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Janos Haits

Open Facebook Search - Search Facebook without logging in - 1 views

    Search Facebook public timeline outside Facebook Find out what people on Facebook are talking in public. You don't have to log into Facebook.
yc c

Sign up and use environs on Facebook | Facebook - 1 views

    Long Time Lost is a free "service" that allows you to create a "search" for someone you lost touch with. That "search" is then indexed by Google (and other search engines) and then when that person you are looking for (or someone who knows them) does a "Vanity Search" they find your "search" and can respond to you and reconnect. A "Vanity Search" is the process of searching for one's own name on Google... we know you do it! All information is handled through the system so your private information like your email address isn't out there on the net. It's Web 2.0, it's powered by Google, it's Ruby on Rails and best of all; it's free.
Janos Haits

BranchOut on Facebook - 2 views

    BranchOut is the largest professional network on Facebook. Millions of people use BranchOut to accomplish the following: 1. Create a professional profile - BranchOut profiles only show work history, education, and positive endorsements. If two people want to connect professionally without becoming Facebook friends, BranchOut is the solution. 2. Search 3 million jobs and 20,000 internships - BranchOut's advanced search options allow users to find the job opportunities based on their location, industry, experience, and job title.
yc c

Status Search: Search your friends social status updates - 0 views

    Status Search allows you to search your Facebook and twitter friends to find relevant content. Use it to search anything you would prefer searching in your friends rather than on the web: book, vacation, beer, party, job and much more.
Janos Haits

Identified | Welcome - 7 views

    When companies search for you, what do they find? Identified makes the connections in the professional world more accessible, meaningful, and relevant. What Facebook has built for the social graph, Identified is building for the professional graph. Our powerful search engine organizes and categorizes all professional information inside the largest database of people worldwide, Facebook. We help people cultivate their own unique professional brand from their education, work experience, and network.
Janos Haits

Kurrently - A real-time search engine for Facebook and Twitter. - 9 views

    A real-time search engine for Facebook and Twitter.
Janos Haits

Data Selfie _ Home - 7 views

    "We want to give you back your Facebook data. Data Selfie is a browser extension that tracks you while you are on Facebook to show you your own data traces and reveal how machine learning algorithms use your data to gain insights about your personality."
Janos Haits

Real Time Search - Social Mention - 4 views

    Search Blogs Microblogs Bookmarks Comments Events Images News Video Audio Q&A Networks Social Mention is a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user generated content from across the universe into a single stream of information.It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web's social media landscape in real-time. Social Mention monitors 100+ social media properties directly including: Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, YouTube, Digg, Google etc.
    real-time social media search and analysis
yc c

The best people search in the world (alpha) - - 5 views

    Sociotoco Search helps you find online profiles in most commonly used social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook - all on one place.
yc c - Enter the Searchtrix - 4 views

  • searches for all combinations between words entered into each box above.For example, the search:love,hate x cats,dogsReturns posts and updates from people containing any mention of: love,hate followed by either cats,dogs. Example results are shown is a goldmine for efficiently extracting popular keyword data and phrases from the world's most popular social media sites: Twitter, Facebook and Topsy.
Janos Haits

M86 SecureBrowsing - 2 views

    M86 SecureBrowsing makes it safe to search, surf and socialize online. This free browser plug-in displays security icons next to links on search engines such as Google and Bing; in web-based email like Gmail and Yahoo; and on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Secure Browsing even works on HTTPS version of these sites, so you'll know which pages are safe and which ones to avoid.
Janos Haits

Get Google +Like - 7 views

    Add a Facebook Like button to every Google search result. See how many people liked each of the results and who from your friends already have recommended it ! Get it now and start using a much smarter Google search.
Janos Haits

LikeJournal - Social Bookmarking for the Facebook Like Button - 4 views

    Take control of your Facebook Likes You'll also get quick access to recent Likes with our sweet plugins for Chrome and Firefox. LikeJournal saves your Likes as searchable social bookmarks you can share with your friends.
yc c - an online timer for timing things online. - 4 views

shared by yc c on 28 Feb 10 - Cached
yc c liked it
  • - a timer on any website Get more done by giving each task a finite duration. Simply choose a number of minutes and a website or search, and enter them in your browser address bar as below. Try it out: - News break: - Facebook break: - Writing session: - Quick google search: - Stopwatch mode:
yc c

Homepage | Semanti - 1 views

    browser add-on that lets you save your favorite pages to your personal web and improves your search by harnessing your Facebook social network.
Janos Haits - 10 views

    Qwerly is a whois for Twitter. For every Twitter user that is looked up on our site, we generate a simple profile with links to that person's other profiles on sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr,, Delicious and many, many more. This way, you can discover where your friends and other interesting people hang out online.
Janos Haits Social Search - 4 views

    Search Facebook public timeline and find out whtat people are talking about in public.
Janos Haits

You Have Downloaded - We show what you downloaded - 6 views

    Check what torrents have been downloaded from your/a IP
    We have no records on you. This means you are using a private torrent tracker or, of course, you may not be a torrent user at all! It happens. Please, entertain yourself. Feel free to see what other people have downloaded. The search box is on the top. If you have any friends who use torrents, use it to scare them off. We also have a widget that you can install in your website, blog or Facebook page. Or you can just send them a link to this site. They will see a table similar to what you see below. The only difference - they will see their downloads.
yc c

edocr | Sales lead generation from your documents - 1 views

  • provides a highly interactivity environment for publishing and distributing an organisation's public documents across the Internet. Once uploaded to, both the organisation as well as the growing edocr community and visitors who come across the documents start to distribute to friends and colleagues as well as to the world's most popular social networks such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. At the same time, Google and other search engines ensure that the documents are found easily, giving the organisation significant global market place, which they could not reach out through their document inventory in the past.
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