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yc c - find similar sites - 1 views

    This is a mashup of and It's an experiment on my part to see whether I can quickly find relevant web sites based on people's tags/bookmarks on, using the engine from
yc c

amCharts: customizable free flash charts - 1 views

    Ammap is an interactive flash map creation software. Use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map. Photos or illustrations can be used instead of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-learning tools and more. With amMap you can: * customize every detail of your map - sizes, colors, disable features you don't need; * create multi-level structures; * create map charts (heat maps); * load icons or other custom movies or photos on top of your map; * use your own custom maps; * draw lines and add texts; * set values of countries and create map chart; * set start-up zoom level and position; * use it as zoomifyer to display big pictures; * control map with JavaScript (reload data and settings, set and get data and separate params, register clicks); * export map as an image. More facts: * weights only 35 Kb; * works with Flash player 8 and later versions; * loads data from XML; * uses latitude and longitude for storing point position. Check examples to find out how many different views you can achieve with amMap. You can download and use it for free.
    Interactive Flash Pie Charts, Line Charts and Bar/Column Charts. Users can pull out a slice of pie chart by clicking on it. Users can zoom in/out by highlighting a specific area of the line chart. The bar/column can be 100 stacked, mouseover to view more details. All Charts are free to download, the only limitation of free version is that a small link to AmCharts will be displayed in top left corner of your charts.
Janos Haits

Strong Password Generator - 7 views

    " and its authors are not responsible for any loss of data or personal information. Passwords are used at the user's own risk and no liability will be asumed. By using this website, you agree that the website and its authors are not liable for any losses incurred. and its authors are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, any such content, goods or services available on or through this website."
    Are concerned with an individual's need for love and affection. The majority of people want to feel that they belong to a group.
yc c

Aviary - Music Creator Myna Audio Editor & Roc - 3 views

    Create music loops and patterns for use in Aviary's audio editor (Myna) or as ring tones. Simulate dozens of musical instruments including piano, guitars and drums. Record your voice or load in your own mp3's instead of using instruments. 50 Free Instruments: pianos, guitars, percussions, drums... Download mp3s of your created music to use in ringtones or remix in Aviary's audio editor.
yc c

Calculator Soup - Online Calculators - 10 views

    I strive to build calculators and content useful for academic and real world applications that are easy to use online.  If you have an idea for a calculator that you would like to have to use online, please let me know. Requests for an online calculator.
yc c

InfoMinder - The coolest way to track web pages - 19 views

    InfoMinder is a tool for tracking information on the web. Our customers use it for a variety of different applications that require constantly monitoring pages on the web (both internal and external). Here are some sample uses:Internet ResearchProduct TrackingTracking competitors (news, products, changes to the management team, new partnerships, etc.)Tracking Grant proposals and request proposals on government sitesTracking profiles on myspaceTracking certain types of news itemsTracking the activity of certain standards bodies and communitiesTracking blogsTracking social book marking sites like, flickrThese are just a few uses. You can easily import your existing bookmarks into InfoMinder and have it track the changes. Infominder not only sends you an alert when the page changes, but also presents the new page with all the changes highlighted.
yc c

Google Public DNS - 8 views

    Google Public DNS is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service, that you can use as an alternative to your current DNS provider. You don't have to use your ISP's DNS servers, but can choose to use other servers instead...
yc c! - 0 views

  • is a service that goes beyond the limitations of Photoshop, Fireworks & Co. It uses image format specific non-lossy image optimization tools to squeeze the last bytes out of your images - without changing their look or visual quality. You'll get a report of how many bytes you can save by optimizing your images and all the changed images as a single zip for download. Smush it comes in different flavours: * You can upload a bunch of pictures in your browser * You can provide us with a list of image urls or * You can get a Firefox Extension or a cross-browser bookmarklet to optimize the images found on any web page Saving bytes has never been so easy - you point us in the right direction, and we'll do the rest for you. A ZIP archive with optimized images will be generated for you.
yc c

ProgrammableWeb: Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix - 0 views

    An experimental matrix of Web 2.0 mashups.
    Usage: Hover the cursor over any cell in the matrix. A small box gives details on mashups for that API combination. Top links in hover box bring you to that API's reference page. Links in body of hover box take you directly to the mashup. Not all combinations have mashups & only those with the 'º' indicator currently have entries. Cells at the intersection of same API (ex: Amazon+Amazon) list any other examples for that API.

    Note that there are two views into the matrix: the default view shows only those APIs for which mashups have been added to the database. The second view shows all APIs regardless of whether there's currently a mashup registered. It's big. Definitions: What is a mashup anyway? As always, it's good to check Wikipedia's definition, but essentially a "mashup" is a web-based application built through (creative) combination of data from multiple sources. Often, but by no means always, this data is retrieved by using a vendor's API such as those listed here. (An API? Also at Wikipedia.) Some recent press may also help explain: BusinessWeek's "Mix, Match and Mutate", The Economist's "Mashing the Web". Background: This is an experiment. It is intended to be both a reference point and also a visualization. What you see here today will change both in content and form shortly. I am quite interested in seeing the 'space' in which mashups exist. Clearly, some APIs such as Google Maps, appear to be more widely used than others. UI Issues: Cross-browser support is good but not complete. Sometimes it can b
yc c

The Acid3 Test - 0 views

    OM2 Core DOM2 Events DOM2 HTML DOM2 Range DOM2 Style (getComputedStyle, …) DOM2 Traversal (NodeIterator, TreeWalker) DOM2 Views (defaultView) ECMAScript HTML4 (, , …) HTTP (Content-Type, 404, …) Media Queries Selectors (:lang, :nth-child(), combinators, dynamic changes, …) XHTML 1.0 CSS2 (@font-face) CSS2.1 ('inline-block', 'pre-wrap', parsing…) CSS3 Color (rgba(), hsla(), …) CSS3 UI ('cursor') data: URIs SVG (SVG Animation, SVG Fonts, …) When taking the test, you should use the default settings of the browser you are testing. Changing the zoom level, minimum font size, applying a fit-to-width algorithm, or making other changes may alter the rendition of the test page without this constituting a failure in compliance. The Acid3 test measures some performance characteristics. The test does not attempt to make any comparisons or judgments as to the performance of any hardware used, and should not be used as a hardware benchmark. If the test is run on a slow computer or device, it may run slowly or not smoothly and this does not imply non-conformance.
yc c

semantic analysis of the real-time web - 2 views

  • is a service that uses semantic search technology to improve the web by indexing web pages using topics instead of keyword strings. Ellerdale has created a comprehensive catalog of the most important topics in the real world from Wikipedia, Freebase, Twitter, RSS, and by crawling the web. It has analyzed and indexed this data to identify topics in text. Using this information, it show you the latest tweets, RSS articles and trending URLs which are all organized by topic.
yc c

Flexamail - We make mail do more! - 9 views

    Flexamail allows you to control the web while never leaving the comfort of your inbox. You can post images, share files even surf the web! If you know how to use email, you already know how to use Flexamail. Easy to learn, easy to use, yet powerful. With Flexamail, you can: Access popular sites like Twitter and Facebook all from your email without needing a proxy Avoid pesky firewalls getting in your way, access websites and services regardless to your office or country's firewall settings Post, share and track any type of files and images online Password protect those files you don't want made public Securely backup your files online Save money on your cellphone plan with an email only data plan Publish a photo from your iPhone or Blackberry without needing to open an app Stay organized with sortable, sharable, drag and drop lists
yc c

Free File Converter | Online file conversion - pdf docx odt flac xlsx jpg xls ods csv p... - 4 views

    Using FreeFileConvert you can convert your files from one format to another, we support conversion from all popular file types and you can also download your videos from a large number of online portals, some of main video portals that we support are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   Following are the file formats we support, we are adding more formats with time if you are interested in any format which you think we aren't supporting then please let us know.   doc, odt, pdf, rtf, txt, wiki, docx, bzip2, eps, mkv, ppt, odp, swf, ods, csv, xls, xlsx, tar, dpg, asf, html, jpg, bmp, gif, ico, ps, pptx, rar, amr, png, tga, tiff, wbmp, 3gp, aac, mid, iso, pcx, ac3, avi, flac, flv, mov, mp3, 7z, chm, sxw, mp4, mpg, wav, dvd, rm, m4a, zip, cpio, cab, ogg, wav, wma, ra, mpeg, tif, gzip, aiff, gz
yc c

thagoo/ -meta social bookmark search engine - 1 views

    thagoo is a tagged search engine that uses popular social bookmark sites as a reference to give more reliable and popular results. This technique ensures that millions of user's categorized favorite links are used to give very useful results.
Tyme 2.0

Social Productivity | Manymoon | Task Management | Project Management | Google Apps - 17 views

    Manymoon is a social productivity tool that makes it simple to get work done online: * Anything - you can use Manymoon for whatever you need to accomplish: launching a new product, planning an event or building a house. * Anyone - Manymoon is simple enough for anyone to use since there's no training or setup required. * Anywhere - Manymoon can be used with people inside and outside of your organization. And since it's online all you'll need is an internet connection to get working!
Janos Haits - a tool discovery service - 14 views

  • is a site to share what software tools and websites you use to do your job. It's easy and quick to use and hopefully will help spread the word on what tools are being used.
Donna Baumbach

Pegby: Peg it up, Move it Around, Get it Done. - 7 views

    Pegby wants you to stop using those sticky notes that seem to be everywhere on and around your work desk, and instead use their cards and stacks to manage tasks. Their task management board is divided into mainly three columns - pending, in process and done (you can add more columns if you need them), and in each column you can add cards which are basically tasks and their descriptions. Different cards (tasks) can be combined together into a named stack, each card or stack can be dragged or dropped across columns. You can also invite people and jointly create and manage tasks. Each card can be customized in various ways. Its color can be changed, it can be tagged and much more. There's a way to filter your board too if you think it's full of clutter. Features: * Manage tasks through online cards and stacks. * Have family members use it along with you. * Add columns to the board, drag and drop cards. * Similar tools: Corkboard, Pindax and WallWisher.
Janos Haits

Webplanner™ - Project Management Software, Project Planning Software, Gantt C... - 13 views

    Webplanner™ is an online collaborative project management tool. Use the power of the cloud to brainstorm project goals, phases, tasks, and multiple levels of subtasks with your team. Assign responsibility for tasks to team members, who will be notified automatically, and then work out task details through comments. Upload and share project-related files. Print reports. Schedule your project using a dynamic Gantt chart with dependencies and a critical path view. Track the progress of your project using the Overscreen screen (at left), which includes a project status pie chart, a list of approaching tasks for the whole project and individual team members, a project activity feed, and a team status list.
yc c

FlockDraw - Free Online Drawing Tool - Collaborative Group Whiteboard - 17 views

    • yc c
      Could be useful, for ex., when explaining something on the phone
    Flockdraw is a free to use online whiteboard based painting & drawing tool. It makes it easy to draw online free with multiple people for fun or business. You can have unlimited people in a room and the drawing updates in real time. Uses different colors, shapes and text.
Janos Haits - 21 views

  • helps you create and share galleries online. Drag your pictures onto this page, and we'll do the rest.
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