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Kenneth Griswold

Core Connection: ASCD Releases Report on Common Core State Standards Implementation - 1 views

    #commoncore updates from around the nation, a round-up of free #CCSS resources and more, all in latest Core Connection:
Kenneth Griswold

LearnZillion - 2 views

  • for free
  • Lesson commentary
  • Lesson slides
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Kenneth Griswold
      Like the clean, easy to read design of video lessons.  colorful, visual depictions.
    • Deborah McCoy
      I agree this is a great website. Very clean and easy to use.
    A large collection of free video lessons addressing Math and ELA Common Core Standards.   Also includes commentary from teachers, sllides to use on interactive whiteboards, and more.   
Kenneth Griswold

Education Week: Common Standards Drive New Approaches to Reading - 0 views

    Article provides an overview of shifts in reading instruction driven by the Common Core State Standards
Kenneth Griswold

PD360- Common Core Resources - 0 views

    As part of your PD360 account, you have access to a wealth of excellent resources to help you unpack common core state standards and "see it in action" from real teachers in real classrooms.   The Learning Progression tool makes it easy to browse the standards, see how they spiral from grade to grade, and see videos from real classroom aligned to standards.  Additional videos are being added regularly. 
Kenneth Griswold

Where the Common Core Meets Common Sense | November Learning - 1 views

  • Research shows that students primarily use one search engine and then only look at the first page of results.
  • our students have weaker research skills as a result of not being taught the rigor and discipline of using Google and other search tools across the curriculum in all grade levels
  • Our general analysis is that our students don’t know that they don’t know.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • common sense and the Common Core.
  • Most states will have to rethink their approach to teaching critical analysis of all kinds of information, as the standards require that students be able to: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism; Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research; and Interpret mathematical results in the context of a situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.
    This article from Alan November discusses "web literacy" and the kinds of skills essential for digitally literate students and where these skills are found in the Common Core State Standards.   He makes a compelling argument for teaching these skills to students and provides some ideas about how it may be accomplished.
Anne Marie Littrell

Polk Bros. Foundation Center for Urban Education - 0 views

    Graphic Organizers
Kenneth Griswold

PARCC Task Prototypes and New Sample Items for ELA/literacy | PARCC - 1 views

    In a press release on Monday, August 19, PARCC, the assessment consortium developing the CCSS tests, announced the release of additional paper-based sample test items in ELA and math. This is great news for us as we work to implement CCSS and PARCC-like assessment in our classrooms. On the PARCC website, you will see a list of links for each grade level and subject in the left sidebar. Visiting each link brings you to a page with a table describing the kinds of tasks that will appear on the PARCC assessment. Links to the sample items are within this table. Let us know if you have any questions!
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