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Contents contributed and discussions participated by sissij


Scientists Are Attempting to Unlock the Secret Potential of the Human Brain | Big Think - 1 views

  • Sometimes, it occurs when a person suffers a nearly fatal accident or life-threatening situation. In others, they are born with a developmental disorder, such as autism.
  • This is known as savant syndrome. Of course, it’s exceedingly rare.
  • Upon entering the bathroom and turning on the faucet, he saw “lines emanating out perpendicularly from the flow.” He couldn’t believe it.
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  • “At first, I was startled, and worried for myself, but it was so beautiful that I just stood in my slippers and stared.” It was like, “watching a slow-motion film.”
  • Before, he never rose beyond pre-Algebra.
  • Padgett is one of the few people on earth who can draw fractals accurately, freehand.
  • savant syndrome
  • There are two ways for it to occur, either through an injury that causes brain damage or through a disorder, such as autism.
  • It’s estimated that around 50% of those with savant syndrome are autistic.
  • “The most common ability to emerge is art, followed by music,” Treffert told The Guardian. “But I’ve had cases where brain damage makes people suddenly interested in dance, or in Pinball Wizard.”
    This article reminds me of a scientific myth I saw one day about that people only use 10% percent of their brain. However, this description is not accurate because when we are using our brain, every parts of our brain is active and their is no vacant part of it. It is only that it has more potential than it seems. I think this description is 10% is misleading. I found the savant syndrome very interesting. I think this amazing talent in human brain is very amazing. So is it possible that the cognitive bias in human brain is because of the potential of human brain was not activated. --Sissi (4/17/2017)

A Homebody President Sits Out His Honeymoon Period - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Mr. Trump, who dislikes spending the night away from home and has been adapting to life at the White House, has rarely ventured far from the Executive Mansion or his Mar-a-Lago retreat in Florida during his first 85 days in office. He has not strayed west of the Mississippi River, appearing at public events in only seven states and eschewing trips overseas.
  • “Trump is going to his own drummer, as usual. It’s a risky strategy.”
  • “When you’re president, you don’t travel to get frequent flier miles — you travel to make a point,”
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  • focus on an ambitious domestic agenda, including the signing of executive orders and legislation to roll back Obama-era regulations.
  • his time is his most valuable asset.
  • What’s striking with President Trump is not only how contained his travel has been, but how much of it is around campaign rallies, rather than something he wants to get done
    I think this comparison of Mr. Trump with other presidents might be a little biased. Every president has their own policies so I think it is not appropriate to compare the time they spend traveling. Since Mr. Trump's focus is on domestic policy so it is sort of reasonable for him to spend more time with in the United States. However, in the latter half of the article, the author talked about the quality of Mr. Trump's staying. Indeed, I agree with author that Mr. Trump's staying is not very efficient. I think the frequency of traveling shouldn't be the measure of their presidency, but the quality and efficiency of their action and decision should be weighted. --Sissi (4/17/2017)

Why So Many People Think the United Airlines Video Shows the Decline of America | Big T... - 0 views

    This is an event that has shocked a lot of people. This is shocking because the police in the video show no mercy at the passenger. I think it is the company's own responsibility for overbooking the plane. Especially it is not really because of overbooking but the employee want a seat. Although the news I heard is from Chinese perspective, there is definitely some fault in the company's decision. --Sissi (4/13/2017)

How Behavioral Economics Can Produce Better Health Care - The New York Times - 0 views

  • I’ll sometimes prescribe a particular brand of medication not because it has proved to be better, but because it happens to be the default option in my hospital’s electronic ordering system.
  • if a poster outside your room prompts me to think of your health instead of mine.
  • I’ll more readily change my practice if I’m shown data that my colleagues do something differently than if I’m shown data that a treatment does or doesn’t work.
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  • These confessions can be explained by the field of behavioral economics, which holds that human decision-making departs frequently, significantly and predictably from what would be expected if we acted in purely “rational” ways.
  • Rather, our behavior is powerfully influenced by our emotions, identity and environment, as well as by how options are presented to us.
  • (organ donation rates are over 90 percent in countries where citizens need to override a default and opt out of donation compared with 4 to 27 percent where they much choose to opt in)
  • Employees were randomly assigned to one of three groups. The first was “usual care,” in which they received educational materials and free smoking cessation aids. The second was a reward program: Employees could receive up to $800 over six months if they quit. The third was a deposit program, in which smokers initially forked over $150 of their money, but if they quit, they got their deposit back along with a $650 bonus.
  • Those in the lottery group were eligible for a daily lottery prize with frequent small payouts and occasional large rewards — but only if they clocked in at or below their weight loss goal.
    As we learned in TOK, people tend to follow the default. I think there is a phenomenon like inertia in human social behavior. Once we make up our mind doing something, we are very unlikely to make a change or make a correction. This has a subconscious influence on people so people can't notice it unless they are trained to avoid their logical fallacy. I found this a really good example of policy making can manipulate people's action and thoughts. --Sissi (4/13/2017)

You Really Can Judge People by the Company They Keep | Big Think - 0 views

  • There is an old adage, “take stock of the company you keep”.
  • As it turns out, we are more tolerant of people who have similar negative personality traits as us.
  • This tendency was strongest, however, in one trait above all: antagonism. With the connection being most prominent for the the trifecta of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.
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  • Now, antagonistic people didn’t claim to like these traits in other people. They rated them as traits of average likability in other people, but this was much higher than the resounding disapproval of the trait given by people who did not claim to be antagonistic. A person with a generally negative trait will tend to tolerate their own trait in others.
  • Questions remain with this data, all of the subjects self-reported their tendencies to these personality traits. Would a person who doesn’t know they are antagonistic still think of it as an average trait? Were the subjects honest? The study also only asked about likability, there was no inquiry into if they would interact with people who had those traits.
    There is a old saying in China says that animals gather by species, human gather by interests. Basically, it is saying that people with similar interest or characteristics tends to hang out together. There is another old saying in China saying that if you always hang out with bad people, you will eventually turn bad as well. This means that people around you can change you to behave like them. I think this phenomenon in human society is reasonable and follows the logic of revolution because human are social animals. In order to get along with a group, you have to either find a group of people that are just like you or change yourself to fit in that group of people.

We're More Likely to Trust Strangers Over People We Know, Study Suggests | Big Think - 0 views

  • Social trust, the expectation that people will behave with good will and avoid harming others, is a concept that has long mystified both researchers and the general public alike.
  • evolution is about more than just rivalry, we need relationships.
  • What makes us inclined to give some people the benefit of the doubt, but occasionally cast a skeptical eye on others.
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  • Substantial research has already been conducted in the realm of social trust, however, Freitag and Bauer contend that endemic methodological shortcomings have consistently yielded inconclusive data.
  • defined personality values using psychology's "Big Five" personality traits (agreeableness, openness to experience, extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism-emotional stability)
  • The study results showed that people often trust total strangers more than they trust their friends.
  • Freitag and Bauer did highlight the limitations of their research. They expressly cautioned that the role of education, our networks, and our trust in institutions, matter and cannot be underestimated.
    I found it very interesting that social trust of human also follow the logic of revolution. "evolution is about more than just rivalry, we need relationships". As for my personal experience, sometimes I just have a natural impulse of doing some good. I feel like this impulse is completely out my control. Although many people would label me as a "kind" person, I don't think I am a kind person. I am "kind" because people seldom know me and I always keeps a distance with people. My parent obviously give a opposite comment about me. They know I am cruel and cold because we are not stranger. That's why I find keep distance with people is very convenient, such that they would never know the true side of you. --Sissi (4/11/2017)

That Fingerprint Sensor on Your Phone Is Not as Safe as You Think - The New York Times - 0 views

  • SAN FRANCISCO — Fingerprint sensors have turned modern smartphones into miracles of convenience.
  • While such wizardry is convenient, it has also left a gaping security hole.
  • Still, the findings raise troubling questions about the effectiveness of fingerprint security on smartphones.
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  • Full human fingerprints are difficult to falsify, but the finger scanners on phones are so small that they read only partial fingerprints.
  • “It’s as if you have 30 passwords and the attacker only has to match one,”
  • “I’m not worried,” he said. “I think it’s still a very convenient way of unlocking a phone. But I’d rather see Apple make me enter the PIN if it’s idle for one hour.”
    I have been using the fingerprint sensor on my phone, but I have never think about the security problems lying beneath it. Since I has always been told that human fingerprints are unique so it is very secured to have a fingerprint sensor on the phone. However, my assumption about the fingerprint sensor is not correct because the app is only taking partial picture of the fingerprint so it become more likely to be insecure. I feel like I am always making those assumptions because I am lazy about learning the truth. --Sissi (4/11/2017)

Liberals and Conservatives Read Different Science Books, Except for One Subject | Big T... - 0 views

  • While scientists generally try to stay out politics, letting evidence-based research to speak for itself, the strong division in American society has spread to science.
  • By analyzing millions of online purchases, researchers from Cornell, Yale and University of Chicago found that there are clear partisan preferences in how we buy books on scientific topics.
  • The study’s authors think it’s likely that people who buy political books get science books to support their views rather than out of a general interest in science.
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  • One topic popular with both sides - books on dinosaurs. These were bought across the whole political spectrum.
  • Is there a way science could help heal the division in the country?
  • While the study is illuminating, it  has some limitations, with political scientist Toby Bolsen cautioning that this research did not draw on a random sample of books, relying instead on how the online sellers categorized them.
    As we discussed in TOK, people selectively read about science due to confirmation bias. When reading about science, people tends to ignore the limitation and uncertainties in science, this is because of the source amnesia. It is not surprise that liberals and conservatives read different science book because the policies they make are so different that they need different scientific paper to support. Although science is trying to stay out of politics, but it cannot stop politicians from using science. However, it is totally a surprise for me to see that science books on dinosaurs are read by author throughout the political spectrum. It doesn't seem to fit in with my hypothesis earlier. --Sissi (4/10/2017)

The Gig Economy's False Promise - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Its digital technology lets workers become entrepreneurs, we are told, freed from the drudgery of 9-to-5 jobs.
  • In reality, there is no utopia at companies like Uber, Lyft, Instacart and Handy, whose workers are often manipulated into working long hours for low wages while continually chasing the next ride or task.
  • A recent story in The Times by Noam Scheiber vividly described how Uber and other companies use tactics developed by the video game industry to keep drivers on the road when they would prefer to call it a day, raising company revenue while lowering drivers’ per-hour earnings.
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  • they do not qualify for basic protections like overtime pay and minimum wages.
  • independent contractors
  • many of which lose money and rely on investors to keep pouring in billions of dollars of capital, might find that it pays to treat workers better and even make some of them employees.
    As Uber and other innovative company develop, new forms of jobs appear. Independent contractor is a new idea that has been very popular these year. I found more and more people are tired with working regularly under the command of a boss. They want to get hold of themselves so they rather sign independent contracts and have a more flexible working time. However, this new form of economic is not mature since laws and regulations have not yet covered independent contractors. --Sissi (4/10/2017)

A Pepsi Commercial's Lesson for Advertisers - The New York Times - 1 views

  • And the commercial (Pepsi calls it a “short film”) drew the most intense disgust from the very people whose experiences it tried to reflect.
  • I can imagine that it was born from some combination of good intentions, corporate hedging and a huge failure to grasp the limitations of advertising on the part of the people working for Pepsi’s in-house content agency.
  • In the wake of Donald Trump’s election, there has been a rash of advertisements seeking to remind consumers of what really makes America great, or to push saccharine messages about the idea that by working together, we can fight evil and make the world a better place.
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  • Advertising has long had a parasitic relationship with culture, most infamously when it comes to themes associated with African-Americans — even when the goal is not to specifically reach that audience.
  • To pull off an ad that nodded to the contemporary fight against racism, Pepsi would’ve had to somehow acknowledge a point of view without trying to adopt it wholesale, speaking on behalf of a community it didn’t understand, or exaggerating its own awareness.
    A successful advertisement always requires a successful understanding of psychology. it is as complicated as language as they both try to explain and communicate ideas to the general public. This pepsi advertisement is obviously a example of a communication failure that fails to deal with the cultural context of the society of the views. I believe that the pepsi company is not trying to show racist in its advertisement; however, the possible interpretation or response of the advertisement from the audiences should be analysis before it being release. I think regulation is needed in advertisements. --Sissi (4/9/2017)

Researchers Analyze 1,280 Suicide Notes to Devise a Better Prevention Strategy | Big Think - 1 views

  • That’s why the results of a 2015 report were so shocking. For the first time in generations, middle-aged white people saw their death rate increase.
  • Approximately 40,000 people take their own lives each year in the US.
  • They wanted to obtain a holistic view using psychology, history, and the social sciences to tackle suicide.
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  • Last words such as these are only found in 14% of cases. The authors began to notice differences between note leavers and non-leavers in their research, as well as people who attempt suicide and those who complete the act.
  • Many notes were addressed to one person. Others were to no one in particular.
  • Nowadays, being a white male is the single biggest risk factor. Why is that? According to Case and Deaton, drastic changes in the labor market is the most significant factor.
  • “Hegemonic masculinity,” or a perception that heightened masculinity must be portrayed at all times, a goal that no male can live up to.
  • Another 23% of note writers ended it all due to unrequited love or love lost. 22% said they themselves created the problem which led to their decision.
  • Meyer and colleagues also propose a national prevention plan, to foster a sense of community and social support.
  • If you feel suicidal, or are concerned for a friend, don't wait: talk to someone, or learn about suicide prevention here.
    Suicide is a very interesting and big subject in studies of human social activities. From the point of view of evolution, it is a very inefficient act as one kills oneself. This action should be banned from our genes. Gender pressure, as stated in the reading, is probably a factor of suicide. Since the society expect too much on male and some of them are not able to fulfill the expectation, they choose to suicide. It also reminds me of a movie I watched when I was little and left a big impression, called The Happening. In that movie, the plants would release a certain hormone and lead people to suicide one by one. So is it possible that hormone can be a factor of making the decision to suicide? --Sissi (4/6/2017)

The 'Goddess' Yi Wan Ka: Ivanka Trump Is a Hit in China - The New York Times - 1 views

  • But in China, Ms. Trump is widely adored. Her lavish lifestyle and business acumen resonate with many young professionals who are hungry for fame and fortune in a society that often equates material wealth with success.
  • “She’s very independent,” said Wang Jiabao, 28, a reality television producer in Beijing. “She represents what we’re looking for — to marry into a decent family, to look good, and to also have your own career.”
  • Chinese companies have also tried to profit from Ms. Trump’s popularity, filing hundreds of trademark applications using her name — Yi Wan Ka in Chinese — on products and services such as shoes, spa treatments, plastic surgery and pottery.
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  • “Underneath her image are very traditional values,” said Dai Linjia, a communications consultant. “Her family is almost like a dynasty.”
  • Many younger Chinese will be watching this week’s meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi for signs of Ms. Trump.
    I found it very interesting that Chinese people tends to have a really good impression on Ivanka Trump. For many people, Ivanka even becomes the reason why they like Mr. Trump. I think the popularity of Ivanka is sort of related to the culture and value of Chinese people. Chinese are well known for that they value their children's education a lot. And Ivanka's story appeals to them as a successful model of raising a child. It reminds me of what we learned in TOK. People are eccentric. They like to take in what appeals to them what they are familiar with.Ivanka becomes a successful stereotype. --Sissi 4/6/2017)

Scientists Figure Out When Different Cognitive Abilities Peak Throughout Life | Big Think - 0 views

  • Such skills come from accumulated knowledge which benefits from a lifetime of experience. 
  • Vocabulary, in fact, peaked even later, in the late 60s to early 70s. So now you know why grandpa is so good at crosswords.
  • And here’s a win for the 40+ folks - the below representation of a test of 10,000 visitors to shows that older subjects did better than the young on the vocabulary test.
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  • The under-30 group did much better on memory-related tasks, however.
  • Is there one age when all of your mental powers are at their maximum? The researchers don’t think so.  
  • In general, the researchers found 24 to be a key age, after which player abilities slowly declined, losing about 15% of the speed every 15 years. 
  • Older players did perform better in some aspects, making up for the slower brain processing by using simpler strategies and being more efficient. They were, in other words, wiser.
    It is really surprising to me that cognitive abilities are directly related to age. But it is understandable since there also feels like a gulp between seniors and teenagers. There is always something we are especially good at at a certain age. I think this aligns with the logic of evolution as the society consists of people from different ages so they will cooperate well and reach the maximum benefit by working together. The society is really diverse and by having people of different age in the same team can have people cover up the cognitive disadvantages of others. --Sissi (4/4/2017)

Tesla Passes Ford in Market Value as Investors Bet on the Future - The New York Times - 0 views

  • But there is one exception. Tesla, the electric-vehicle upstart, continues to surge.
  • “Investors want something that is going to go up in orders of magnitude in six months to six years, and Tesla is that story,” said Karl Brauer, a senior editor at Kelley Blue Book. “Nobody thinks Ford or G.M. is going to do that.”
  • Tesla’s chief executive, Elon Musk, has shattered the conventional wisdom that automakers should be viewed as a stable, reliable investment. Instead, he promotes his California-based company as a dynamic vehicle for growth, despite the risks and challenges ahead of it.
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  • But neither automaker has convinced Wall Street that it has shed its boom-or-bust reputation tied to broader economic cycles, or is at the forefront of new technology being developed for self-driving vehicles and electric cars.
  • “It’s almost like Tesla is positioned in people’s minds as an energy storage company that happens to put most of its batteries on wheels,” said Andrew Stewart, chief investment officer at Exchange Capital Management, an investment firm in Ann Arbor, Mich.
  • While Tesla may enjoy the favor of investors, it still faces some daunting hurdles to reach its goals.
    In my research on Tesla, I found it very interesting that Tesla never has advertisement spreading out like Ford, Motor or other motor companies do. Yet, it is very popular and well-known. How does Tesla manage to be known by the public if they don't have any advertisement and their target costumers are the elites? One of the reason I found online about its propaganda strategy is its skill on giving stock holder confidence. Thus their stock price is always positive and healthy. By generating new ideas, Tesla is able to stay on the headline of the newspaper. When I saw this news, my first reaction is that it's Tesla again and give me a very positive image on the future of Tesla. This new way of propaganda is directly related to the new form of economics in the society so I found it very interesting. --Sissi (4/4/2017)

Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones - The New York Times - 0 views

  • I leave the Y grinning from ear to ear, uplifted not just by my own workout but even more so by my interaction with these darling representatives of the next generation.
  • I lived for half a century with a man who suffered from periodic bouts of depression, so I understand how challenging negativism can be.
  • “micro-moments of positivity,”
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  • The research that Dr. Fredrickson and others have done demonstrates that the extent to which we can generate positive emotions from even everyday activities can determine who flourishes and who doesn’t.
  • Clearly, there are times and situations that naturally result in negative feelings in the most upbeat of individuals. Worry, sadness, anger and other such “downers” have their place in any normal life.
  • Negative feelings activate a region of the brain called the amygdala, which is involved in processing fear and anxiety and other emotions.
  • Both he and Dr. Fredrickson and their colleagues have demonstrated that the brain is “plastic,” or capable of generating new cells and pathways, and it is possible to train the circuitry in the brain to promote more positive responses.
  • reinforce positivity
  • Practice mindfulness. Ruminating on past problems or future difficulties drains mental resources and steals attention from current pleasures.
    The distance between negative attitude and positive attitude is not that far away. Just by changing a few wordings in the sentence, we can describe an event in a really positive manner. From my personal experience, attitude is like a habit. If you always like to think negatively, then you brain tends to give pessimistic response to events. So sometimes, you have to train your brain into positive thinkers. As we learned in TOK, we tends to see things and think in pattern, so it is very importantly to create a good pattern for our thinking. --Sissi (4/3/2017)

Google Training Ad Placement Computers to Be Offended - The New York Times - 0 views

  • But after seeing ads from Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble and Wal-Mart appear next to racist, anti-Semitic or terrorist videos, its engineers realized their computer models had a blind spot: They did not understand context.
  • Now teaching computers to understand what humans can readily grasp may be the key to calming fears among big-spending advertisers that their ads have been appearing alongside videos from extremist groups and other offensive messages.
  • But the recent problems opened Google to criticism that it was not doing enough to look out for advertisers. It is a significant problem for a multibillion-dollar company that still gets most of its revenue through advertising.
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  • The idea is for machines to eventually make the tough calls.
    I have never think about the context of where the ads are in. I though ads just pops up randomly and now I know that there are actually codes behind where the ads appears. Why is putting ads besides extremist video a bad idea? I think it is probably because they people would mistaken that the company sponsor the video. Actually I am not very sure about why it is a bad thing. However, ads can definitely be more efficient in the right context. Different people watch different kind of video, targeting the potential costumers. It would benefit both the viewer and the company. --Sissi (4/3/2017)

Elon Musk's New Company to Merge Human Brains with Machines | Big Think - 1 views

  • His new company Neuralink will work on linking human brains with computers, utilizing “neural lace” technology.
  • Musk talked recently about this kind of technology, seeing it as a way for human to interact with machines and superintelligencies.
  • What's next? We'll wait for the details. Elon Musk's influence on our modern life and aura certainly continue to grow, especially if he'll deliver on the promises of his various enterprises.
    My mom had a little research project on Tesla and she assigned me to do that so I know some strategies and ideas of Tesla, although not very deep. I found that Tesla and Elon Must had very innovative ideas on its product. Electrical car is the signature of Tesla. The design of the car and idea of being green is really friendly to the environment of Earth. Now, they are talking about new ideas of merging human intelligence with machine. --Sissi (4/2/2017)

The Australian Greens Party Proposes a Shorter Workweek to Prepare for Job Automation |... - 0 views

  • How long was your work day today? Eight hours? Seven hours? Nine? How long is your working week? If you live in the United States you probably answered somewhere near 40 hours.
  • While the effect of mandating a 40-ish hour week across the Western world over the last century didn’t end up causing the disaster predicted by many in the leisure class, the effects of reducing working time further have not been studied well enough to make an absolute judgement on the matter. The data is simply too limited. 
  • So, one example showed employees being less stressed and working better when given reduced hours, at the price of higher costs overall to hire more people to work.
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  • Leisure is essential to civilization… and with modern technique it would be possible to distribute leisure justly without injury to civilization.
  • The question of the proper number of working hours is one that has bothered economic and ethical thinkers for 2,000 years.
    When my talked to me about her time when she was young, she said that they had to work for six day a week, which I consider unbearable and unimaginable. And now, I think in the future, maybe when when I tell my kids that I have to go to school five days a week, they would probably feel unbearable and unimaginable. I think as time precedes, the working hour for human would decrease. I remembered in Ming Dynasty of China, "government employees" had to work seven days a week for the whole year and had only 5 holidays off. The evolution of the society and development of the technology is definitely one the reasons that we can work for less time compared to the past. --Sissi (4/2/2017)

Millicent Fawcett Is First Woman to Get Statue in London's Parliament Square - The New ... - 0 views

  • LONDON — Britain, which has its second female prime minister and a queen who is the world’s longest-reigning monarch, is getting its first statue of a woman in Parliament Square in London, where there are 11 statues of men.
  • It is right and proper that she is honored in Parliament Square alongside former leaders who changed our country. Her statue will stand as a reminder of how politics only has value if it works for everyone in society.”
  • Mrs. Fawcett considered herself a suffragist, a moderate opposed to the sometimes violent protests of campaigners like Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, a mother and daughter who were known as suffragettes.
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  • Mrs. Fawcett inspired a women’s rights charity, the Fawcett Society. Its chief executive, Sam Smethers, said of plans for a statue in her honor: “Her contribution was great, but she has been overlooked and unrecognized until now. By honoring her, we also honor the wider suffrage movement.”
    As now we are learning about history in TOK, I think the value of history can be giving us courage. For example, in this article, we can see that how women in the past take hold of the strong pressure possessed on them to be themselves rather than a belonging and property of their husband. I think the history of this woman is very encouraging and valuable for the feminism in nowadays. History gives us inspiration. --Sissi (4/2/2017)

A Transgender Student Won Her Battle. Now It's War. - The New York Times - 0 views

  • But just being allowed to set foot in that locker room was a huge victory for the girl. She is transgender.
  • but the war over how to accommodate transgender students is far from over in her Chicago suburb.
  • on the grounds that they are “the opposite biological sex.” Their presence, the opponents argue, violates community standards of decency.
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  • But that agreement, essentially a contract between the district and the federal government, applies only to one person: Student A.
  • “We didn’t choose to be black,” he said, “and no matter what choice we make in the future, guess what? We’re still going to be black.”
  • A letter from the church says: “God created two distinct and complementary sexes in the very biology of the human race. A biological male is never female or vice versa.”
  • Like many of the opponents, Mr. Harrington and his daughter have not met the transgender students they are talking about. Sarah suspects, but is not sure, that one of the younger transgender boys was in her Girl Scout troop.
  • Yes, he said, he knows Student A. He has since middle school, where she was bullied. And, he said with a smile, they attend the same church. “At least among my friend group,” he said, “it’s pretty well accepted that nobody really cares.”
    Transgender has always been a sensitive topic that people hold controversial views on. Religion is a big obstacle on the way. Transgender is obviously a rather new thing and it takes time for the whole society accept it as normal. I have always been interested about how transgender people lived in the past. Transgender is not a thing that only exist now. What about its history in the past? Why is the issue of transgender only starting to ever emerge and becoming widely discussed now? --Sissi (4/2/2017)
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