Developer's Guide - Google Chart API - Google Code - 1 views
The Google Chart API lets you dynamically generate charts. To see the Chart API in action, open up a browser window and copy the following URL into the address bar:,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World Press the Enter or Return key and - presto! - you should see the following image:
The Google Chart API lets you dynamically generate charts. To see the Chart API in action, open up a browser window and copy the following URL into the address bar:,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World Press the Enter or Return key and - presto! - you should see the following image:
IMG4Me - text to image converter - 2 views
custom colors, font, size to PNG, GIF, JPG - unicode suport APIIMG4Me provides API for developers to generate images from their own application. Our API is very simple to use through a GET request. Example: Value Required Defaulttext Your text yes font arial, comic, georgia, impact, lucida, simsun, tahoma, times, trebuchet, verdana no couriersize Font size: 5-35 no 12fcolor HEX code for font color no 000000bcolor HEX code for background color. Leave empty for transparent background. no FFFFFFtype jpg, gif, png no png
Website thumbnails - WebThumb - 0 views
provides a white-label web service API for generating web thumbnails and full size snapshots of websites. WebThumb offers more features and quicker response times then any other service. * Real-time thumbnails * Flash 10 Support * PDF Support * Quick response times * REST API * API clients for PHP, Ruby, Python * Cache the thumbnails on your server or Webthumbs * Browser windows from 75x75 to 1280x2048 - Documentation search engine - 4 views
gotAPI helps you find functions, classes, methods, properties, styles, tags, constants and more Search In ActionScript 2.0, ActionScript 3.0, Adobe Flex 2, Adobe Flex 3.3, Apache Ant, Apache Commons, Apache RegExp, Apache Struts 1.1, Berkley DB XML, Bluetooth and OBEX, C++, CakePHP 1.2, Castor, CDC, CLDC, ColdFusion MX-7, ColdFusion MX-8, CSS, CSS, DbUnit 2.4.5, Dinkumware C/C++, DITA 1.1, DocBook, Dojo Toolkit 1.3, Drupal, Eclipse Platform 2.1, Erlang, Flickr API, FP, Google GWT, Google GWT+Gears, Groovy, Haskell, Hibernate, HTML, HTML, HttpUnit, J2EE 5.0, Java 1.5, Java 1.6, JavaScript, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON LIB, JSTL, JUnit, Log4J, MIDP, Mobile Media, MochiKit, MooTools, MySQL 4.1, OpenGL 2.1, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i, Orb API 2.0, OSGi Platform 4.1, PBP, Perl 5.10, PHP, PostgreSQL 8.3, Prototype.js, Python 2.6.1, RMagick 1.15, RogueWave, Ruby Std Libraries, Ruby/Rails, Scala 2.7.3, Schema (XSD), 1.8, Selenium 0.8.2, Sicstus Prolog, Simple DirectMedia Layer, Spring Framework 2.0, Symphony 1.2, Twitter API, Web Services, XML DOM, XPath 2.0, XSL 2.0, Yahoo! UI
AskGeo | Latitude and Longitude to Time Zone Conversion Web API - 6 views
AskGeo provides a simple, fast, and accurate Interactive Map, Web API and Java Library for finding out the time zone information for a given location (latitude and longitude). It's simple: you give latitude and longitude and the API returns the unix (Olson) time zone ID (e.g., "America/Chicago", "Europe/London"), the Windows Standard Name for the time zone (e.g., "Pacific Standard Time", "Central European Standard Time"), and the current offset from UTC.
Twitter API Viewer - 1 views
Google APIs Explorer - 1 views
CloudRail - The Universal API - 8 views
"CloudRail's vision is to create a single universal interface to access all services. Simply integrate our solution into your product and connect seamlessly with other services faster and easier than ever before. This "one-to-many" approach works because our interface can download special API definitions to automatically adapt to other systems. Speed up your development process rapidly and focus on building stunning software instead of wasting time for integrations. The Internet of tomorrow will be intelligent and interoperable, be part of it!"
Developer Portal - Evri - 3 views
With the Evri API, you can automatically, cost effectively and in a fully scalable manner: analyze text, get recommendations, discover relationships, mine facts and get popularity data. Getting Started
Analyze text with the Evri API Identify, categorize and locate entities in text. Extract and graph how entities are interconnected. Automatically categorize documents. Extract contextual information for subsequent media recommendations so article, image, and video recommendations are accurately tailored to the topic of a trigger document.
Geolover - makes trip planning easy - 4 views
Voicemail Transcription | Twilio Cloud Communications - 3 views
The Voicemail Transcription demo shows how to use Twilio's speech-to-text transcription API to automatically convert a voicemail message to text. The resulting text and a link to the audio of the recording is then emailed to the user. This simple demo provides functionality similar to commercial services such as VoiceCloud, Jott, and PhoneTag.
This demo shows how to make outgoing calls using the Twilio REST API, how to use the TwiML verb to make an audio recording and to transcribe that recording to text. - 5 views
The Effect Game Engine provides a means for you to create your own web-based video games with minimal effort. Your games will run inside the web browser, requiring no software download for the player. This document helps you get started creaing a game using Effect's API. The engine handles everything from displaying graphics, animation, scrolling, handling keyboard/mouse controls, loading and playing audio / music, collision detection, and much more. The API is how you (the programmer) can access the engine and do all the heavy lifting for you. Your game is still owned entirely by you, and can be hosted on any website free of charge (please see the End User License Agreement for details).
ipify - A Simple Public IP Address API - 6 views
API Directory - ProgrammableWeb - 11 views
Inbox - The next-generation email platform - 15 views
"Today we're excited to announce the first step toward a new email platform. A new foundation built on open source technology that gives you control of your own data, on your own terms. It's a bridge from the past to the future- a clean slate with modern APIs. Say hello to Inbox."
"Today we're excited to announce the first step toward a new email platform. A new foundation built on open source technology that gives you control of your own data, on your own terms. It's a bridge from the past to the future- a clean slate with modern APIs. Say hello to Inbox."
Usage: Hover the cursor over any cell in the matrix. A small box gives details on mashups for that API combination. Top links in hover box bring you to that API's reference page. Links in body of hover box take you directly to the mashup. Not all combinations have mashups & only those with the 'º' indicator currently have entries. Cells at the intersection of same API (ex: Amazon+Amazon) list any other examples for that API.
Note that there are two views into the matrix: the default view shows only those APIs for which mashups have been added to the database. The second view shows all APIs regardless of whether there's currently a mashup registered. It's big. Definitions: What is a mashup anyway? As always, it's good to check Wikipedia's definition, but essentially a "mashup" is a web-based application built through (creative) combination of data from multiple sources. Often, but by no means always, this data is retrieved by using a vendor's API such as those listed here. (An API? Also at Wikipedia.) Some recent press may also help explain: BusinessWeek's "Mix, Match and Mutate", The Economist's "Mashing the Web". Background: This is an experiment. It is intended to be both a reference point and also a visualization. What you see here today will change both in content and form shortly. I am quite interested in seeing the 'space' in which mashups exist. Clearly, some APIs such as Google Maps, appear to be more widely used than others. UI Issues: Cross-browser support is good but not complete. Sometimes it can b