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Social media copies gambling methods 'to create psychological cravings' | Technology | ... - 3 views

  • Social media platforms are using the same techniques as gambling firms to create psychological dependencies and ingrain their products in the lives of their users
  • create psychological cravings and even invoke “phantom calls and notifications” where users sense the buzz of a smartphone, even when it isn’t really there.
  • you get drawn into “ludic loops” or repeated cycles of uncertainty, anticipation and feedback — and the rewards are just enough to keep you going.
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  • “We have to start recognising the costs of time spent on social media. It’s not just a game – it affects us financially, physically and emotionally.”
  • The pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling mechanism on our news feeds are unnervingly similar to a slot machine
  • “You pull a lever and immediately receive either an enticing reward (a match, a prize!) or nothing,”
  • We cannot know when we will be rewarded, and more often than not we don’t find anything interesting or gratifying, much like gambling. But that’s precisely what keeps us coming back.
  • “The rewards are what psychologists refer to as variable reinforcement schedules and is the key to social media users repeatedly checking their screens,”
  • phone dependency, driven by high social-media usage, can lead us to think our phone is vibrating, or that we have received a message, even when we haven’t.
  • “There are whole departments trying to design their systems to be as addictive as possible. They want you to be permanently online and by bombarding you with messages and stimuli try to redirect your attention back to their app or webpage.”
  • Once a habit is formed something previously prompted by an external trigger, like a notification, email, or any sort of ring or ding, is no longer needed, Eyal remarked.It is replaced or supplemented with an internal trigger meaning that we form a mental association between wanting to use this product and seeking to serve an emotional need.

Immigration: you won't win people over with facts | Sunny Hundal | Opinion | The Guardian - 0 views

  • The great point is to bring them the real facts."
    • ilanaprincilus06
      There are so many people that wont listen to the facts, so what should we do then?
  • People aren't interested in facts; they like theories about the world that fit into their pre-existing ideas about how it is.
  • the impact of fact-checking is usually very limited to some media commentators and those actively looking to get informed. The audience is limited to a few websites or perhaps a newspaper like the Guardian.
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  • Our brains rarely absorb ideas and facts in one instance: they have to be repeatedly hammered to stick.
  • we are usually terrible at remembering numbers and facts.
  • we are much more likely to remember stories that invoke emotion or a personal connection.
  • one with an anecdote of an immigrant doing something terrible, versus an article on the positive economic impact of immigration, more people will remember the story than the economics. We also like stories that fit well with us and we cling to them.
  • "The most coherent stories are not necessarily the most probable, but they are plausible."
  • when people are accused of not knowing facts, they become defensive and look for ways to justify their views.
  • we forget that attitudes towards immigration have already shifted vastly from previous decades.
  • The change happened not by pushing facts but through human contact with those people. That is far more powerful than any appeal to facts or reason.

Dutch Metro Trail Gets Caught On Whale Tail Sculpture And Avoids Disaster | HuffPost - 0 views

  • This really was a fluke.
    • margogramiak
      no kidding!
    • margogramiak
      no kidding!
  • front carriage rammed through the end of an elevated section of rails
    • margogramiak
      What goes wrong for that to happen?
  • as engineers tried to work out how to stabilize and then remove the train
    • margogramiak
      I understand why that would be difficult...
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  • The architect who designed the sculpture, Maarten Struijs, told Dutch broadcaster RTL he was pleased that it likely saved the life of the driver.
    • margogramiak
      Yeah, I bet the designer feels great! Not only did he create a beautiful piece of art, he also saved lives
  • plastic
    • margogramiak
      it's PLASTIC?
  • uninjured and there were no passengers on the train
    • margogramiak
      This situation is crazy, and everyone involved is so lucky for so many reasons.
  • Authorities launched an investigation into how the train could plow through the barrier at the end of the rail tracks.
    • margogramiak
      Oh, so they don't have answers about this. I hope whatever the problem was they get it fixed!
  • The driver of a metro train escaped injury
    • margogramiak
      Wow, the driver is very lucky.
  • The driver of a metro train escaped injury
  • was caught by a sculpture of a whale’s tail near the Dutch port city of Rotterdam.
    • margogramiak
      What are the chance of that luck?? Oh my gosh...
  • perched upon one of two tail fins known as “flukes”
    • margogramiak
      Must have been a strong statue!

The Paradox of Privacy - The New York Times - 0 views

  • While attitudes toward privacy can appear paradoxical, the seeming contradiction is really about something else: control
  • Advertisers talk about having to move away from analog-era “push” tactics and embracing digital-age “pull” strategies, in which consumers are enticed into seeking information about a product or brand, rather than having ads foisted on them.
  • To try to improve the effectiveness of online ads, agencies and Internet companies have been working on ways to tailor them for individual Web users. But that has raised fears of a loss of privacy or control, or both.
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  • Yet behavioral targeting is, in some ways, “push” marketing carried to its extreme, with the advertiser controlling not just the content of its message but also the audience for it. Even if privacy concerns are overcome, can targeting work once consumers realize they are being “pushed”?

Why it's too soon to classify gaming addiction as a mental disorder | Science | The Gua... - 0 views

  • In Europe, recent figures indicate that games are played by more than two thirds of children and adolescents, and a substantial number of adults now play games
  • 30 academics wrote a paper in which they opposed the gaming disorder classification, arguing there was a lack of consensus among researchers who study games and that the quality of the evidence base was low.
  • gaming disorder in the WHO draft are very similar to those used to define gambling disorder. It’s an interesting approach, but it risks pathologising behaviours that are normal for hundreds of millions of regular gamers.
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  • This could stigmatise many highly engaged people for whom gaming is one of their main hobbies.
  • concerns about gaming addiction might reflect a moral panic instead of solid science.
  • there is no consensus on the definition of video game addiction, the essential symptoms or indicators, or the core features of the mental health condition.
  • What is currently missing is a body of studies where scientists preregister their methods and hypotheses prior to collecting data samples online.
  • we believe rigorous scientific research into gaming addiction is essential.

Play-Doh Announces Play-Doh For Grown-Ups | HuffPost Life - 0 views

  • The new product line contains a variety of what Play-Doh calls “Grown Up Scents,” including “Overpriced Latte,” “Mom Jeans,” “Dad Sneakers,” “Spa Day,” “Lord of the Lawn,” and “Grill King.”
  • The new product line contains a variety of what Play-Doh calls “Grown Up Scents,” including “Overpriced Latte,” “Mom Jeans,” “Dad Sneakers,” “Spa Day,” “Lord of the Lawn,” and “Grill King.”
    • lucieperloff
      Is this really necessary? I mean it's definitely amusing and a little ironic but really??
  • They’re also aimed at “anyone who loves a good laugh,” Vadaketh said.
    • lucieperloff
      So they're supposed to be somewhat playful
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  • The push into an older generation also comes as many companies adjust to the coronavirus-changed culture that’s keeping kids and their parents close to home.
  • In 2020, when everything feels topsy turvy, it seems fitting that Play-Doh would come full circle and offer a product for adults again.
    • lucieperloff
      This feels like a stretch but okay...

Critical Theory - New Discourses - 1 views

  • According to these theorists, a “critical” theory may be distinguished from a “traditional” theory according to a specific practical purpose: a theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human “emancipation from slavery,” acts as a “liberating … influence,” and works “to create a world which satisfies the needs and powers” of human beings (Horkheimer 1972, 246).
  • Because such theories aim to explain and transform all the circumstances that enslave human beings, many “critical theories” in the broader sense have been developed. They have emerged in connection with the many social movements that identify varied dimensions of the domination of human beings in modern societies.
  • The Critical Theory of the “Institute for Social Research,” which is better known as the Frankfurt School, focused on power analyses that began from a Marxist (or Marxian) perspective with an aim to understand why Marxism wasn’t proving successful in Western contexts. It rapidly developed a “post-Marxist” position that criticized Marx’s primary focus on economics and expanded his views on power, alienation, and exploitation into all aspects of post-Enlightenment Western culture. These theorists sometimes referred to themselves as “cultural Marxists,” and were referred to that way by others, but the term “cultural Marxism” is now more commonly used to describe (a misconception of) postmodernism (see also, neo-Marxism) or a certain anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
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  • a Traditional Theory is meant to be descriptive of some phenomenon, usually social, and aims to understand how it works and why it works that way, a Critical Theory should proceed from a prescriptive normative moral vision for society, describe how the item being critiqued fails that vision (usually in a systemic sense), and prescribe activism to subvert, dismantle, disrupt, overthrow, or change it—that is, generally, to break and then remake society in accordance with the particular critical theory’s prescribed vision
  • One of the ambitions of the Critical Theorists of the Frankfurt School was to address cultural power in a way that allowed an awakening of working-class consciousness out of the ideology of capitalism in order to overcome it.
  • Critical theories in a broader sense are largely understood to be the critical study of various types of power relations within myriad aspects of culture, often under a broad rubric referred to in general as “cultural studies.”
  • They are to be found within many disciplines and subdisciplines within the theoretical humanities, including cultural studies, media studies, gender studies, ethnic/race/whiteness/black studies, sexuality/LGBT/trans studies, postcolonial, indigenous, and decolonial studies, disability studies, and fat studies. Critical theories of various kinds are also to be found within (but not necessarily dominant over) other fields of the humanities, social sciences, and arts, including English (literature), sociology, philosophy, art, history and, particularly, pedagogy (theory of education).
  • The focus on identity, experiences, and activism, rather than an attempt to find truth, leads to conflict with empirical scholars and undermines public confidence in the worth of scholarship that uses this approach.

Meet a Bee With a Very Big Brain - The New York Times - 0 views

  • The large shaggy bee also has a very large brain.
  • The large shaggy bee also has a very large brain.
    • lucieperloff
      Relative to other bees? Or to similar sized insects?
  • That means when it comes to insects, the rules that have guided brain evolution in other animals may not apply.
    • lucieperloff
      Makes sense because insects and mammals have had very differnt evolutionary obstacles to overcome and survive
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  • “Bees manage surprisingly complex behavior with tiny brains,” making the evolution of bee brains an especially interesting subject.
    • lucieperloff
      Maybe the size of the bee's brains doesn't actually relate to their intelligence
  • Bees that only go through one generation each year have larger brains, relative to their body size, than bees with multiple generations a year.
  • A bee with a broad diet can fly into a field and drink the first nectar it finds. But a bee with a specialized diet may have to spot its preferred bloom, with its specific color and fragrance, among a whole field of similar flowers — a task that might require more brain.
    • lucieperloff
      This is where it could be more important for bees to have larger brains
  • Larger brains have also been linked to social behavior in primates and other mammals. But scientists found no connection between brain size and whether a bee lived in hives like honeybees or was a loner like our big-brained aster-eater.
  • “Highly social species have smaller brains because each individual is more like a cell in the body of the hive,”
  • Dr. Tibbetts said that even for vertebrates, whether bigger-brained animals are smarter is a topic of wide debate.
    • lucieperloff
      You can't really compare the intelligence of a bee and another vertebrate

Are shows like Dexter to blame for inspiring violent crimes? | Steve Lillebuen | Opinio... - 0 views

  • serious crime has always been tied to pop culture.
  • The attempted assassination of US President Ronald Reagan was even linked to watching Taxi Driver.
  • But the scientific evidence backing up such a link has never been very clear, leading many to quite rightly discount the level of influence.
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  • how Twitchell's crimes challenge this new way of thinking that totally exonerates pop culture from contributing to real-life violence.
  • In 2008, he had been completing a Dexter-inspired film production when police charged him with a missing man's murder and an attack on another. An unimaginable court case then revealed all: the filmmaker had re-enacted his horror script in real-life.
    • ilanaprincilus06
      How do you regulate something like this? Many people like myself, watch these shows for the plot lines or topics addressed. People would eventually maneuver around watching shows like these even if they were banned/cancelled.
  • This didn't seem like a case of insanity, mental illness or a drug-induced psychosis. Twitchell was a married father with no history of violence or criminal convictions before he transformed seemingly overnight into a would-be serial killer.
  • We just need to distinguish what it really means to be inspired rather than who is responsible.
  • Like other tragedies before it, this finger-pointing stems from an intense need to find tangible explanations for horrific violence when the answers can be far more layered, far more complex.
  • Millions around the world are now watching. The uncomfortable truth remains that so is Mark Twitchell and many others who are like him.

How your eyes betray your thoughts | Science | The Guardian - 0 views

  • the eyes not only reflect what is happening in the brain but may also influence how we remember things and make decisions.
  • Our eyes are constantly moving, and while some of those movements are under conscious control, many of them occur subconsciously.
  • one group of researchers, for example, found that watching for dilation made it possible to predict when a cautious person used to saying ‘no’ was about to make the tricky decision to say ‘yes’.
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  • we somehow link abstract number representations in the brain with movement in space.
  • “When people are looking at scenes they have encountered before, their eyes are frequently drawn to information they have already seen, even when they have no conscious memory of it,”
  • those who were allowed to move their eyes spontaneously during recall performed significantly better than those who fixed on the cross.
  • participants who were told to fix their gaze in the corner of the screen in which objects had appeared earlier performed better than those told to fix their gaze in another corner.
  • which comes first: whether thinking of a particular number causes changes in eye position, or whether the eye position influences our mental activity.
  • One recent study showed – maybe worryingly – that eye-tracking can be exploited to influence the moral decisions we take.
  • “We think of persuasive people as good talkers, but maybe they’re also observing the decision-making process,”
  • “Maybe good salespeople can spot the exact moment you’re wavering towards a certain choice, and then offer you a discount or change their pitch.”
  • eye movements can both reflect and influence higher mental functions such as memory and decision-making
  • This knowledge may give us ways of improving our mental functions – but it also leaves us vulnerable to subtle manipulation by other people.
  • “The eyes are like a window into our thought processes, and we just don’t appreciate how much information might be leaking out of them,

Human Brain: facts and information - 0 views

  • The human brain is more complex than any other known structure in the universe.
  • Weighing in at three pounds, on average, this spongy mass of fat and protein is made up of two overarching types of cells—called glia and neurons—and it contains many billions of each.
  • The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, accounting for 85 percent of the organ's weight. The distinctive, deeply wrinkled outer surface is the cerebral cortex. It's the cerebrum that makes the human brain—and therefore humans—so formidable. Animals such as elephants, dolphins, and whales actually have larger brains, but humans have the most developed cerebrum. It's packed to capacity inside our skulls, with deep folds that cleverly maximize the total surface area of the cortex.
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  • The cerebrum has two halves, or hemispheres, that are further divided into four regions, or lobes. The frontal lobes, located behind the forehead, are involved with speech, thought, learning, emotion, and movement.
  • Behind them are the parietal lobes, which process sensory information such as touch, temperature, and pain.
  • At the rear of the brain are the occipital lobes, dealing with vision
  • Lastly, there are the temporal lobes, near the temples, which are involved with hearing and memory.
  • The second-largest part of the brain is the cerebellum, which sits beneath the back of the cerebrum.
  • diencephalon, located in the core of the brain. A complex of structures roughly the size of an apricot, its two major sections are the thalamus and hypothalamus
  • The brain is extremely sensitive and delicate, and so it requires maximum protection, which is provided by the hard bone of the skull and three tough membranes called meninges.
  • Want more proof that the brain is extraordinary? Look no further than the blood-brain barrier.
  • This led scientists to learn that the brain has an ingenious, protective layer. Called the blood-brain barrier, it’s made up of special, tightly bound cells that together function as a kind of semi-permeable gate throughout most of the organ. It keeps the brain environment safe and stable by preventing some toxins, pathogens, and other harmful substances from entering the brain through the bloodstream, while simultaneously allowing oxygen and vital nutrients to pass through.
  • One in five Americans suffers from some form of neurological damage, a wide-ranging list that includes stroke, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy, as well as dementia.
  • Alzheimer’s disease, which is characterized in part by a gradual progression of short-term memory loss, disorientation, and mood swings, is the most common cause of dementia. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States
  • 50 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s or some form of dementia. While there are a handful of drugs available to mitigate Alzheimer’s symptoms, there is no cure.
  • Unfortunately, negative attitudes toward people who suffer from mental illness are widespread. The stigma attached to mental illness can create feelings of shame, embarrassment, and rejection, causing many people to suffer in silence.
  • In the United States, where anxiety disorders are the most common forms of mental illness, only about 40 percent of sufferers receive treatment. Anxiety disorders often stem from abnormalities in the brain’s hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a mental health condition that also affects adults but is far more often diagnosed in children.
  • ADHD is characterized by hyperactivity and an inability to stay focused.
  • Depression is another common mental health condition. It is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is often accompanied by anxiety. Depression can be marked by an array of symptoms, including persistent sadness, irritability, and changes in appetite.
  • The good news is that in general, anxiety and depression are highly treatable through various medications—which help the brain use certain chemicals more efficiently—and through forms of therapy
    Here is some anatomy of the brain and descriptions of diseases like Alzheimer's and conditions like ADHD, depression, anxiety.

Why Childhood Memories Disappear - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Most adults can’t remember much of what happened to them before age 3 or so. What happens to the memories formed in those earliest years?
  • When I talk about my first memory, what I really mean is my first retained memory. Carole Peterson, a professor of psychology at Memorial University Newfoundland, studies children’s memories. Her research has found that small children can recall events from when they were as young as 20 months old, but these memories typically fade by the time they’re between 4 and 7 years old.
  • “People used to think that the reason that we didn’t have early memories was because children didn’t have a memory system or they were unable to remember things, but it turns out that’s not the case,” Peterson said. “Children have a very good memory system. But whether or not something hangs around long-term depends on on several other factors.”
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  • Two of the most important factors, Peterson explained, are whether the memory “has emotion infused in it,” and whether the memory is coherent: Does the story our memory tells us actually hang together and make sense when we recall it later?
  • A professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Reznick explained that shortly after birth, infants can start forming impressions of faces and react when they see those faces again; this is recognition memory. The ability to understand words and learn language relies on working memory, which kicks in at around six months old. More sophisticated forms of memory develop in the child’s second year, as semantic memory allows children to retain understanding of concepts and general knowledge about the world.
  • I formed earlier memories using more rudimentary, pre-verbal means, and that made those memories unreachable as the acquisition of language reshaped how my mind works, as it does for everyone.
  • False memories do exist, but their construction appears to begin much later in life
  • A study by Peterson presented young children with fictitious events to see if they could be misled into remembering these non-existent events, yet the children almost universally avoided the bait. As for why older children and adults begin to fill in gaps in their memories with invented details, she pointed out that memory is a fundamentally constructive activity: We use it to build understanding of the world, and that sometimes requires more complete narratives than our memories can recall by themselves.
  • as people get older, it becomes easier to conflate actual memories with other stimuli.
  • He explained that recognition memory is our most pervasive system, and that associations with my hometown I formed as an infant could well have endured more than 20 years later, however vaguely.
  • give me enough time, and I’m sure that detail will be added to my memory. It’s just too perfect a story.
    Alasdair Wilkins talks about her childhood memories, false memory and how children remember moments of their early years.

Metacontrol and body ownership: divergent thinking increases the virtual hand illusion ... - 0 views

  • The virtual hand illusion (VHI) paradigm demonstrates that people tend to perceive agency and bodily ownership for a virtual hand that moves in synchrony with their own movements. Given that this kind of effect can be taken to reflect self–other integration (i.e., the integration of some external, novel event into the representation of oneself), and given that self–other integration has been previously shown to be affected by metacontrol states (biases of information processing towards persistence/selectivity or flexibility/integration), we tested whether the VHI varies in size depending on the metacontrol bias. Persistence and flexibility biases were induced by having participants carry out a convergent thinking (Remote Associates) task or divergent-thinking (Alternate Uses) task, respectively, while experiencing a virtual hand moving synchronously or asynchronously with their real hand. Synchrony-induced agency and ownership effects were more pronounced in the context of divergent thinking than in the context of convergent thinking, suggesting that a metacontrol bias towards flexibility promotes self–other integration.
  • As in previous studies, participants were more likely to experience subjective agency and ownership for a virtual hand if it moved in synchrony with their own, real hand. As predicted, the size of this effect was significantly moderated by the type of creativity task in the context of which the illusion was induced.
  • It is important to keep in mind the fact that our present findings were obtained in a paradigm that strongly interleaved what we considered the task prime (i.e., the particular creativity task) and the induction of the VHI—the process we aimed to prime. The practical reason to do so was to increase the probability that the metacontrol state that the creativity tasks were hypothesized to induce or establish would be sufficiently close in time to the synchrony manipulation to have an impact on the thereby induced changes in self-perception. However, this implies that we are unable to disentangle the effects of the task prime proper and the effects of possible interactions between this task prime and the synchrony manipulation. There are indeed reasons to assume that such interactions are not unlikely to have occurred
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  • and that they would make perfect theoretical sense. The observation that the VHI was affected by the type of creativity task and performance in the creativity tasks was affected by the synchrony manipulation suggests some degree of overlap between the ways that engaging in particular creativity tasks and experiencing particular degrees of synchrony are able to bias perceived ownership and agency. In terms of our theoretical framework, this implies that engaging in divergent thinking biases metacontrol towards flexibility in similar ways as experiencing synchrony between one’s own movements and those of a virtual effector does, while engaging in convergent thinking biases metacontrol towards persistence as experiencing asynchrony does. What the present findings demonstrate is that both kinds of manipulation together bias the VHI in the predicted direction, but they do not allow to statistically or numerically separate and estimate the contribution that each of the two confounded manipulations might have made. Accordingly, the present findings should not be taken to provide conclusive evidence that priming tasks alone are able to change self-perception without being supported (and perhaps even enabled) by the experience of synchrony
  • between proprioceptive and visual action feedback.
    This article relates to the ownership module. It talks about an experiment with VHI that is very interesting.

What is hypnosis and how might it work? - 0 views

  • Hypnosis can be seen as ‘a waking state of awareness, (or consciousness), in which a person’s attention is detached from his or her immediate environment and is absorbed by inner experiences such as feelings, cognition and imagery’.1 Hypnotic induction involves focusing of attention and imaginative involvement to the point where what is being imagined feels real. By the use and acceptance of suggestions, the clinician and patient construct a hypnotic reality.
  • Everyday ‘trance’ states are part of our common human experience, such as getting lost in a good book, driving down a familiar stretch of road with no conscious recollection, when in prayer or meditation, or when undertaking a monotonous or a creative activity. Our conscious awareness of our surroundings versus an inner awareness is on a continuum, so that, when in these states, one’s focus is predominantly internal, but one does not necessarily lose all outer awareness.
  • Hypnosis could be seen as a meditative state, which one can learn to access consciously and deliberately, for a therapeutic purpose. Suggestions are then given either verbally or using imagery, directed at the desired outcome. This might be to allay anxiety by accessing calmness and relaxation, help manage side effects of medications, or help ease pain or other symptoms. Depending on the suggestions given, hypnosis is usually a relaxing experience, which can be very useful with a patient who is tense or anxious. However, the main usefulness of the hypnotic state is the increased effectiveness of suggestion and access to mind/body links or unconscious processing. Hypnosis can not only be used to reduce emotional distress but also may have a direct effect on the patient’s experience of pain.2
    This article dives deeper into what hypnosis is and how it works.

The Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American - 0 views

  • It is a fact of neuroscience that everything we experience is a figment of our imagination.
  • Although our sensations feel accurate and truthful, they do not necessarily reproduce the physical reality of the outside world
  • One of the most important tools used by neuroscientists to understand how the brain creates its sense of reality is the visual illusion.
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  • Long before scientists were studying the properties of neurons, artists had devised a series of techniques to deceive the brain into thinking that a flat canvas was three-dimensional or that a series of brushstrokes was indeed a still life.
  • Visual illusions are defined by the dissociation between the physical reality and the subjective perception of an object or event.
  • Brightness, color, shading, eye movement and other factors can have powerful effects on what we “see.”

Why Do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories? | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • The researchers found that reasons for believing in conspiracy theories can be grouped into three categories: The desire for understanding and certainty The desire for control and security The desire to maintain a positive self-image
  • Seeking explanations for events is a natural human desire
  • We all harbor false beliefs, that is, things we believe to be true but in fact are not.
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  • After all, you were simply misinformed, and you’re not emotionally invested in it.
  • Conspiracy theories are also false beliefs, by definition. But people who believe in them have a vested interest in maintaining them
  • People need to feel they’re in control of their lives
  • conspiracy theories can give their believers a sense of control and security. This is especially true when the alternative account feels threatening.
  • Research shows that people who feel socially marginalized are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. We all have a desire to maintain a positive self-image, which usually comes from the roles we play in life—our jobs and our relationships with family and friends
  • Most people who believe global warming is real or that vaccines are safe don’t do so because they understand the science. Rather, they trust the experts
  • we have a good understanding of what motivates people to believe in conspiracy theories. That is, they do so because of three basic needs we all have: to understand the world around us, to feel secure and in control, and to maintain a positive self-image.

Experts Describe the Perfect Classroom Space for Learning in School - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • The seats, space, and stuff that idyllic learning environments are made of
  • We asked prominent voices in education—from policy makers and teachers to activists and parents—to look beyond laws, politics, and funding and imagine a utopian system of learning. They went back to the drawing board—and the chalkboard—to build an educational Garden of Eden.
  • Students need to be in classrooms that inspire them—spaces that are light, airy, and filled with examples of work that they aspire to do
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  • There might be desks, cushions, or benches arranged in rows or circles—however the teachers want them, as not every classroom will follow a template. Each classroom will be set up based on what is necessary to meet learning objectives. But schools will prioritize configuring classes to inspire learning first and foremost, and, where appropriate, reflect the diversity of environments that students are exposed to outside a school setting.
  • Students will have beautiful spaces that make them feel good to be at school—with art, living plants, music where appropriate, comfortable seating, and fast internet access.
  • Windows that open are a nice feature, as are clean bathrooms and individual desks that can be rearranged
  • Smaller schools and smaller rooms seem to work better than larger schools and larger rooms.  
  • My experience as a high-school principal taught me to never spend too much time worrying about the “small stuff.”
  • High-school classrooms will be designed by students themselves, providing breakout space for group work and more private areas for individual work and studying. High-school classrooms will reflect the transition that students are facing, allowing for independence but also providing a nurturing environment for curiosity.
  • There will be areas where students can post ideas to help make the learning environment more engaging and fun. The classroom will also be tailored to the topic, but all will have interactive stations where hands-on learning can be experienced by all students.
  • In the future, we won’t have “classrooms.” The enemy of the future of the classroom has arguably been that phrase: “the future of the classroom.” It locks us into a model of believing students will be sorted by age and sit in a room together with one teacher in the front.
  • Form will follow function, and if one of the key principles of public education is to instill an appreciation for democracy, then classrooms will be arranged so that students are equals with one another
  • (not some in the front, others in the back), and so that students are active participants in learning, not passive recipients of teachers’ knowledge.
  • Whereas the traditional lecture hall connotes hierarchy, placing desks in a circle suggests students should be learning to debate and become decision makers. Within the circle, desks will also be clustered in small groups of four to encourage collaboration among students.
  • There will be a large open space that will serve as a community gathering spot. The classroom will have big windows to let a lot of natural light shine through. The room will be colorful without being obnoxious—colors will be blues, greens, whites, and yellows.
  • It’s also important to look at the appropriate role of technology in the classroom. Technology can be a powerful tool, but it must be implemented with the intention of enhancing educator-facilitated learning, not replacing i
    A few voices describe their visions of the best types of schools- what environment would our brains thrive in best?

The Best Educational Systems in the World - 0 views

  • In 2020, the top three educational systems in the world were Finland, Denmark, and South Korea
  • This is based on developmental levels including early childhood enrollment, test scores in math, reading, and science in primary and secondary levels, completion rates, high school and college graduation, and adult literacy rates.
  • Finland's education system is a dream: early education is designed around learning through play, school meals are free, and universities are tuition-free for students coming from EU, European Economic Area (EEA) countries, and Switzerland. A majority of teachers also have a master's degree; in fact, basic education teachers are required to have them.
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  • While education used to revolve around learning Latin, Greek, and philosophy (even today, literacy rates are high at approximately 99%), the education system today is well-rounded.
  • The government invests heavily in education, approximately 8% of its budget, and education is free for students until they turn 15 or 16 years old.
  • The public system is divided into six years of primary school, three years of secondary school, and then three years of either academic or vocational school.
  • allows students time each day to take a course of their choice that isn't included in their regular curriculum
  • . Students in South Korea take education seriously: many also are involved in supplemental tutoring and after-school programs called "hagwons."
  • The link between countries with outstanding educational systems and strong financial service sectors is becoming increasingly prominent, and the speed with which nations recovered from the effects of the global recession also showcased extraordinary robustnes
  • It is interesting to note that each nation is extremely federated, flexible, and far removed from the centralized model favored historically by developed nations.
    This doesn't talk specifically about why these systems are better or help learning go much faster, but through their short descriptions of top global schools, I felt reminded of our discussion about classroom environment and raising hands etc.

How Engaging With Art Affects the Human Brain | American Association for the Advancemen... - 0 views

  • Today, the neurological mechanisms underlying these responses are the subject of fascination to artists, curators and scientists alike.
  • "Once you circle these little things and come to the end of this little project, you'll be invited to compare where you came out against what the results of this experiment were and are," Vikan said. "What you'll find in this show is that there is an amazing convergence. The people that came to the museum liked and disliked the same categories of shapes as the people in the lab as the people in the fMRIs."
  • "Art accesses some of the most advanced processes of human intuitive analysis and expressivity and a key form of aesthetic appreciation is through embodied cognition, the ability to project oneself as an agent in the depicted scene,
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  • Embodied cognition is "the sense of drawing you in and making you really feel the quality of the paintings,"
  • The Birth of Venus" because it makes them feel as though they are floating in with Venus on the seashell. Similarly, viewers can feel the flinging of the paint on the canvas when appreciating a drip painting by Jackson Pollock.
  • Mirror neurons, cells in the brain that respond similarly when observing and performing an action, are responsible for embodied cognition
  • Most research on the effects of music education has been done on populations that are privileged enough to afford private music instruction so Kraus is studying music instruction in group settings
  • "But observing the action requires the information to flow inward from the image you're seeing into the control centers. So that bidirectional flow is what's captured in this concept of mirror neurons and it gives the extra vividness to this aesthetics of art appreciation
  • Performing an action requires the information to flow out from the control centers to the limbs,
  • While congenitally blind people usually don't have activation in the visual area of the brain, in brain scans done after the subjects were taught to draw from memory,
  • Hearing speech in noise is one area in which musicians are uniquely skilled. In standardized tests, musicians across the lifespan were much better than the general public at listening to sentences and repeating them back as the level of background noise increased, Kraus said.
  • Artists are known to be better observers and exhibit better memory than non-artists. In an effort to see what happens in the brain when an individual is drawing and whether drawing can increase the brain's plasticity
  • Musicians are also known for their ability to keep rhythm, a skill that is correlated with reading ability and how precisely the brain responds to sound. After one year, students who participated in the group music instruction were faster and more accurate at keeping a beat than students in the control group, Kraus said.
  • "To sum things up, we are what we do and our past shapes our present," Kraus said. "Auditory biology is not frozen in time. It's a moving target. And music education really does seem to enhance communication by strengthening language skills."
  • "When you're doing art, your brain is running full speed,"
  • "It's hitting on all eight cylinders. So if you can figure out what's happening to the brain on art,

The Importance of a Positive Classroom - 0 views

  • The Importance of a Positive Classroom
  • Simply put, students learn better when they view the learning environment as positive and supportive
  • A positive environment is one in which students feel a sense of belonging, trust others, and feel encouraged to tackle challenges, take risks, and ask questions
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  • Such an environment provides relevant content, clear learning goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and strategies to help students succeed
  • We all know the factors that can threaten a positive classroom environment: problems that kids bring from home, lack of motivation among students whose love of learning has been drilled right out of them, pressures from testing, and more
  • We can't control all these factors, but what if we could implement some simple strategies to buffer against their negative effects?
  • We can foster effective learning and transform the experience of our students every day by harnessing the power of emotions.
  • don't worry: I'm not talking about holding a daily class meeting to talk about feelings.
  • Stress, for example, has a significant negative effect on cognitive functioning
  • Unfortunately, when it comes to learning processes, the power of negative events greatly outweighs the power of positive event
  • As a result, we need to prepare ourselves with an arsenal of strategies that inoculate our students against the power of negativity.
  • By providing enough positive experiences to counteract the negative, we can help students avoid getting stuck in a "negative spiral"
  • Being caught up in negative emotions in this way impairs learning by narrowing students' focus and inhibiting their ability to see multiple viewpoints and solve problems.
  • This publication is not a cheat sheet, a "happyology" manual, or a Band-Aid that will fix that distressed kid and send him to a magical haven of learning.
  • Far from promising easy solutions and instant results, these strategies will increase students' capacity to tolerate the discomfort that comes with working hard and to accept that there are no easy answers—that only critical thinking and perseverance lead the way to mastery.
  • pause every 10 minutes and simply observe how many students are actively engaged and how many are off task.
  • If it is too challenging to chart the behavior of each student, you can choose a sample of the class to observe.
  • Remember to keep a full observation stance, and try not to leap to judgment. Keep in mind various "factors of mass distraction" that may contribute to problems , such as people entering or leaving the room, noise level, students' seating locations, and time of day. You might also want to note the affect or mood of students as they come into class that day.
  • As for the less productive moments you identify, the following strategies will help you create an environment that is more conducive to engagement and learning.
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