communication arts - 0 views
EdReach- The Education Media Network - 0 views
We all want one thing- to take education forward. As much as we may argue, we still want what's best for our future thinkers and creators that are sitting behind little tiny desks and also behind great big board room tables.Education has never gotten the voice that it's truly deserved- just check any Online newspaper and look for the education section. Keep looking- because you won't find it there.But you will find that section here.We are that section, and here's what we're all about:The Ed Reach Mission:To take education forward, by bringing voices togetherThe Ed Reach Vision:Ed Reach provides a platform for passionate, outspoken educators- aiming to strengthen their voices by highlighting innovation in the field of education, through reporting critical educational news and providing commentary and criticism of the educational issues of the day.The Ed Reach Values:To give education a clear and resounding voice.To be a platform for educational innovation.To provide a new lens for educational exploration.To be a leading voice in educational commentary and communication.To provide support for developing leaders in the field of education.If you believe as we do, we hope you'll join us on this quest: to keep education relevant- every single day.
LeadCast Blog on Co-Teaching - 9 views
Diane Lauer forwarded this to me - sent to her by Roger Quintanilla. Great that so many departments are researching!
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When searching around on the parent site for this blog "Leadscape", I found some great PD modules with resources through the Professional Learning tab. No time to look through yet but there is a wealth of info!!
I briefly looked over the Inclusive Education for Equity module. Very interesting. This is a whole systems change.
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