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Contents contributed and discussions participated by katrinaskibicki


Review: Tegan and Sara's Album 'Love You to Death' Tinkers With Synth-Pop for Precise a... - 0 views

  • Listening closely to Tegan and Sara, the twin musicians enjoying unprecedented popularity two decades into their career due to 2013’s irresistible Heartthrob, can offer the kind of satisfaction that comes from solving a logic puzzle. Listening less closely can offer the same satisfaction great pop music always does. They bring a scientist’s rigor and an editor’s clarity to the stereotypically mushy topic of love, as well as, lately, to the synth-pop template they’ve helped repopularize on radio. Their trick is conveying lots of information—melodic, rhythmic, and lyrical—while maintaining simplicity and elegance.
  • The first track, “That Girl,” sets the album’s bittersweet tone in a very cool way. It’s about considering who you’ve become and not liking what you find—an extremely Tegan and Sara concept in that it’s less a demonstration of emotions that it’s a demonstration of thinking about emotions.
  • The vocals are moving enough to have worked nearly acapella.
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  • Charting how exactly the heart and mind interact while forcing the body to move along, it’s Tegan and Sara’s current appeal distilled as if for an instruction manual on the art of joy

TV is killing off so many characters that death is losing its punch - Vox - 0 views

  • TV is drowning in cheap, sloppily executed deaths
  • The spring of 2016 has been marked by death after death after death on TV. Some have proved controversial. Some have passed without commentary. A couple have been largely applauded.
  • But the fact remains: TV is killing major characters at an astonishing rate.
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  • That's the allure of a TV death in a nutshell. It's why everybody in the industry keeps chasing it. It raises the show's dramatic stakes. It almost automatically creates lots of conversation. And when done well, it can take your show to another level.
  • The problem with most TV deaths is pretty simple: They're frequently devoid of meaning, inserted into the plot only to create shock and boost a show's profile on Twitter.
  • Since it's hard to simply force audiences to care about the deaths of extreme supporting characters, both The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones have increasingly turned toward sensationalizing the deaths that do occur, making them bigger and bloodier, with mixed results.
  • The problem only compounds itself if you survey television as a whole. In isolation, a death that is adequate, though not particularly stirring, becomes harder to take when there's a whole wave of mediocre deaths around the programming grid. It gives off the appearance of a medium that's turning, increasingly, toward desperation.

One paragraph that puts the white-black life expectancy gap in (horrifying) context - Vox - 0 views

  • It is generally well-reported that there is a life expectancy gap between white and black Americans of about four years. But it can be hard to visualize exactly what this number means. In a recent conversation, David Williams, public health researcher at Harvard, described the racial gap to me in stark terms: One of the ways to think of the racial gap in health is to think of how many black people die prematurely every year who wouldn't die if there were no racial differences in health. The answer to that from a carefully done [2001] scientific study is 96,800 black people die prematurely every year. Divide it by 365 [days], that's 265 people dying prematurely every day. Imagine a jumbo jet — with 265 passengers and crew — crashing at Reagan Washington Airport today, and the same thing happening tomorrow and every day next week and every day next month. That's what we're talking about when we say there are racial disparities in health.
  • I asked Williams why there is such a tremendous gap in black and white life expectancy. He said there's no single issue to blame; it instead comes down to many factors, largely related to where people live.
    Again, this isn't just because of one single variable. It's a mix of issues, including how walkable a neighborhood is, how clean the air, water, and soil are, the availability of healthy foods, public health policies that push people away from bad habits or foods, and so on. Geographic location just reflects the place all those ideas come together - often in a way that affects certain groups more than others. And it shows why it's important to take a comprehensive view toward public health policy, tackling a variety of issues at once, instead of focusing solely on just one or two problems in a community.

April 11th, 2016 - theSkimm - 0 views

  • GOLDMAN SACHS THE STORY Yesterday, Goldman Sachs agreed to fork over $5 billion and a 'sorry for the financial crisis' note to the US gov.  EXPLAIN PLEASE. The settlement docs say that leading up to the '08 crisis, Goldman knew of the issues in the mortgage market. But the bank continued to sell bonds packaged with sketchy mortgages to its investors without giving them the heads up. A handful of other Wall St. banks have agreed to similar settlements with the feds over the years.  No individual bankers have ever been punished. theSKIMM More than a few people are annoyed by this. Including Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. He's made Wall St. reform THE issue of his campaign, so expect to hear about this during his debate with Hillz later this week.

Where were Republican moderates 20 years ago? - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • There have always been radicals on both sides of the political spectrum. But what is different about the conservative movement is that, since the 1990s, some of its most distinguished mainstream members have embraced the rhetoric and tactics of the extremes.
  • But over the past decade, I can recall conversations with some of these individuals in which they refused to accept that there was any problem within the Republican Party, attributing such criticism to media bias.
  • Palin knew next to nothing about national or international public policy, but she almost celebrated that ignorance, playing to the anti-intellectualism and anti-elitism of parts of the conservative base.
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  • It is gratifying to see the National Review mobilize against Trump, decrying his “free-floating populism” and disdain for the details of public policy. But where were the magazine’s editors when Sarah Palin put these same forces on full display eight years ago? Loudly cheering her on.
  • We still see this denial, with the truly bizarre claim by some in the media that the rise of Trump is really all the fault of . . . Obama. The logic is varied.
  • Here is a much simpler explanation for Donald Trump: Republicans have fed the country ideas about decline, betrayal and treason. They have encouraged the forces of anti-intellectualism, obstructionism and populism. They have flirted with bigotry and racism. Trump merely chose to unashamedly embrace all of it, saying plainly what they were hinting at for years. In doing so, he hit a jackpot.
  • The problem is not that Republican leaders should have begun to condemn Trump last year. It is that they should have condemned the ideas and tactics that led to his rise when they began to flourish 20 years ago.

Call Me Mister Trump - The New York Times - 0 views

  • What do you think we should call Donald Trump?
  • Why is Donald Trump always “Mister”?
  • “It’s this underlying power,”
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  • Just remember that this will be an administration where all millionaires, whatever race, creed or color, will be given equal opportunity. As long as they don’t call him Donald.
  • Is there anybody who can beat him? The only candidate who seemed discouraged by Super Tuesday was Ben Carson, although so far he’s only announced he will not be in Thursday’s debate. We will certainly miss him complaining that nobody ever asks him a question. And his answers!

If Donald Trump Changed Genders - The New York Times - 0 views

  • Is a raised, emphatic voice heard as something more grating when it emanates from a woman? Is toughness perceived as something more pernicious when the hide and stride are female?
  • But for an even more obvious, indisputable example of unequal treatment, look to Trump. A woman with his personal life, public comportment and potty mouth wouldn’t last a nanosecond in a political campaign — or, for that matter, in a boardroom. Her name on a line of scarves wouldn’t be the selling point that his on a line of ties is.
  • The moral judgments — in particular the sexual ones — that we make about men and women are utterly and unjustly dissimilar.
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  • We’d never hear the end of it. And yet we haven’t seen the end of Trump.

Revolutionary discovery: Scientists find gravitational waves Einstein predicted - 0 views

  • For the first time ever, scientists have directly detected gravitational waves, bizarre ripples in space-time foreseen by Einstein a century ago. The discovery was the final, acid test of Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
  • Einstein has been proven right – again.For the first time ever, scientists have directly detected gravitational waves, bizarre ripples in space-time foreseen by Einstein a century ago. The discovery was the final, acid test of Einstein’s celebrated general theory of relativity, and once again Einstein’s genius held up to scrutiny.
  • The waves in question arose during the close approach of two black holes some 1.3 billion years ago, when multicellular life began to spread on Earth. Traveling at the speed of light, the waves reached our planet in September -- precisely when a observatory built to detect them was emerging from a long hiatus.
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  • When scientists first saw the data suggesting that they’d captured a gravitational wave, they thought the results seemed to good to be true. Past claims of gravitational waves have proven unreliable, and there are many possible sources of error.
  • Gravitational waves confirmedAstrophysicists have announced the discovery of gravitational waves, ripples that travel at the speed of light through the fabric of space-time. A 1916 theory of Albert Einstein’s predicted their existence. .oembed-asset-photo-image { width: 100%; }
    A new scientific discovery shows that Einstein's predictions were correct, yet again!

Can You Get Smarter? - 0 views

    This article discusses cognitive developments and declines, relating to our focus during Unit 1 on the neocortex and evolution of the human brain.
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