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Kenneth Griswold

Apple Award Winner Teaches With 'Avalanche' - - 1 views

  • Remember “Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek,” the multimedia project called “the future of Web storytelling,” which we chose as our Reading Club selection in January?Well, given that our mission is “teaching and learning with The New York Times,” when we came across this video of Russell Loucks, a Language Arts teacher at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Highlands Ranch, Colo., using it to teach his students to tell their own multimedia stories, we had to post it.
    This video and article who how an award winning teacher uses an amazing example of digital storytelling from the New York Times to teach about the "future of storytelling" to his middle school students and to inspire their own multimedia digital stories.  Check it out!
Kenneth Griswold

Teaching Higher Order Thinking Skills In Middle School - 0 views

    In this video from the Teaching Channel, you will see teachers demonstrating the strategies they use to help student engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others'€™ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Kenneth Griswold

48 Common Core Standards-aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf - 1 views

    48 Common Core Standards-Aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf via @TeachThought
    48 Common Core Standards-Aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf via @TeachThought
Kenneth Griswold

Teaching Geography- Annenberg Learner - 0 views

    An eight-part professional development workshop on Teaching Geography for teachers from Annenberg Learner.  This is a self-guided interactive workshop perfect for new teachers of geography.  There are model lessons here complete with resources, video narratives, and more.  A wealth of FREE resources.
Kenneth Griswold

Teaching Writing with Google Docs | Diigo - 0 views

    In this article, a writing teacher describes why she uses Goigle docs when teaching writing.
Kenneth Griswold

TeachingChannel: Inspirational Teaching Videos- Covering Common Core, Math, Science, En... - 0 views

    This is an excellent collection of short videos demonstrating real classrooms with real teachers and real students.   There are currently 157 clips in the Common Core topic across all grades and subject areas.  There are great teaching ideas here. The videos of lessons also often include the materials for the lesson such as lesson plans, handouts, slides, etc.
Kenneth Griswold

Where the Common Core Meets Common Sense | November Learning - 1 views

  • Research shows that students primarily use one search engine and then only look at the first page of results.
  • our students have weaker research skills as a result of not being taught the rigor and discipline of using Google and other search tools across the curriculum in all grade levels
  • Our general analysis is that our students don’t know that they don’t know.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • common sense and the Common Core.
  • Most states will have to rethink their approach to teaching critical analysis of all kinds of information, as the standards require that students be able to: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism; Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research; and Interpret mathematical results in the context of a situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.
    This article from Alan November discusses "web literacy" and the kinds of skills essential for digitally literate students and where these skills are found in the Common Core State Standards.   He makes a compelling argument for teaching these skills to students and provides some ideas about how it may be accomplished.
Kenneth Griswold

CUE Conference Keynote: Common Core - Transforming Teaching & Learning | Catlin Tucker,... - 1 views

    Catlin Tucker is a public high school English teacher, blogger, and google certified teacher.   She is an expert in using technology to support engaged learning in the English classroom.  This is her keynote from a recent educational technology event where she talks about she is meeting the challenge of the Common Core in her classroom.  If you teach English, you will definitely want to follow her blog and follow her on twitter @CTuckerEnglish
Kenneth Griswold

Learn360 - Home Page - 0 views

    Large collection of educational videos available via district subscription. organized by subject, state standards and common core. Teachers may create playlists to use in teaching and even download clips to share if needed. Contact Kenneth Griswold or your administrator for access if you do not have an account.
Kenneth Griswold

121resources - Teaching with Technology - 3 views

    Nicely organized Wiki aligning apps to Marzano's effective instructional strategies, organized by tool type, and organized by task.
Kenneth Griswold

6 Apps That Teach Math Concepts - 1 views

    via Edudemic
Anne Marie Littrell

Education World: Tools for Teaching - 1 views

    Classroom Management- Time Saving
Kenneth Griswold

Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | PARCC - 0 views

    Mississippi is a member state in the Partnershiop for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), the organization responsible for developing the next generation assessments which will be used to assess Common Core Standards in English and math.   The site provides a wealth of resources for assessment and teaching for common core standards.
Kenneth Griswold

17 Measurement Apps for Math and Science From edshelf - 0 views

    "If you teach math or science, you will likely find yourself asking your students to take out their rulers, compasses, protractors, thermometers, altimeters, and other measuring devices. Being able to see with a ruler and a protractor how a triangle with two equal sides really does have two equal angles can be powerful. Glenda Stewart-Smith of Surrey School District #36 in Canada put together this collection of iPhone and iPad apps that offer all of these measuring abilities and more."
Kenneth Griswold

Browse Lesson Plans - 1 views

    Milam Social Studies Teachers- These lesson plans for teaching geography may be a perfect complement to your Mississippi Social Studies standards in 6th grade.  There are some excellent examples here.
Kenneth Griswold

Inspirational Teaching Videos: Covering Common Core, Math, Science, English And More - 0 views

    The Teacher Channel aims to provide innovative videos and resources to educators to meet its goals of building teacher-driven professional learning, deepening and improving opportunities for teacher learning, and elevating and celebrating teachers in society. The website includes a growing collection of videos that focus on the Common Core State Standards, some of which focus on the background of the Common Core in certain grades/subjects, while others highlight instructional practices aligned to specific standards. 
Kenneth Griswold

Synchronous Editing with Google Docs to Teach the Common Core | Catlin Tucker, Honors E... - 2 views

    One of my favorite bloggers, Catlin Tucker @CTuckerEnglish, describes how she used Google docs to give real time feedback to student writers.
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