Our technology is built upon the foundation of advanced Natural Language Processing technology.
Lexxe handles the query differently depending on whether it is a question or a keyword search. So Lexxe's first task is to decide whether the query is a question.
Lexxe displays three kinds of results - "answers", "clusters" and "web page snippets".
Google Noticeboard is an application that helps people access and share information over the Internet using public digital noticeboards. Using Google Noticeboard, communities can access a variety of relevant information. People can create text messages or record voice snippets and post them to one or more noticeboards.
"My Del.icio.us Recommendation Snippet" is a recommendation link list generator extracted from site owner's bookmarks archived in del.icio.us. If you tell your del.icio.us ID to the site, you can get the site owner's bookmarks as a recommendation. While creating your recommendation list, your recent del.icio.us posts and associated tags automatically used as your preference information.
Edit html, css, and javascript snippets in separate boxes with a live preview. Quickly switch between various javascript libraries and library versions via a dropdown.
specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code, within some context, and debug the code collaboratively.
JS Bin allows you to edit and test JavaScript and HTML (reloading the URL also maintains the state of your code - new tabs doesn't). Once you're happy you can save, and send the URL to a peer for review or help. They can then make further changes saving anew if required.
Save and share. You can save anything - contacts, notes, code snippets, lyrics, to-dos, whishlists, links, etc. And watch for news - we will add new types of knowledge.
32,367 free Software development and Design articles, code snippets, discussions, and news - all provided free by the best bunch of developers on the net.
This Wikipedia and Google Code Converter and Code Highlighter form can convert your:
* HTML snippets into:
o Wikipedia wikitext format.
o Google Code wikitext format.
* programming sources into syntax highligthed HTML text.
The CSS3 Playground is a web application for experimenting with some new css3 capabilities. Primarily those than conform to the progressive enhancement philosophy, which means that the styles can be used on all sites without severely changing/limiting the experience on browsers that does not support them (=Internet Explorer 8.0 and older). But there are also styles that may need better replacements on Internet Explorer such as rotation, and I hope I will have the time to add more in the future.