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New group forms to protest NYC 'Safe Hotels Act' | USA 2024 - 0 views

    A NEW GROUP, led by two Indo American hoteliers, has formed to oppose the New York City Council's proposed "Safe Hotels Act," otherwise known as Intro 991. The new group, the NYC Minority Hotel Association, joins other associations including AAHOA, the American Hotel & Lodging Association and the Hotel Association of New York City in saying the proposed ordinance would damage the city's hotel business. The bill, originally proposed by Councilwoman Julie Menin on July 18 and revised on Aug. 2, would require hotels to obtain a license in order to operate in the city. "The application term would be two years, and there would be an license fee of $200. Hotels would be required to maintain continuous front desk coverage and large hotels would be required to have continuous coverage by at least one security guard," the city says on its website. "All hotels would be required to maintain the cleanliness of each guest room. The licensee would be required to directly employ their core employees, subject to enumerated exceptions. Hotels that violate the license conditions would be subject to civil penalties."

NYC mayor signs 'Safe Hotels Act' into law amid industry protests 2024 - 0 views

    NEW YORK CITY Mayor Eric Adams signed the Safe Hotels Act on Nov. 4, requiring hotels across the five boroughs to obtain operating licenses. The act, sponsored by City Council Member Julie Menin, faced opposition from industry groups like AAHOA and the American Hotel and Lodging Association and was revised twice before passing. The new law, also called Intro. 0991, establishes stricter standards on safety, staffing, cleaning and licensing to enforce protections for workers and guests, according to the mayor's office. "Our top priority from day one has been to keep people safe, and that includes protecting workers and tourists at our city's hotels," Adams said. "That's why we are expanding protections for the working-class New Yorkers who run our hotels and the guests who use them. The Safe Hotels Act ensures our hotels are safe, healthy, and clean, enabling our tourism industry to thrive and create jobs. This is a win for working people, the tourism and hotel industry, and all New Yorkers."

'Protect NYC Tourism Coalition' marches against hotel bill - 0 views

    MORE THAN A thousand hotel owners, workers and small business owners from the newly formed "Protect NYC Tourism Coalition" rallied on the steps of New York's City Hall on Sept. 12 to protest the city council's "Safe Hotels" bill. The coalition also sent a letter urging the council to reject the bill, also known as "Int. 991", arguing that the bill threatens the sustainability of New York City's hotel and tourism industries and jeopardizes the livelihoods of thousands of workers. The coalition includes members from AAHOA, the American Hotel & Lodging Association, the Hotel Association of New York City, the Real Estate Board of New York, the Coalition for Hotel Subcontractors, the NYC Minority Hotel Association, the National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators, and Developers, along with other groups and stakeholders supporting New York City's tourism industry. First introduced by Councilwoman Julie Menin over the summer, Int. 991 is presented by supporters as a "simple licensing bill." Opponents argue it would impose operational mandates that could drive many hotels out of business, jeopardizing 42,000 hotel jobs and nearly 260,000 jobs supported by the industry, along with billions in revenue for New York City.

NYC Council passes Safe Hotels Act despite industry pushback - 0 views

    THE NEW YORK City Council passed the controversial Safe Hotels Act, also known as Intro. 991, on Wednesday, despite strong opposition from industry groups like AAHOA and the American Hotel & Lodging Association. The council's Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection approved the bill, requiring hotel operators to obtain a license to operate in New York City. The associations argued that the bill, introduced by Councilwoman Julie Menin on July 18, will have a damaging impact on New York's hotels and economy, particularly minority-owned businesses. AAHOA said the revisions made during the legislative process fail to address industry concerns. "While we acknowledge the passage of the Safe Hotels Act and the attempt to accommodate smaller properties, this revision still falls short of addressing our broader concerns with the legislation. Hoteliers of all sizes deserve the flexibility to manage their operations effectively to ensure efficiency and guest satisfaction," said Miraj Patel, AAHOA chairman. "The unintended consequences of this act will disproportionately affect minority-owned businesses, stifling entrepreneurship and innovation in the hospitality sector."

Hospitality professionals oppose NYC's 'Safe Hotels Act' at city hall - 0 views

    HUNDREDS OF HOSPITALITY professionals gathered at City Hall to oppose Intro 991, the "Safe Hotels Act," highlighting its detrimental effects on NYC hotels, subcontractors, and small businesses. This follows last month's protest, which drew more than 1,500 attendees. Intro 991, despite being framed as a safety measure, imposes costly mandates that threaten the survival of the city's hotels, risking over 265,000 jobs and billions in tax revenue, according to industry associations. Representatives from the American Hotel & Lodging Association and AAHOA were among the protesters. "Intro 991 targets a single industry and will inflict sweeping harm on the hotel sector, the economy, and hotel guests," said Kevin Carey, AHLA's interim president and CEO. "The bill will have devastating, unintended consequences for New York City's tourism and hospitality industries, forcing many hotels and small businesses to close. We urge the city council to reconsider and find real solutions that protect both safety and livelihoods." Since the legislation was introduced in July, AAHOA members have reached out to the council, urging them to reconsider the act. AAHOA Northeast regional director Preyas Patel, past chairwoman Jagruti Panwala, former young professional director Purvi Panwala and AAHOA member Mitesh Ahir addressed the council after the event.

NYC Council postpones hearing on 'Hotel Licensing' bill - 0 views

    THE NEW YORK City Council postponed a hearing, originally scheduled for July 30, on the "Safe Hotels Act" bill in response to protests from industry associations and hotel owners. The American Hotel & Lodging Association and AAHOA argued that the bill would disrupt their members' businesses and significantly harm the city's nearly 700 hotels and approximately 265,000 employees. The associations welcomed the delay, allowing more time for feedback before the legislative process continues. "Over the last 10 days, NYC's hotel industry and the tourism economy have rallied to speak with one voice and resoundingly make clear that the Hotel Licensing bill introduced in the City Council has the potential to devastate New York City's hotel industry," said Kevin Carey, AHLA's interim president and CEO. "We are grateful for the support of our members, hotel industry coalition partners, and our allies in the restaurant and real estate community for helping to avert an economic disaster in New York City that no one wants."

Revised NYC hotel licensing bill 2024 sparks mixed reactions - 0 views

    DESPITE SOME REVISIONS, the American Hotel & Lodging Association, AAHOA and the NYC Minority Hotel Association remain opposed to New York City's hotel licensing bill, citing concerns about significant economic harm to small, family-owned, immigrant and minority-owned businesses. However, the Hotel Association of New York City dropped its opposition after securing changes to the bill, which requires operators to obtain a license. New York City Councilwoman Julie Menin's original bill faced strong backlash from operators, who argued that the measure, presented as a way to address unsafe and unsanitary conditions, was actually intended to favor unionized hotels. A hearing on the bill is set for Oct. 9, with a positive deal paving the way for its passage. "We are thrilled to announce major progress on an agreement for the Safe Hotels Act! We will be hearing the bill on Oct. 9 and look forward to a productive hearing," Menin wrote on X. In July, Menin promoted her bill as a measure to crack down on crime in hotels.
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