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my mashable

Posterous : Post Your Images to Popular Twitter clients With New API - 0 views

    Recently Posterous joined Twitpic for sharing images on Twitter. Posterous is a simple place to post anything including images, videos, mp3 and files by sending an email to in reply you can see your post at new API let users to post your image to some of the most popular Twitter clients either from desktop or from your iPhone.
Phil Slade

Buffer - Be Awesome on Social Media - 1 views

    Buffer is a great tool that helps you schedule posts on Twitter and Facebook. Essentially, any given time you are online you populate Buffer with the content you want to publish and the application schedules your posts based on the days and times you configured."
qualitypoint Tech

No need to remember our URL to use Twitter MultiPost - 6 views

    In our previous post we have introduced our "Twitter multipost" application. As mentioned in that post, we have created bookmarklet for using this tool very easily.
Gianto Widianto

Tips on Facebook, crowd sourcing and Twitter for journalists « Save the Media - 0 views

  • Crowd sourcing: If you have no idea what crowd sourcing is or how it could work for journalists, you must read this post on Beat Blogging. The post gives simple examples where journalists are asking readers for story ideas or for their opinions. For example, the post showcases a Sacramento Bee reporter using his blog to crowd source opinions on what it’s like to be back after being furloughed because of California state budget constraints. We used to just call this good reporting.
  • Tweeting news: If you’re skeptical of the value of Twitter to news organizations, read this post. It explains how the news of the fatal plane crash this week in Buffalo spread through Twitter with frequent updates. Twitter gives a blow by blow witness description of the crash that you couldn’t get from a traditional news source until much later. Why wouldn’t newspapers want to be able to break news in this immediate way?
Jeff Johnson

Even Gen X is aTwitter - TIME - 0 views

    If posting on a traditional long-form blog feels too ponderous and sporadic for you, Twitter may be more your speed: it limits your micro-blogposts to just 140 characters, and you can post your dispatches from your iPhone, BlackBerry or any other mobile device capable of text-messaging on-the-go.
Mike Chelen

twhirl | the social software client - 0 views

shared by Mike Chelen on 01 Feb 09 - Cached
  • Download and install the latest twhirl release
    twhirl is a social software desktop client, based on the Adobe AIR platform. Some of twhirl's features: * runs on both Windows (2000/XP/Vista) and Mac OSX * connects to multiple Twitter,, Friendfeed and seesmic accounts * notifications on new messages * shorten long URLs (using snurl, twurl or * cross-post twitter updates to Pownce and Jaiku * post images to TwitPic * search tweets using Twitter Search and TweetScan * timeline filtering * color schemes * automatically check for new versions There are a lot more things twhirl can do to improve your twitter experience, and it offers various configuration options to adapt to your personal needs.
Rick Powell

Flickr4Twitter - 7 views

    "Flickr4Twitter is the easiest way to upload your photos to Flickr and post them to Twitter. Flickr4Twitter was designed to let you upload your photos from Tweetie 2 to Flickr, but you can also post through the web with"
my mashable

Pixelpipe : Upload & Share Picture Directly from Browser to Social Web - 0 views

    I usually had a big problem on handling more social media website account. I think most of the users come across the same problem. Recently i had a chance to hear about Pixelpipe. On the very first look i really amazed about the features. Initially this site used to post your digital pictures, videos, and audio files to a growing number of different services with only a few clicks. This site seems to be similar as, which allows post to text based messages.
Vicki Davis

How to Change the World: How to Use Twitter as a Twool - 0 views

  • By simply monitoring what people are saying about you, you’re using Twitter better than 95% of the companies out there.
    • Vicki Davis
      Motrin could have learned this lesson!
  • Don’t be shy about asking people on Twitter to spread the word for you.
  • most people don’t have the chutzpah to ask for help.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • automatically post Alltop news as their tweets (
  • anyone who signed up for the Alltop Twitterfeed.
  • 450 people had a total of 140,000 followers
  • I started receiving about five complaints a day—still, the math was good: five complaints from 140,000 exposures? I can deal with complaints but, in a sense, my idea worked too well.
  • 600 people signed up for it. That was surprisingly high, but what’s even more interesting is that only fifty of the 450 Twitterfeed folks stopped doing it.
  • We got to talking about how she increased her traffic, and she told me that a “Post to Twitter” link was the most effective mechanism.
  • Now there is a “Post to Twitter” button on every Alltop topic page.
Lucy Gray

Feed Your Twitter Curiosity - 25 Unmissable Posts On Twitter - 0 views

    "There are hundreds of articles on Twitter all over the web, so I am not going to waste your time or mine on how to use twitter or the importance of it. All I can say is Twitter is the best thing that has been around in terms of marketing and networking." - direct quote from post
    Below you will find 25 links to help you get started on Twitter and how to use and maximize opportunities using it's service.
Valerie B.

loudtwitter: What is LoudTwitter? - 0 views

    "LoudTwitter is the bridge that posts to your blog your daily tweets."
Valerie B.

twitabit: post your tweets here when twitter is down - 0 views

shared by Valerie B. on 19 Jun 08 - Cached
    Post your tweets here when twitter is down - and we'll queue them up and make sure they get delivered.
Sheryl A. McCoy

n2teaching: Twitter Archive Mosaic - 0 views

    blog post describes a new web application, "Get followers Mosaic", and how to use it.
    practice run using the new web application, "Get Followers Mosaic"; walterhiggins application for Twitter
Ann Oro

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Free Twitter tutorial on Viddler - 0 views

    Blog post linking to Viddler video tutorial about Twitter
    Link to Vicki's post about a Viddler tutorial for Twitter.
Heather Dowd

Utterz - Mobile post to your blog or social network page - 0 views

    Share and discuss your news instantly on Utterz. Mobile post to your blog, twitter, facebook or page or other website instantly, anytime right from your cell phone.
    Share and discuss your news instantly on Utterz. Mobile post to your blog, twitter, facebook or page or other website instantly, anytime right from your cell phone.
Jennifer Dorman

How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live - TIME - 0 views

    Evan Williams and Biz Stone of Twitter Robyn Twomey for TIME ENLARGE + Print Reprints Email Twitter Linkedin Buzz up! (44) Facebook MORE... Add to my: Technorati reddit Google Bookmarks Mixx StumbleUpon Blog this on: TypePad LiveJournal Blogger MySpace The one thing you can say for certain about Twitter is that it makes a terrible first impression. You hear about this new service that lets you send 140-character updates to your "followers," and you think, Why does the world need this, exactly? It's not as if we were all sitting around four years ago scratching our heads and saying, "If only there were a technology that would allow me to send a message to my 50 friends, alerting them in real time about my choice of breakfast cereal." Related Audio Host Katherine Lanpher talks with TIME's Just Fox on stocks vs. bonds and Barbara Kiviat about the housing market's new movement Download | Subscribe Specials The World of Twitter Specials Top 10 Celebrity Twitter Feeds Specials 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business Stories The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher More Related The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher The TIME 100: The Twitter Guys by Ashton Kutcher The Future of Twitter I, too, was skeptical at first. I had met Evan Williams, Twitter's co-creator, a couple of times in the dotcom '90s when he was launching Back then, what people worried about was the threat that blogging posed to our attention span, with telegraphic, two-paragraph blog posts replacing long-format articles and books. With Twitter, Williams w
    "Injecting Twitter into that conversation fundamentally changed the rules of engagement. It added a second layer of discussion and brought a wider audience into what would have been a private exchange. And it gave the event an afterlife on the Web. Yes, it was built entirely out of 140-character messages, but the sum total of those tweets added up to something truly substantive, like a suspension bridge made of pebbles."
Jerry Swiatek

Post longer tweets on Twitter | Twerbose - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 19 Jun 09 - No Cached
    twerbose lets you post much bigger tweets to twitter. We realize that sometimes you just have more to say and 140 characters simply won't do the trick. So spew it here and let us take care of the rest.
Janos Haits

SearchHash: make your own spreadsheet of hashtagged tweets to savour - 1 views

    Want to save or analyse all the tweets which used a particular hashtag? Enter a hashtag below to get a list of all the tweets which referenced it, to download as a CSV spreadsheet or share with friends or colleagues - great for post-event analysis. No logins or spam tweets involved, promise.
Janos Haits

Vizify TweetSheet - 0 views

    Vizify's TweetSheet showcases revealing details from your tweetstream, including: top followers, geographic impact, most-retweeted posts, and more.
Baxter Tocher

efemr - 2 views

shared by Baxter Tocher on 08 May 13 - No Cached
    Free app that allows you to post time-limited tweets.
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