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Ann Baum (Johnston)

100+ STEM Websites & Webtools for Teachers - LiveBinder - 3 views

    STEM LiveBinder - Tabs include STEM, then the four areas, Android apps, iPad/iPod apps, STEM videos, and more.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

LiveBinders Tips and Tricks - 5 views

    Great tips and tricks for using all aspects of LiveBinders!
John Sengia

QR Codes In Education - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Collection of QR code resources in LiveBinders.
karen sipe

WEB 2.0 FOR SECONDARY TEACHERS - LiveBinder - 1 views

    Great resource with a variety of web 2.0 resources for secondary teachers. Great exampl of livebinder (another free tool)
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Featured LiveBinders - 0 views

    Livebinders for Dropbox, Google+, Quotes, iPads, and so much more!
Ann Baum (Johnston)

livebinders4teachers / FrontPage - 2 views

    "This workspace was created for educators to share and categorize livebinders by subject, grade-level, and whatever else makes sense. Please feel free to add binders, pages, and new sections." General topics include: web 2.0, special needs, tutorials, ePortfolios, STEM projects, and more.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Blogs for Kids - 2 views

    Livebinder of blogs for kids.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Nordonia Hills City Schools Curriculum - LiveBinder - 4 views

    Many resources aligned to Common Core
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Top 20 LiveBinders You Should Not Miss - 4 views

    from Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Marge Runkle

Digital Toolbox - LiveBinder - 1 views

    This is an awesome list of web tools for teachers and students
Marge Runkle

LiveBinders - Organize your resources in an online binder - 1 views

    Collect your resources, Organize them neatly and easily, Present them with pride
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Write On! for Kids - 6 views

    Sites to get kids to write!
Michelle Krill

Differentiated Instruction - 4 views

    DI Sites organized.
1 - 15 of 15
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