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The Koyal Group Les analystes s'attendent à des pertes de la Fed - 1 views

    Or mat & mince comme coupe spec shorts, les analystes s'attendent à des pertes de la Fed après Le prix de l'or bordé de 10 $ par once plus bas lundi matin quels concessionnaires appelés « terne, mince » commerce suite saut pointu de vendredi sur les données d'emplois aux États-Unis. Une montée subite dans asiatique partage prix - attribués au gagnant de Tokyo les Jeux olympiques de 2020 offre, de plus les nouvelles officielles de croissance annuelle de 7 % dans les exportations de la Chine et les importations en août - n'a pas pas soulever les marchés boursiers européens. Or est retombé à 1 382 $ comme produits de base a également diminué avec les prix des obligations publiques européennes principales. Argent perdu 1,5 % d'arrivée de vendredi, atteinte après que les données d'emplois américains plus faibles que prévu vu le métal précieux regagner la perte de près de 4 % - de la veille. "Or grimpé plus de $30 par conséquent," stratège de Mitsubishi notes Jonathan Butler, « aux attentes des importantes QE s'amenuisant ont été repoussé au-delà de septembre. »Si or efface avec succès le niveau 1 400 $, le prochain arrêt technique est d'environ 1 435 $. » Mais "avec beaucoup d'analystes appelant pour effiler pour démarrer en septembre", estime le courtier Marex Spectron, " cela limitera la hausse [à prix d'or et d'argent]." Si ce n'était pas pour la situation syrienne, nous serions plus faibles." Pointant vers le pic de la semaine dernière de 3 % à taux de rendement 10 ans du Trésor américain, "Gold [avait] pensons certaine pression de la hausse des taux d'intérêt," déclare Edward Meir, écrivant pour les courtiers INTL FC Pierre. Grâce à contradictoires données américaines, "Confusion empêchera probablement or d'affaiblir considérablement au cours de cette semaine," a-t-il ajouté, "mais nous soupçonnons que la vente devrait s'intensifier après que la réunion de la Fed est de la route." « Le

Koyal Info Group Mag Discovery of Oxygen in Soils - 1 views

    Koyal Info Group Mag Discovery of Oxygen in Soils New discoveries show biological formation of oxygen in soils In the 1930s, the ability of green plants to form oxygen through oxidation of water -- photosynthesis -- was discovered. Since then, no other large-scale biological formation of oxygen has been found, until now. New research results show that down in the dark depths of the soil, a previously unknown biochemical process is under way, in which oxygen is formed and carbon dioxide is reduced to organic material. He made the assumption that the bewildering result could be explained if water, which is present everywhere, contributes to reducing carbon dioxide to organic material down in the dark depths of the soil. The fact that this process takes place without sunlight, as is the case with plants, was however something completely outside current knowledge and accepted views. Professor Fleischer, however, went further, with this as his working hypothesis. An international assessment of the scientific research, carried out at Halmstad University in 2013, called the results "potentially ground-breaking." Professor Fleischer conducted the five-year project in collaboration with Lovisa Bauhn and Arvid Ödegaard-Jensen of the Division of Nuclear Chemistry at Chalmers University, and Patrik Fors at Vattenfall. 

Physicist (and Star - 0 views

started by Margaret Koyal on 27 Feb 14 no follow-up yet

Koyal Features SR Group på Dieseltillegget ned i Januar - 0 views

    SR Transport og SR Group var en av de første transportørene som fulgte etter skipsbransjen og innførte et variabelt drivstofftillegg. Første gang dette ble forelagt våre kunder var i 2005. Vi har opp gjennom tidene foretatt endringer med ujevne mellomrom, hele tiden basert på at våre endringer skulle være basert på en endring i vår netto pumpepris på + / - 5%. Dette har så langt fungert veldig bra. For å imøtekomme ønske fra våre kunder vil vi fra 1. september 2011 samkjøre vårt dieseltillegg med SSB's kostnadsindeks. Dette slik at våre endringer skal kunne spores direkte til det som er offentlig utarbeidede tall. Vårt dieseltillegg justeres fra 14,9 % til 13,8 % med virkning fra 1. januar 2014. Tillegget samsvarer da med 120,9 i indeks (Kostnadsindeks for lastebiltransport - indeks nr 10 - Drivstoffelementet). BAF for båtfrakt holdes uendret på 30,0 % i januar. Ved gjennomføring av denne endringen vil våre justeringer ikke lenger være basert på +/- 5% - men på eksakte endringer. Det vil for begge parter - både våre kunder og oss bety et mer korrekt tillegg. Det til enhver tid gjeldende dieseltillegg og BAF finner du her.
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    It has been well established that hackers often hijack computers of unsuspecting users to launch cyberattacks. But this kind of technology takeover has moved beyond laptops and desktop computers and now includes "smart" home appliances, like televisions and refrigerators.
    NEW YORK: Irritated at recurring symptoms? Searching for an online diagnosis on Google is not a bad idea before visiting the doctor. The habit of searching on internet for an online diagnosis before visiting a doctor can provide early warning of an infectious disease epidemic, says a study. In the study published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, internet-based surveillance has been found to detect infectious diseases such dengue fever and influenza up to two weeks earlier than traditional surveillance methods.
    Microsoft has decided to continue providing virus warnings for the ageing Windows XP operating system until 2015. The warnings were due to end on 8 April 2014 when all other support for the software is scheduled to stop. However, the numbers still running the 12-year-old operating system convinced it to provide more help.
    Tiny birds, bees and butterflies are to be tracked from space from next year to give us advance warnings of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Astronauts are planning to install a dedicated wildlife receiver to the International Space Station, which will continuously track the course of thousands of small animals. New technology means radio transmitters are getting smaller and smaller, meaning even insects could soon carry one. Animals are known to sense tectonic activity well before major seismic shifts - an ability which could be used to give us prior warning for natural disasters.
    One in 13 Kinder konnte sehen, dass ihr Leben verkürzt durch Rauchen, es sei denn, die Nation aggressivere Maßnahmen braucht, den Tabakkonsum zu beenden, sagte die US Surgeon General Freitag--, erstaunlicherweise sogar Wissenschaftler hinzugefügt noch mehr Krankheiten auf der langen Liste von Zigaretten Harms.
    Google could soon be more than just a search engine for those with diabetes. Amid the hype surrounding creations like Google Glass, a new device designed to make hands-free communication easier, are technological advances that are spilling over into more areas of people's lives than just the way they communicate or search for information. Google is changing the way people live, as well as the quality of their lives. The company looks to expand that reach into digital health and that can make a real difference in the health epidemics, such as diabetes, that the country currently faces. With Google technology, people may soon be able to manage diabetes through the use of a specially created contact lens.

Koyal Features SR Group: Om oss - 0 views

    SR Group AS er et vel etablert transport- og logistikkonsern med hovedkontor i Risavika, Tananger. SR Group AS har i snart 40 år levert transport- og logistikktjenester til næringslivet, spesielt rettet mot olje- og gassindustrien. SR Group AS består av selskapene Alta Logistics AS, Halling Frakt AS, GeSi Shipping AS, SR Transport AS, Total Transport AS og Waage Transport AS. SR Group har 180 ansatte og omsatte i 2012 for ca. nok. 500 mill. Det første selskapet (Waage Transport i Kristiansund) ble etablert allerede i 1974. I 1983 ble SR Transport etablert i Stavanger. Disse 2 selskapene danner grunnstammen i det SR Group AS. SR Group AS ble etablert sommeren 2010 som morselskap for flere veletablerte selskap innenfor transport & logistikk. Konsernet fremstår i dag som meget veldrevet, og er totalleverandør for flere store aktører innenfor olje- og offshore bransjen. Gjennom sine datterselskap og samarbeidspartnere dekkes hele landet, i tillegg til at vi også leverer i stort sett verden over. Gjennom vårt nære og lange samarbeid med olje- og offshore kunder har vi sammen etablert et stort fokus på KHMS. SR Group har egen ansatt sikkerhetsrådgiver, og setter de samme strenge krav til opplæring og kvalifikasjoner både til egne ansatte og innleide. Selskapet er godkjent i Achilles og har OLF og ISPS godkjente terminaler. Konsernet disponerer over 100 kjøretøyer i alle størrelser, kontraherer båter og fly og har over 25 personer utleid til kunder for å drive deres logistikk virksomhet. Med andre ord, - your partner in logistics!

The Koyal Group Journals: Darwin in the Dock - 1 views

    Darwin in the Dock: C.S. Lewis's Limited Acceptance of Common Descent Common descent is the claim that all organisms currently living have descended from one or a few original ancestors through a process Darwin called "descent with modification." According to this idea, not only humans and apes share an ancestor, but so do humans, clams, and fungi. Common descent is a hallowed dogma among today's evolution proponents, held with quasi-religious fervor. C.S. Lewis clearly believed that Christians can accept evolution as common descent without doing violence to their faith. This is what Lewis was getting at when he wrote to evolution critic Bernard Acworth, "I believe that Christianity can still be believed, even if evolution is true."18 In Lewis's view, whether God used common descent to create the first human beings was irrelevant to the truth of Christianity. As he wrote to one correspondent late in his life, "I don't mind whether God made man out of earth or whether 'earth' merely means 'previous millennia of ancestral organisms.' If the fossils make it probable that man's physical ancestors 'evolved,' no matter."19 In The Problem of Pain (1940), Lewis even offers a possible evolutionary account of the development of human beings, although he makes clear he is offering speculation, not history: "[I]f it is legitimate to guess," he writes, "I offer the following picture -- a 'myth' in the Socratic sense," which he defines as "a not unlikely tale," or "an account of what may have been the historical fact" (emphasis in the original). Lewis then suggests that "[f]or long centuries God perfected the animal form which was to become the vehicle of humanity and the image of himself... The creature may have existed for ages... before it became man."20 Elsewhere, Lewis seemed smitten by the idea of embryonic recapitulation, the discredited evolutionary idea that human beings replay the history of their evolution from lower animals in their womb. And in a letter to his f

Koyal Features SR Group frakter lange ting - 1 views

    En sen torsdag kveld midtsommers ble en 25,91 meter lang og 27 tonn tung rørhåndteringsenhet transportert langs RV42 fra Steis Mekaniske på Tonstad til Sense Drilfab i Nodeland. Enheten er en av 3 som produseres i Sirdal og som skal fraktes den smale vegen til Nodeland ved Kristiansand, hvor den skal testes før den skal ut på en oljeinstallasjon i Nordsjøen. SR bidrar med planlegging og prikkfri gjennomføring av denne veitransporten som ble bestilt av Cameron Sense i Kristiansand. Våre befraktere planlegger gjennomføringen, søker nødvendige dispensasjoner og ivaretar formalitetene omkring oppdraget. Selve utførelsen er det vår dyktige sjåfør Jan Tore Sola som står for sammen med følgebilsjåfør Ove Salte. Å kjøre med en over 30 meter lang ekvipasje på de smale vegene i Sirdal og Evje er en utfordring og stiller store krav til både mann og utstyr. Med spesialtralle med dobbelt uttrekk og en av våre mest rutinerte sjåfører gikk imidlertid oppdraget veldig bra. Sirdølen omtalte også den laaaange transporten. Vil du vite mer om hva vi kan innenfor spesialtransport - eller andre former for transport - kontakt vår salgsavdeling: - Kjetil Njærheim - tlf 9166 5509 - e-post - Konrad Jonassen - tlf 9166 5526 - e-post

The Koyal Group InfoMag News: Why so Much Fake, Unduplicable Stem Cell Research? - 1 views

    Hi. I am Art Caplan, from the NYU Langone Medical Center, Division of Medical Ethics. What is going on in the field of regenerative medicine with respect to stem cell research? We have recently had yet another in a long series of scandals involving claims about the ability to manipulate stem cells in ways that turned out to be utterly untrue and fraudulent. In this case, a scientist in Japan said that she was able to make adult stem cells revert to embryo-like stem cells with some pretty simple chemical exposures. It was announced in leading journals and covered extensively by the media. Then she had to admit that no one could duplicate what she had done and confessed that she had made it up. This is not the first time that this has happened in the stem cell field. Going back all the way to right after Dolly the sheep was cloned, people were trying to clone human embryos to see if they could get cloned human embryos from stem cells. A group in Korea announced that they had made the first cloned human embryos. Nobody could replicate what they did, and they ultimately had to retract their claims published in leading scientific journals that they had cloned human embryos. Stem cell research seems again and again to go off the rails when it comes to the ethics of research. What is going on and why is that so? I think there are a couple of reasons why this particular area has gotten itself in so much hot water. One is that there is a relative shortage of funding. Because of the controversial nature of cloning -- getting stem cells from human embryos -- some avenues of funding have dried up, and it puts pressure on people to come up with other ways to try to make human stem cells. With less funding, there is more pressure. Sometimes people cut corners. I think that can l
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