People have been using Poll Everywhere to make word clouds and tag clouds for years. Now, we've made it even easier with a simple two-step process for our favorite word cloud services: Wordle, Tagxedo, and Tagul. You'll find a new view called "Word cloud" on your Free Text Polls.
the entire tom barrett series of interesting ways to use: twitter, wiki search enggines, voicethread, prezi, google docs, interactive whiteboard, google earth, & wordle inthe classroom
"Simply enter some text and create your word cloud!
* Customise many settings
* Share your word cloud (or keep it secret!)
* Embed it on your own website"
"Learning new vocabulary can be quite daunting for most students. We just have to look at the literacy rates to see how much children struggle with vocabulary. Rote learning of vocabulary does not really work. Experience has taught me students remember what they use and explore. Students need to have fun, engage with the material, and explore how their new knowledge works. "
turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurence within the body of text.
WordSift is a tool that was created primarily for teachers. Mainly, think of it playfully - as a toy in a linguistic playground that is available to instantly capture and display the vocabulary structure of texts, and to help create an opportunity to talk and play with language.