responding to new followers. Topify also has an added value in detecting spam followers.