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yc c

Welcome to Learning Tools - 8 views

    Timeline Tool 2.0 Recently improved from Timeline 1.0, The Timeline Tool 2.0 is a web- based tool that allows an instructor to construct an interactive timeline with audio and visual effects.  Multimedia Learning Object Authoring Tool enables content experts to easily combine video, audio, images and texts into one synchronized learning object.  Handwriting Toolis a language learning tool designed to help students learn to write and use asian characters. Vocabulary Memorization Platform Image Annotation Tool allows instructors to upload images and quickly create text boxes referring to parts of a diagram, painting, or photo. The tool will provide a link to the annotated image which can then be distributed to students.  Language Pronunciation Tool
yc c

Google Maps: Timeline - 5 views

    Explore your timeline - Rediscover the places you've been and the routes you've traveled in your timeline. (Or map historical routes)
yc c

Google News Timeline - 0 views

    Google News Timeline is a web application that organizes search results chronologically. It allows users to view news and other data sources on a browsable, graphical timeline. Available data sources include recent and historical news, scanned newspapers and magazines, blog posts, sports scores, and information about various types of media, like music albums and movies.
yc c

World History - 8 views

    Create your own biography timeline and map, add your ancestors and view them on a historical map. Interactive Maps, Timelines, Videos, Geocoded Photos, and Museum Artifacts await you on
yc c

AllofMe | Timeline yourself - 14 views

    Automatically create a Personal Timeline of your life from any digital assets you have, such as pictures, videos, blogs, documents, or any internet page.
yc c

AllofMe's Timeline RSS Feed Reader - 4 views

    Create an embeddable, visual interactive Timeline of your content from almost* any RSS feed
Janos Haits

Create, view, explore and contribute to interactive digital timelines - 13 views

    whenintime is a web application that enables you to create, explore and view timelines on the topic of your choice
yc c

TimeGlider: Web-based Timeline Software - 7 views

    timeline software for creating and sharing history and project planning
yc c

Preceden - Timelines for Everything - 6 views

    Preceden lets you build simple, powerful timelines
yc c

Timeline Tool - 18 views

There are many kinds, depending on what exactly you want it for: history, goegraphic, personal etc. Some are even very very specific.

tools online timeline

yc c

American Art Timeline - 10 views

    This program provides a view of 150 years of American art as represented in The Phillips Collection. The works illustrate Phillips's taste and his enthusiasm for contemporary American artists, many of whom he knew personally and whose work he collected in depth.
yc c

Dipity - 0 views

    create interactive timelines with photos, movies, text and hyperlinks
yc c

Twitterfall - 2 views

    web based twitter application: Twitterfall is a way of viewing the latest 'tweets' of upcoming trends and custom searches on the micro-blogging site Twitter. Updates fall from the top of the page in near-realtime. For popular trends, Twitter is queried from the Twitterfall server, and results are pushed to your browser, rather than your browser doing the queries, or your computer polling our server repeatedly. This means using Twitterfall for popular trends is nicer on Twitter than other services. You can toggle trends on the left, selecting or deselecting as many as you like by simply clicking on them. The list of trends are updated every few minutes right in the page (if you are looking at a trend that is no longer popular, you will receive a message in the stream). You can also type in custom search queries yourself, and select or deselect these as much as you like by clicking on them. These custom search queries can also be refined by location by using the Geolocation panel (in beta). You can also view your timeline, as you would normally see it in Twitter. This allows you to follow all of your friends while still using our service. This can be done by logging in on the left and then selecting "Show my Timeline".
yc c

Yummy Yummy Yummy I've got Tags in my Tummy - 7 views

    view a dynamic timeline of your bookmarks and tags.
Janos Haits

Welcome to Viewshare - 15 views

    Viewshare is a free platform for generating and customizing views, (interactive maps, timelines, facets, tag clouds) that allow users to experience your digital collections.
yc c

Test your IPv6. - 8 views

    How this test works: Your browser will be instructed to reach a series of URLs. The combination of successes and failures tells a story about how ready you are for when publishers start offering their web sites on IPv6. Q: What is World IPv6 Day? This is a trial period where a number of major web sites will provide their content on both IPv4 and IPv6. This is being led by the Internet Society (ISOC). more information is posted on their World IPv6 Day page. World IPv6 day, scheduled for 8 June 2011, is a global-scale test flight of IPv6 sponsored by the Internet Society. On World IPv6 Day, major web companies and other industry players will come together to enable IPv6 on their main websites for 24 hours. The goal is to motivate organizations across the industry -- Internet service providers, hardware makers, operating system vendors and web companies -- to prepare their services for IPv6 to ensure a successful transition as IPv4 address space runs out. Click here to see the start time in your local area. Why is World IPv6 Day necessary? The address space used by the current version of the Internet protocol, IPv4, is expected to run out in 2011. Without action, we risk increased costs and limited functionality online for Internet users everywhere. The only long-term solution to this problem is adoption of IPv6, which provides over 4 billion times more space. IPv6 is used extensively in many large networks, but it has never been enabled at a global scale. World IPv6 Day will help industry players work together to support the new protocol on an accelerated timeline. With major web companies committing to enable IPv6 on their main websites, there are strong incentives for other industry players to ensure their systems are prepared for the transition.
Janos Haits

Open Facebook Search - Search Facebook without logging in - 1 views

    Search Facebook public timeline outside Facebook Find out what people on Facebook are talking in public. You don't have to log into Facebook.
yc c

Rseven - Mobile Backup and Sync Service - 0 views

    Rseven archives all the data recorded by your phone into a website. As your phone documents your daily activities, Rseven website shows your life journey in a timeline and displays the strength of your relationships with the people that you communicate with". Rseven mobile client on the phone collects the data from the phone and uploads them to the website. The Rseven mobile client also synchronizes the phone's contacts & calendars with the website and restore images, video and audio into the phone if selected by the user at the website.
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