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Ronald D Rhodes Jr

How Was Egypt's Internet Access Shut Off?: Scientific American - 0 views

  • The shutdown does not appear to be a spontaneous event, given that the Telecom Egypt, Raya, Link Egypt, Etisalat Misr and Internet Egypt ISPs each shut down its part of Egypt's Internet in sequence an average of about three minutes apart, according to Manchester, N.H.-based network security firm Renesys Corp. This sequencing indicates that each of the ISPs may have received a phone call telling them to drop Internet access to their subscribers, as opposed to an automated system that kicked in to take down all of the providers at once, Jim Cowie, Renesys chief technology officer and co-founder, blogged on Friday.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is priority method of they did it, it appears that the government called out the shots and it was iniated and maintained using Facebook and Twitter. The ISP's of all of Egypt were shut down completely.
  • If this analysis is correct, it indicates a level of governmental Internet control unseen to this point, not even in China, Iran and Tunisia, which have been accused of manipulating Internet access to quell government opposition. Scientific American spoke with Cowie, whose company monitors global Internet infrastructure, to better understand how it works under both normal and, in this instance, abnormal conditions.
  • On January 27, we observed hundreds of providers all over the world suddenly telling us that most of the network addresses in Egypt no longer existed. It's not that their paths were changing a little bit to get better value out of their connection or engineering around a little cable break or something. It was really a matter of just disappearing. And it was just Egypt—you didn't see networks in the Gulf, India or China go down, as you might if a submerged cable in that region had been damaged.
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  • How Was Egypt's Internet Access Shut Off?
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Ronald D Rhodes Jr

How Was Egypt's Internet Access Shut Off?: Scientific American - 0 views

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Ronald D Rhodes Jr

Media Literacy Defined : National Association for Media Literacy Education - 0 views

  • Within North America, media literacy is seen to consist of a series of communication competencies, including the ability to ACCESS, ANALYZE, EVALUATE, and COMMUNICATE information in a variety of forms, including print and non-print messages.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      Watching the video supports my choice of Implimentation because the only way to become Media Literate is to just do it.
  • Follow this link to add stickies for the 5 interesting things
Ronald D Rhodes Jr

EBSCOhost: Writing for the Internet : A Guide to Real Communication in Virtual Space - 0 views

  • what this means to media literacy rates has not yet been determined, and the technology that brought on this change in media access has created a hybrid media literacy/technology discipline of study called digital literacy. Turning on and off a computer, or visiting favorite Web sites and playing video games, does not increase one’s digital literacy.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      This is explaining that just because one knows how to "surf the web" it doesn't necessarily mean they are media literate or digitally literate for that matter. I am getting from these references 3 different views on what being "Media Literate" really consists of. 
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      The Digital Native has tipped the balance of proper Etiquette in their environment. The digital age has pushed them into a loss of basic skills and interests the the Digital Immigrant has and is required by society wether it is virtual or human contact. Etiquette in the digital world has been sacrificed the most. The skill set of manners, proper English, basic writing, and respect for others has declined because of Twitter®, Facebook®, texting etc... Social skills in the work place are being reported to have declined. Co-workers who work on the same floor not only 20 ft away rarely see or speak to each other unless they are in a direct meeting in the same room. The preference is email, text, Facebook® etc.. for them to socialize. Word has it that employers are concerned about the social skills of the employees being there is not as much person to person contact.
  • The defining of media literacy skills differs among scholars slightly, though there are several key elements (Potter 2001).
  • DIGITAL LITERACY Defining digital literacy has as much to do with understanding and how to use technology as it does with meaning making.
    • Ronald D Rhodes Jr
      We are viewing Digital Literacy as whole from the position of what we can do. This is deeper than what we can do, this is commenting on a way to do things. It is not just literacy anymore it a Digital Lifestyle that we are molding. For our survival we are forced to "Go Digital". the following link is great article to support these factors both media literacy and online etiquette. I find this source to be credible because my son is a Digital Native. He responds better to reading on the web than on paper.
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