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Marge Runkle

8 Useful Online Applications For Note Taking - 1 views

    Though the traditional pen-and-paper notebook has its advantages, an online application provides more features (multi-user collaboration, instant access from anywhere in the world, and so on). This is a list of 8 useful online applications for note taking. Enjoy being more productive!
Marge Runkle

25 Random Things Innovative Educators Can Do To Enhance Teaching and Learning - 1 views

    Summary: 25 random things innovative educators can do to enhance teaching and learning
Marge Runkle

Wiffiti - 0 views

    Wiffiti publishes real time messages to screens in thousands of locations from jumbotrons to jukeboxes, bars to bowling alleys and cafes to colleges.
Marge Runkle

Regional Education Laboratories: Home Page - 0 views

    The Regional Educational Laboratory Program (REL) consists of a network of ten laboratories that serve the educational needs of a designated region by providing access to high quality scientifically valid education research through applied research and development projects, studies, and other related technical assistance activities.
Marge Runkle

Datamasher - 3 views

    There are a lot of cool things about DataMasher: the available datasets, the community built around that data, the unique visualization tools, and the easy-to-use interface of the site. What is truly intriguing about the site is the way users take two different datasets and create visual hypotheses. For example, to visualize the Most Reproductive States (US), one user combined the number of US births witH population figures from the 2008 US Census.
    Did you notice what happens when you click the "Analyze This" link (right side)? Not sure how to take that. It's funny, but does it also, then, discredit any data that you find there?
Marge Runkle - simple, effective online collaboration - 0 views

    Scribblar could be a great tool for students to use to comment on and peer critique art work and graphic designs. This would be useful when students are creating slides for a presentation or a creating other original designs. Scribblar could be a more effective collaboration tool than some its competitors because it does have two options for dialog, text chat and audio chat.
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