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karen sipe

Home - Dial2Do - Use your voice to text, email and more while you drive. - 0 views

    Can be used by students who are visually impaired so they can send speech to text emails, blog posts, tweets, reminders, posts on google calendar, etc.
Marge Runkle

Tagxedo - Tag Cloud with Styles - 3 views

    turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurence within the body of text.
John Sengia

WordTalk - 1 views

    Free text to speech add in for Microsoft Word.
Marge Runkle

xtranormal - 1 views

    This is a wonderful site! I use it all the time!! A large portion of my students actually used it for their last presentations! The one downfall - you need to verify an email address before you can save anything. I've also found a way around that though... you just have to finish your project in one sitting and it'll finish it and give you a URL that you can post somewhere (for my students on moodle). Great site!! :)
Michelle Krill

AudioPal - Audio software for free Text to Speech and voice recording - 2 views

    Create audio for a website and get link by email.
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