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The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World | Wired Design | - 0 views

    "Unlike the jerry-built contraptions of the past, the Replicator 2s are sleek, metal, and stylish: MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis likens the design to "Darth Vader driving Knight Rider's KITT car while being airlifted by a Nighthawk spy plane." There is also the lighting. Oh, the lighting. "LEDs are part of our core values as a company," Pettis jokes. "

With the robots, markets are back to 1930 | - 0 views

    A new generation of tools has been improved over the last five years, changing the entire financial world, thanks to the unprecedented levels reached by technology - impossible to conceive some years ago. Velocity, liquidity, price efficiency and systemic risks: the HFT (High-Frequency Trading) era has started.

Unleashing Workers Is Going To Lead To Drastic Changes In How We Work | Co.Exist: World... - 0 views

    "As technology evolves to make the office more obsolete, it's going to result in massive changes--and massive opportunities." But the process is sometimes painstakingly slow, as it conflicts with traditions, the desire for 'real face time' and office politics. 

The Fab Charter - 0 views

    "Fab labs are a global network of local labs, enabling invention by providing access to tools for digital fabrication" Bruce Sterling has some comments on Beyond the Beyond

Mimicry beats consciousness in gaming's Turing test - tech - 25 September 2012 - New Sc... - 0 views

    "The idea is to design more realistic virtual characters, which, in turn, should make video games more compelling and software simulations used for training more useful. In the future, the software could drive physical robots capable of navigating the real world in a human-like manner." Okay, the bots are not 'really' intelligent and language is much harder to crack. But still, it's a nice result, this  human thinks.  

Everyone Who Wants a Drone Will Have One Soon - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "The upshot of all this is that it's not going to take much to procure a drone and do anything you want with it. And if you try to outlaw them, then, well, only the outlaws (and government) will have drones." Exactly. 

The Crisis in Higher Education - Technology Review - 0 views

    "While MOOCs are incorporating adaptive learning routines into their software, their ambitions for data mining go well beyond tutoring. Thrun says that we've only seen "the tip of the iceberg." What particularly excites him and other computer scientists about free online classes is that thanks to their unprecedented scale, they can generate the immense quantities of data required for effective machine learning. "

Quants aren't like regular people. Neither are algorithms. - 0 views

    "Everyone there was a "Quant." No one cared what the underlying company represented by a given stock actually did. Apple or General Motors, CAT or IBM… Everything boiled down to a set of statistical observations that, when assembled into the proper algorithm, delivered a portfolio that beats the market." I just love the title of that conference: Alpha Generation - Using News Sentiment Data

Download, print, fire: gun rights initiative harnesses 3D technology | World news | gua... - 0 views

    "Project aims to let anyone print a gun in their own home, raising new concerns about the legality of homemade firearms" There really was no reason to believe people would only use this technology to print cute toys and cool components for race bikes. 

Radically Local - 0 views

    " "Commons-Based Peer Production". It's a revolution in how things are made, by whom, and in what quantities. In some ways, the future looks a lot like the past. These blacksmiths are making a local solution to a local problem. And we're going to be seeing a lot more of that." And this was a presentation for the World Economic Forum, in China.  Just imagine how we can use the web and virtual spaces to work with global teams, in order to produce on a very local level... 

Industrial robots: Baxter gets to work | The Economist - 0 views

    " Baxter, however, moves with less determination because it compensates for changes in its environment. This means it can work safely alongside people."

From Self-Flying Helicopters to Classrooms of the Future - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 0 views

    "What do self-piloting helicopters have to do with the growing movement to transform education online? A day spent with Mr. Ng here at Coursera's offices, with the aim of getting a sense of the company's culture and the ideas that make up its DNA, helped answer that question. It turns out that the links between artificial-intelligence researchers and MOOC's run deep. "

You Can Be Active with the Activists or Sleeping with the Sleepers: Pirate Cinema by Co... - 0 views

    "You Can Be Active with the Activists or Sleeping with the Sleepers: Pirate Cinema by Cory Doctorow" Another book by Cory Doctorow - and I'm still busy reading Makers! Stefan Raets discusses the Doctorow's Youthful Techno-Defiance Trilogy: 'From Little Brother (tech-savvy teenagers take on a government-run surveillance system) to For the Win (tech-savvy teenagers take on unfair working conditions for MMORPG gold farmers) to now Pirate Cinema (tech-savvy teenagers take on draconian copyright laws).'

Europe Has Warm Feelings For Robots - Real Time Brussels - WSJ - 0 views

    "The Eurobarometer poll shows that a surprising 70% of Europeans have a "fairly positive" or "very positive" view of robots. This is great news for human-robot relations." Fascinating. As the post explains, only 6 procent of Europeans ever used a robot. But then again, maybe it's about time to discuss robotics in society at large? 

UK to ease rules for tech share listings | Reuters - 0 views

    "Britain plans to make it easier for technology firms to list their shares in London, the government said on Thursday, in an attempt to stem the flow of high-growth companies heading across the Atlantic in search of capital." Interesting. Countries in a competition to keep their tech wizards at home. But how important are stock markets for innovation? And nation-states? Don't think too fast stocks and nation-states are something of the past... 

How artificial intelligence is changing our lives - - 0 views

    "The idea that AI must mimic the thinking process of humans has dropped away. "Creating artificial intelligences that are like humans is, at the end of the day, paving the cow paths," Mr. Saffo argues. "It's using the new technology to imitate some old thing.""

Futurist's Cheat Sheet: Internet of Things - 0 views

    "The next phase of the the Internet will be about connecting things. The Internet of Things will be central to the infrastructure that we build."

Futurist's Cheat Sheet: Holographic Displays - 0 views

    "Holographic and more advanced volumetric displays are just but a twinkle in scientists' eyes. True 3D projections for commercial or industrial uses is still years away. "

Futurist's Cheat Sheet: Quantum Computing - 0 views

    "Moore's Law describes the phenomenon that makes this year's computer more capable and less expensive than last year's. But it won't go on forever. "

Revolutionary Technology & The Transformative Effect On Currency - 0 views

    "Below we explain the evolution of the digital wallet and the beginning of the transformation from a cash-based society to one where currency lives in a digital form, in the devices we carry with us wherever we go."
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