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yc c

Online tools - Online tools - 21 views

    Embed tools Valid XHTML YouTube embed code generator Valid XHTML MySpace embed code generator Valid XHTML Vimeo embed code generator Numbers Number to words spelling tool Fibonacci calculator Roman to decimal converter Number base convertor Strings String similarity test tool Online count lines tool Encryption Online hash calculator Online encrypt tool Online decrypt tool Online XTEA encrypt tool Online XTEA decrypt tool Online XXTEA encrypt tool Online XXTEA decrypt tool Online ASCII85 Encoder Online ASCII85 Decoder
yc c

Autodesk Labs Technologies Project Freewheel - 0 views

    Project Freewheel allows you to view and collaborate with design data without installing additional software. All you need is a browser. Project Freewheel is both a Web site where you can type in a URL to your own design data for interactive viewing, and a Web service that allows you to embed an interactive viewer of your own design data in your own HTML pages. Today it provides technology to view your DWF™ files on a Macintosh® computer, a PDA, a Cell Phone, on a Windows® or Linux® platform, or in Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, or Firefox® browsers. Project Freewheel also provides technology to embed your own DWF file in your company's own web page (HTML) that visitors can view without installing additional software.
    Stay Online on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web online online roulette from Modern contemporary modern modern modern modern sydney, Fun and Free! Now you is able of doing Actual "" Stay Online on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web online online roulette for Fun in Modern contemporary modern modern modern modern sydney on a product new web page, Using the newest on the worldwide web working technology, Fun Stay Gambling house allows you be a factor of a genuine action occurring on a genuine desk in a genuine betting house, all approved on Live! You can see other real gamers in the betting house betting on the same outcomes you do providing you greatest believe in in the outcomes as they are not designed 'just for you a, like other action being affected by items such as 'live studios' or pc designed actions. Its awesome to think when your really in the betting house that you might be on digicam, and individuals on the worldwide web might be watching! The long run is scary! Believe one day soon this will be the only way individuals would bet on the worldwide web because the worldwide web is complete of fraudsters, you have to be extremely cautious, and why would you perform Online Online on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web on the worldwide web on the world wide web online online roulette any other way except from a Actual Gambling house you can assess out, see, pay attention to and trust! Amazingly this web page is definitely 100 % 10
Janos Haits

AnythingLLM Browser Extension ~ AnythingLLM - 1 views

    "The AnythingLLM Browser Extension is a tool that allows you to connect your AnythingLLM instance to your browser. This allows you to send and embed information from the web directly to AnythingLLM or embed directly into your workspaces for later!"
yc c - Any file, in your website - 0 views

    embed doc and image files or URLs into your blog posts as flash boxes - doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, wpd, odt, ods, odp, png, jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, eps, ai, txt, rtf, csv, html. Limit is 20 meg. If you already have a web page with links to lots of documents, use sitewide to convert them in one go.
Valeria Pleszowski

Quibblo is a fun survey, poll and quiz generating site - 7 views

    * Easily make your own quiz * Take fun quizzes by other members * Share quizzes with friends * Embed quizzes on your MySpace, blog, Facebook or any other page on the internet.
    easy to embed flash quiz
    embed flash
yc c - Any file, in your website - 7 views

    Annotate, stats, secure. Get complete control of the documents you embed in your website. With, you can disable downloading and printing to protect your content, or enable one or both for accessibility.
Tyme 2.0 - A Big Image Embed Applet - 6 views

shared by Tyme 2.0 on 17 Jan 11 - No Cached
    A Big Image Embed Applet Tech Pitch:Give the URL to a tall/wide/awkwardly-sized image, and it returns the HTML for an iFrame of that image cropped to dimensions you set and panning/zooming via JavaScript. Lay Pitch:Put big images in small places. Bonus: You can also use the generated URL as a full page image viewer.
Ron Ateshian

Drupal Alfresco Module - 10 views

    Embeds Aflfresco Content on to a Drupal site
    Cool integration - Embeds Aflfresco Content on to a Drupal site
Janos Haits

Home Page : Map Channels, free mapping tools - 20 views

    Map Channels lets users easily embed maps into websites and blogs. A number of tools are available to create maps from KML, GeoRSS or spreadsheet map data. A range of features and options let you customize the map appearance to meet a range of mapping needs.
Valeria Pleszowski

GoAnimate - Cartoon design - Diseñar dibujos animados y animaciones fácilment... - 12 views

    Design cartoons and animations, and publish or embed them.
yc c

Embeddable Google Document Viewer - 3 views

  • Here's the code I used to embed the PDF file:<iframe src="" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    This is a annotation/hightlight vs comment selected text test. See discussion here NB: In comments the HTML code gets rendered! =D Which means you can use HTML in comments! =D
yc c

Mozilla Webmaker Tools - 8 views

    >> X-Ray Goggles allow you to see the building blocks that make up websites on the internet. >> Appmaker is a free tool for creating personal mobile apps, even if you don't know code! >> Popcorn Maker helps you easily remix web video, audio and images into cool mashups that you can embed on other websites. >> Thimble makes it ridiculously simple to create and share your own web pages.
yc c

Noteflight - Online Music Notation - 8 views

    Noteflight® is an online music writing application that lets you create, view, print and hear music notation with professional quality, right in your web browser. Work on a score from any computer on the Internet, share it with other users, and embed it in your own pages. Sign up for a free account, or purchase a subscription to Noteflight Crescendo to take your creativity to the next level.
Valeria Pleszowski

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - 3 views

    wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
    Make your own tag clouds and embed them , funny, fancy and coloured
yc c - Post information. Share it. - 0 views

    It is a simple tool to post text online, with minimum fuss. Custom URL, BBcode, embed images + videos, allow comments, privacy
yc c

IMEEM - what's on your playlist? - 0 views

shared by yc c on 01 Sep 09 - Cached
    imeem is the world's largest social music service with millions of free streaming songs and videos. Make playlists to share with friends and embed anywhere." />stylesheet
yc c - free web application for brainstorming online - 0 views

    # Create colorful mind maps online # Share and work with friends # Embed your mind map in your blog or website # Email and print your mind map # Save your mind map as an image
yc c - free web application for brainstorming online - 1 views

    * Create colorful mind maps online * Share and work with friends * Embed your mind map in your blog or website * Email and print your mind map * Save your mind map as an image
yc c

Webspiration: Online Visual Thinking Tool | myWebspiration - 0 views

    This is the web version of Inspiration.\nThink visually, work collaboratively, Webspiration™ is the new online visual thinking tool that helps you capture ideas, organize information, diagram processes, create clear, concise written documents. Publish your diagram or outline to a hosted and protected area of the Webspiration web site. Share the URL with friends or colleagues or use the code provided to embed the document in a web page, blog, or wiki.
yc c

Share and mark up documents online | crocodoc - 6 views

    Sharing and reviewing documents and presentations with others can be quite a pain. crocodoc was built to change that, alleviating the need to email attachments back and forth, print and pass around hard copies, or install expensive collaboration software.
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