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Permanent Link to "Police crack down on Nile Cotton Co Workers بواسل الداخلية... - 0 views

    What started as a good day ended in shit! The police intimidated journalists and photographers covering the Nile Cotton workers sit-in by the parliament, before cracking down on the strikers, using sticks and batons, suspending their sit-in by brutal force… I'm finally home, but I'm a bit tired so I'll snooze shewaya, but will upload more pix and blog later tonight… And to the Sheriff of the Sayyeda Zeinab Police Station, who gave us a long patriotic speech, promising the journalists leaving the sit-in that nothing was gonna happen to the strikers: You are a fucking disgusting liar, and hopefully next time I'll snap a picture of your ugly face to add to the Piggipedia…
Per Bjorklund

Claims of British collusion in torture spread to Egypt | World news | The Guardian - 0 views

  • A policy governing the interrogation of terrorism suspects in Pakistan that led to British citizens and residents being tortured was devised by MI5 lawyers and figures in government, according to evidence heard in court during a hearing brought on behalf of Binyam Mohamed, the British resident freed from Guantánamo last month.
  • number of British terrorism suspects have been tortured there, both before and after interrogation by MI5 officers; and they and their lawyers say there is clear evidence that British officials have been aiding and abetting their mistreatment. However, Khan, from Slough, Berkshire, is the first British national to allege British collusion in torture in Egypt
  • Khan says he was led along a corridor into a room where a number of people were being tortured from time to time. He says he was beaten around the body with sticks and subjected to occasional, unexpected electric shocks. His captors shouted at him and beat him if he tried to sit or lie down, he says, although he was occasionally allowed to rest. He says he received little food or drink. Around him, he says, were a number of other people who were also being beaten and tortured, including one man who spoke English with a British accent and prayed during beatings. From other cells within the prison he could hear screaming from both men and women throughout the day and night. During interrogations, which took place twice a day, he says he was asked in English about his friends and associates in Slough, Berkshire, in Crawley, West Sussex, and in east London
    Allegations of British collusion in torture have widened to Egypt, where a young British man says he suffered appalling mistreatment during a week of illegal detention while being interrogated on the basis of information that he says can only have come from the UK.
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