TWEET SUCCESS: Why We Love Twitter's 140 Character Limit - 0 views
Even so, I can be away from Twitter for hours on end and feel absolutely no compunction to go back and read the tweets I missed. Nor is there any social expectation to do so. That’s refreshing!
efemr - 2 views - 5 views
Blogspotting Looking for Tweets on how social media has changed - BusinessWeek - 0 views
To include more, we'll limit each one to the Twitter capacity of 140 characters. We're looking for insights on how social media has changed business, media, technology, life, not necessarily in that order. Anyone who wants can either leave 140-character comments here, or Twitter them addressed to @stevebaker
Twitter Limits Following to 2,000 | Brent Csutoras - 0 views
Even Gen X is aTwitter - TIME - 0 views
Twitter Comes Clean - 0 views
Horton Hears a Tweet (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 6 views
Although there are many definitions of student engagement, we see it as the time and energy students devote to educationally purposeful activities and the extent to which the university encourages students to participate in activities that lead to their academic success.
With Twitter, as with all social-networking tools, the value of the experience hinges on three things: (1) who you are connected to and with; (2) how frequently you participate; and (3) how conscientious you are about contributing value to the community. Therefore, to establish relevance and to make sure students got off to a good start, we took the following steps:
"Because social-networking tools are forums for personalized, socially focused conversations, the communities that spring from these tools are person/people-centered. As Porter explained, this person/people-centeredness results in the value of participation being opaque for anyone who is not participating. To address this problem, we made sure that students who chose not to participate (because the value of participation is opaque for them) had access to our tweets by incorporating an RSS feed-like Twitter widget in our LMS. (See Figure 5.) Many widgets like these can be found online, although we should note that this particular widget has limitations. As seen in the example in Figure 5, the widget only displays Joni's posts, not the back-and-forth exchanges between her and members of her network. Students might incorrectly assume that the interaction is one-sided and less than dynamic. Besides keeping students apprised of the resources we shared via Twitter, however, this widget allowed them to vicariously discover Twitter's value. Some students later chose to join us in Twitter because they had a better understanding of what they were getting into because its value was less opaque. Ultimately, we found that Twitter helped us achieve our student-engagement objective, but we also quickly discovered that students' Twitter participation led to other notable instructional outcomes."
Twitter is testing Location-based Trending Topics - 4 views - 3 views Reminders That Think Like You Do - 0 views
Typically, when you schedule something - at least something happening in the immediate future - you don't spell out the date and time, but rather say something along the lines of "let's have lunch on Friday at noon." And that's where looks to differentiate itself in the crowded market for reminder services. The service takes a Twitter-like approach to getting reminder data from you, with a 140-character limited form that wants you to input the answer to "remind me about …" Input things like "Mashable event Thursday at 6pm," "flight tomorrow at 8am," or "basketball next Monday at 7pm," and figures out the date and adds it to your reminder lists.
Twitter Increases API Limit - 0 views
The Limits of Twitter - 0 views
Unit Structures - Twitter as Courseware - 0 views
When I log into BlackBoard, I see about 30 different things I can do, and for each I have to click a link and go to a page to do the action. Twitter strips away the features, instead using an inherently flexible textual space to facilitate communication, accomplishing the same goal of other feature-ridden “course technology.
I see Twitter’s artificial limit on post size as an important factor in classroom success. First, it keeps the information space managable, meaning information is economized and easily retrievable
Twitter’s short form as a communication equalizer
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