RedCaster | Real Time News - 7 views
yc c on 17 Jun 10What is Redcaster?Semantic Web The 'Semantic Web' is the concept the Internet is more than just a collection of documents with words in them. The development of the semantic web consists of efforts to 'understand' what the content is about, and to link it together with related documents. Automatic Categorisation Redcaster provides a system which can automatically identify the higher-level 'meta' categories that the article discusses. Redcaster currently offers two distinct categorisation services: Article categories For instance, an article about Barack Obama and the annual state of the nation address would return the categories 'United States', 'Politics', 'Government'. These categories do not need to be specifically mentioned in the article for them to be identified.Related categories Redcaster can suggest categories which are closely related to the category in question. For instance, 'Politics' returns 'United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Government' and more.Learning System Redcaster is not a static knowledge base. It is a learning system capable of recognising new topics and concepts. If a new subject or person enters the lexicon, then over time this will become a category which Redcaster will start tagging articles with. Free access Redcaster offers a free account and an easy-to-use interface for news publishers to access. With this account, publishers can submit either their content directly, or links to published articles.