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Contents contributed and discussions participated by sissij


Teachers:What kind of students do you remember(if any) and how long for? | Yahoo Answers - 1 views

  • I remember the troublemakers, of course. Those are hard to forget. I also remember the exceptionally good ones. I teach English, so I also remember those who had something very interesting to say, regardless of how well-said, either in class or in their papers.
  • To be honest, it's the mediocre ones that I might not remember. The ones who did well, but were very quiet and had sort of normal or typical ideas.
  • I remember that most troublesome students the most because they challenged me to reflect and learn from my teaching. I always remember them everytime I run into others of the same nature in the classroom. :)
    I found this very interesting because it has a connection with the our memory. Our memory has a predilection and what we tend to remember the most is the extremes. I feel so unfair because the worst people get remember the most, and the ones who is hardworking but quiet just get forgot and lost in the history. For example, although Trump's election is very random, out of bounds, and ridiculous in a way, he still gets remembered and recorded in the history. I feel so sorry for those quiet contributors in this country that just get lost in the history. --Sissi (11/21/2016)

A Beginners Guide To Parkinson's Law: How To Do More Stuff By Giving Yourself... - 1 views

  • Parkinson’s Law: “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”
  • You had all week to finalize a proposal, but waited to do it until 4:30pm on the Friday.
  • He found that even a series of simple tasks increased in complexity to fill up the time allotted to it. As the length of time allocated to a task became shorter, the task became simpler and easier to solve.
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  • Interestingly enough, I worked more but got less done. On top of that, I was stressed all the time.
  • I was an addict, not to work, but to thinking that I was working.
  • Specificity and restrictions create freedom and nourish creativity. Add them to your arsenal of tools as you become an uber productive and efficient creator.
  • I’ve referred to this in the past as “shoot first, aim later” or “jump … and then figure it out on the way down.” Pick a big goal, commit to it, and you’ll probably find that you’re able to figure out a way to achieve it.
    I found this law very interesting. It also reminds me of the TedTalk we had during advisory on procrastination. Being busy and being busy and efficient is completely different. I have a personally experience that agree on this law. Last week, my days were completely filled with cross-country practice, musical rehearsal, and school work, so everyday I sleep around eleven o'clock. This week, I suddenly have a lot more time as the cross-country season ends and the musical is over, but I still go to bed at eleven o'clock and fill my time still not enough for me. I was busy this week but obviously, my efficiency is much lower than last week. --Sissi (11/18/2016)

How Murphy's Law Works - HowStuffWorks - 0 views

  • You're sitting in eight lanes of bumper-to-bumper traffic. You're more than ready to get home, but you notice, to your great dismay, that all of the other lanes seem to be moving. You change lanes. But once you do, the cars in your new lane come to a dead halt. At a standstill, you notice every lane on the highway (including the one you just left) is moving -- except yours.
  • whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
  • After all, we expect that things should work out in our favor. But when things go badly, we look for reasons.
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  • It seems to poke fun at us for being such hotheads, and it uses the rules of probability -- the mathematical likeliness that something will occur -- to support itself.
    I found this law very interesting because it is related to our topic of our lack of ability to deal with probabilities. We always tends to notice the bad things and rare things that happen to us and we named it coincidence. However, by math, coincidence is not only limited to things that rarely happen; it should also include things that has a high probability to happen. In the reading we did on Lesson Five, it mentions that we tend to think the cluster is not random, so we only find patterns between rarely happened things. For example, the death of two America presidents Lincoln and Kennedy. But what about the presidents who make through their presidency alive? Is it be a coincidence that they all live through their presidency? --Sissi (11/18/2016)

How Does Expectation Affect Perception - 3 views

  • One important fact is that the brain works in some ways like television transmission, in that it processes stable backgrounds without much attention and moving parts more intensely and differently.
  • Recent research in babies shows that they respond most to unexpected events and use these to evaluate the environment and learn.
  • But, the over arching analysis of visual signals depends on what is expected.
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  • Picture of bright light causes eye pupils to react, as if a real light.
  • Good hitters in baseball view the ball as larger.
  • Large people judge the absolute measurement of a doorway as more narrow than others will.
  • Words and thoughts alter sensory information:
  • She kicked the ball” or “grasped the subject” stimulates the leg or arm brain regions related to kicking or grasping.
  • Experienced observers of ballet or classical Indian dance who have never danced, when watching a dance stimulate specific muscles of the dance.
  • The brain has many interacting pathways and loops that create expectations with different probabilities from our previous experiences.
    I found this article very interesting because it explains some aspects of how our expectation can influence our perception. In this article, language is also mentioned that different vocabulary can alter our perception. I think this can be related to the definition of words we talked about recently. I think this article suggests that the definition of a word is the result of our expectation as we often define things differently in our favor if no clear definition is stated. This relationship can also be reversed as we use definitions to describe and organize our expectation. --Sissi (11/16/2016)

The Psychology of Scary Movies | - 0 views

  • This may explain the shape of our movie monsters: creatures with sharp teeth or snake like appearance.
  • scary movies don’t actually activate fear responses in the amygdala at all. Instead, it was other parts of the brain that were firing – the visual cortex – the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information, the insular cortex- self awareness, the thalamus -the relay switch between brain hemispheres, and the dorsal-medial prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain associated with planning, attention, and problem solving.
  • Unfortunately for Aristotle, research has shown the opposite – watching violence actually makes people MORE aggressive.
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  • Experiments with adolescent boys found that they enjoyed a horror film more when their female companion (who was a research plant) was visibly scared.
  • Where there is no imagination – there is no horror
    I found this very interesting as it went deep into the psychology behind the horror movies. It's especially astonishing for me to see that horror movies don't actually activate fear responses, instead they stimulate the prefrontal cortex of our brain. Also, this article provides a lot of possibilities why we are so attracted to horror movies. I think this can be related to our perceptions and logic of survival since horror movie can help us return to the most primitive state(trembling in the woods) feel the impulse of wild. --Sissi (11/14/2016)

What is Russell's paradox? - Scientific American - 1 views

  • Russell's paradox is based on examples like this: Consider a group of barbers who shave only those men who do not shave themselves. Suppose there is a barber in this collection who does not shave himself; then by the definition of the collection, he must shave himself. But no barber in the collection can shave himself.
  • We write this description of the set formally as x = { n: n is an integer and 3 < n < 7} . The objects in the set don't have to be numbers. We might let y ={x: x is a male resident of the United States }.
  • What became of the effort to develop a logical foundation for all of mathematics? Mathematicians now recognize that the field can be formalized using so-called Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. The formal language contains symbols such as e to express "is a member of," = for equality and to denote the set with no elements.
    I found this very interesting because it shows that even in math, there can be illogic paradox. There is no perfect logic. I think this paradox is a circular logic because the premise and assumption is used in the argument. Also, the definition and limitation of "those men" is too vague. I think to make this premise valid, we need to state that barbers are not in the reference of the term "those men" in the premise. --Sissi (11/12/2016)

Woman Drivers: Worse Than Men? Yes... and No | Reader's Digest - 0 views

  • In studies, men as a whole display less cautious behavior than women, such as driving at higher speeds and closer to other cars, not wearing seat belts, and driving while intoxicated more often.
  • However, this slight edge in ability doesn’t translate into better driving records.
  • According to one study, men are more than three times as likely to be ticketed for “aggressive driving” than women, and more than 25 percent as likely to be at fault in an accident.
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  • Similarly, the stereotype that women are weaker drivers may negatively affect their performance behind the wheel.
    I found it very interesting that although there is a stereotype that women drive poorly, men actually cause more accidents in researches. I very agree with the author because he make the term "better" clear in the passage, which most other claims mentioned vaguely. In his writing, "better" has two meanings: how safe one drives and how well one drives. I think looking at the problem through the two very different meaning of "better" can lead to very different conclusions. I think that's why different article held opposite views on this issue. They don't speak in the same language; they are speaking of different "better"s. --Sissi (11/10/2016)

'I Saw My Father Dying': A View From Aleppo's Government-Held Side - The New York Times - 1 views

  • President Bashar al-Assad’s main pitch to his people is that they are safer in the territory he controls, a far cry from the bombs and hunger on the rebels’ half of the storied and strategic city.This is what the government wanted international journalists to see when it invited a group into the country this week after years of keeping most out. But when I stepped off the bus, I found a war zone.
  • Dr. Mazen Rahmoun, a city health official in a neat brown suit, moved gingerly through the chaos with the preternaturally calm stare of a man long ago traumatized into numbness.
  • Instead, they are trying to break the siege, with Qaeda-linked groups and those backed by the United States working together — the opposite of what Russia has demanded.
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  • “Moderate rebels” was a sarcastic refrain we heard often, making fun of the Obama administration’s description of groups it backs; the Syrian government calls them terrorists.
  • “Don’t tell me he died! Don’t!” she shrieked. “I only have this one son.”“He will survive,”
  • Soldiers there said they did not expect the evacuation deal to work.
  • A senior military official said simply, “It’s over.”
    I found this news very interesting because it shows flawed the media can be. It also reveals that countries sometimes invite journalists to write some news in their favor. All the deceptions seem normal because their standard for abnormal is way higher than us. They are so numb to war and death that they can accept the worst situation with out being surprised. --Sissi (11/7/2016)

Does the Language I Speak Influence the Way I Think? | Linguistic Society of America - 1 views

  • What we have learned is that the answer to this question is complicated. To some extent, it's a chicken-and-egg question: Are you unable to think about things you don't have words for, or do you lack words for them because you don't think about them?
  • There's a language called Guugu Yimithirr (spoken in North Queensland, Australia) that doesn't have words like left and right or front and back. Its speakers always describe locations and directions using the Guugu Yimithirr words for north, south, east, and west. So, they would never say that a boy is standing in front of a house; instead, they'd say he is standing (for example) east of the house. They would also, no doubt, think of the boy as standing east of the house, while a speaker of English would think of him as standing in front of the house.
  • Whorf believed that because of this difference, Hopi speakers and English speakers think about events differently, with Hopi speakers focusing more on the source of the information and English speakers focusing more on the time of the event.
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  • But not always. You can easily conjure up mental images and sensations that would be hard to describe in words.
  • Not really, but if the new language is very different from your own, it may give you some insight into another culture and another way of life.
    I found it very interesting that how we speak can have some influence on how we think. It may even have a slice of the logic and ideology of our culture. As my second language, English is very different from Chinese. We may have different description for the same event because we value things differently. --Sissi (10/24/2016)

Do You Speak American . What Speech Do We Like Best? . Prejudice . Attitudes | PBS - 1 views

  • Linguists know that language variety does not correlate with intelligence or competence
  • A primary linguistic myth, one nearly universally attached to minorities, rural people and the less well educated, extends in the United States even to well-educated speakers of some regional varieties. That myth, of course, is that some varieties of a language are not as good as others.
  • Professional linguists are happy with the idea that some varieties of a language are more standard than others; that is a product of social facts.
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  • Southerners pretty clearly suffer from what linguists would call ‘linguistic insecurity’, but they manage to deflect the disdain of Northerners to adjacent areas rather than suffer the principal shame locally.
    Dialects in different languages create a stereotype. This is because of people's tendency of finding patterns. These patterns are invented and don't reflects the reality. This is also caused by the separation between different social status. --Sissi (10/13/2016)

8 Common Thinking Mistakes Our Brains Make Every Day - 2 views

  • No matter how much I pay attention to the sunk cost fallacy, I still naturally gravitate towards it.
  • The reason we can’t ignore the cost, even though it’s already been paid, is that we wired to feel loss far more strongly than gain.
  • They asked subjects to assume they had spent $100 on a ticket for a ski trip in Michigan, but soon after found a better ski trip in Wisconsin for $50 and bought a ticket for this trip too. They then asked the people in the study to imagine they learned the two trips overlapped and the tickets couldn’t be refunded or resold. Which one do you think they chose, the $100 good vacation, or the $50 great one? Over half of the people in the study went with the more expensive trip. It may not have promised to be as fun, but the loss seemed greater.
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  • the sunk cost fallacy leads us to miss or ignore the logical facts presented to us, and instead make irrational decisions based on our emotions—without even realizing we’re doing so
    I think the sunk cost fallacy is a great example of how irrational our brain is. The strong emotion can blind us from a wiser decision. This is consistent with the logic of evolution because human long time ago cannot bear any loss when they living in the wilderness without any potential tools and weapons. --Sissi (09/22/2016)

The Wave (2008 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Ron Jones's "Third Wave" experiment, which took place at a Californian school in 1967. Because his students did not understand how something like national socialism could even happen, he founded a totalitarian, strictly-organized "movement" with harsh punishments that was led by him autocratically. The intricate sense of community led to a wave of enthusiasm not only from his own students, but also from students from other classes who joined the program later. Jones later admitted to having enjoyed having his students as followers. To eliminate the upcoming momentum, Jones aborted the project on the fifth day and showed the students the parallels towards the Nazi youth movements.[3][4]
  • “Therein lies the great danger. It is an interesting fact that we always believe that what happens to others would never happen to us. We blame others, for example the less educated or the East Germans etc. However, in the Third Reich the house caretaker was just as fascinated by the movement as was the intellectual.”[10]
    I think this experiment is very interesting because it shows a flaw in human thinking that we are always progressing. However, just like the quote says: "Barbarism is not the inheritance of our pre-history. It is the companion that dogs our every step." The film "Die Welle", based on this experiment, is also very interesting and worth-watching. --Sissi (Sept 17, 2016)
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