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"When it comes to a learner-centered syllabus vs. a traditional syllabus, it's not really a difference so much in content as it is in tone," said Paff. "There's a shift in emphasis from 'What are we going to cover?' to 'How can the course promote learning and intellectual development in students?' So it's going to contain roughly the same information, but the language used to convey the policies, procedures, and content is different in order to foster a more engaging and shared learning environment."
"May 25, 2010, 02:00 PM ET
Integrating Digital Audio Composition into Humanities Courses
By Prof. Hacker
Edison Phonograph[This guest post is by Jentery Sayers, who is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Washington, Seattle. In 2010-2011, he will be teaching media and communication studies courses in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington, Bothell. He is also actively involved with HASTAC. You can follow Jentery on Twitter: @jenterysayers.]
Back in October 2009, Billie Hara published a wonderfully detailed ProfHacker post titled, "Responding to Student Writing (audio style)". There, she provides a few reasons why instructors might compose digital audio in response to student writing. For instance, students are often keen on audio feedback, which seems more personal than handwritten notes or typed text. As an instructor of English and media studies, I have reached similar conclusions. Broadening the sensory modalities and types of media involved in feedback not only diversifies how learning happens; it also requires all participants to develop some basic-and handy-technical competencies (e.g., recording, storing, and accessing MP3s) all too rare in the humanities.
In this post, I want to continue ProfHacker's inquiry into audio by unpacking two questions: How might students-and not just instructors-compose digital audio in their humanities courses? And what might they learn in so doing?
Designing Courses with Audio Composition in Mind
One of the easiest ways to integrate digital audio composition into a humanities course is to identify the kinds of compositions that might be possible and then find some examples. Below, I consider five kinds of digital audio compositions:
* recorded talks
* audio essays
* playlists
* mashups
* interviews
Each entails its own learning outcomes, technologies, and technical competencies.
The recorded talk consists of students reading their own academic essays a