Digital Urban: A Photoshop for Graphs - Introducing Gephi - 4 views
Wildcat2030 wildcat on 30 Mar 10"The last 12 months have seen the release of vast amounts of publicly available data, which has led to a bit of conundrum on how to easily visualise complex networks. What is needed is a 'Photoshop for Graphs' which is exactly what Gephi is. In short, Gephi is an interactive visualization and exploration platform for all kinds of networks and complex systems, dynamic and hierarchical graphs - the movie is great: "
Wildcat2030 wildcat on 31 Mar 10no, not yet. no time.. but as soon as possible will do, tackling the twine thingy becomes a life project..:-) yeah but I was thinking on the same lines, to somehow graphically represent the network activity we have had on twine. if you do use it pls report. thks