Let our robot check your site for spelling errors. Enter the URL of your Web page and we'll give you a complete report. Use an optional Custom Dictionary to list words you want our spell checker to ignore.
Instructions: paste or compose a document below. Click Check Writing to get feedback on your writing. Click an underlined spelling error, grammar suggestion, or style suggestion to see more options.
Hundreds of thousands of emails are sent every second, and yet, you wouldn't really know it because there aren't public-facing streams like that of Twitter. Outside your own inbox, how much email is there exactly? Yahoo, in collaboration with information visualization firm Periscopic, shows you how much email they process in real-time with this interactive feature.
The initial view is a world map, and scaled bubbles represent how many emails were currently sent. Hover over continents for user geographic distribution and gigabytes sent.
There's also trending topics from anonymized subject headers via streamgraph. The view is interesting as you can click on sections so that the surrounding streams split, so you get a sense of distribution along with details per keyword. The keyword data, however, isn't all that interesting for the most part. You'll see keywords such as online, free, and nights. Not too meaningful. There are a few exceptions though like Oprah and wars.
There is also an option to include spam keywords with equally generic terms.
Finally, if you go back to the map and keep on clicking, you eventually get to some fun facts about email, such as there are over sextillion ways to spell Viagra.
All in all, it's a comprehensive view of how much email Yahoo handles that's fun to poke around. Turn on your speakers for playful sound effects.
via http://flowingdata.com/2011/10/13/visualizing-yahoo-email-processing-in-real-time/
Markify is a free name-screening tool. It identifies other registered trademarks that are similar in sound or spelling to your chosen name. So you can avoid them in your search for a new domain name or trademark. Otherwise you might have to change your name later. A risk no business should take.
The Markify trademark search enables you to find most trademark "killers" very quickly. And we don't give you search results with a lot of "noise". We search in two of the world's largest trademark databases, covering the US (USPTO database) and Europe (CTM database). We also show you domain name availability for .com and .net.
Until now this kind of trademark availability search - that can show you all similar trademarks - has been slow, difficult and expensive. Now it is fast, easy and free.
Suggestions are offered via AJAX powered links, just like done by GMail. While this is by no means anything more than a demo, it is still surprising that only 67 lines of code, plus some HTML templates were required.