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Michele Gardner Hale

Johnny Lee: Free or cheap Wii Remote hacks | Video on - 1 views

    I saw this back in 2005 or 6. I LOVE this stuff, it has been a real shame that no one has picked up on it. Especially Microsoft since Kinect is something they are pushing hard.
Cat Silvers

Gameasutra writes about behavioral design in video games - 1 views

I find the notion of the interval interesting with open-world games. As the article states "Having a period of time where there is little incentive to play the game can lead to the player walking a...

Gameasutra behavior design

Michele Gardner Hale

Games and the Common Core: Two Movements That Need Each Other | Edutopia - 0 views

    I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing gaming companies create games based off of classic novels like the Great Gatsby or Fahrenheit 451, for example. They could probably create something pretty interactive with puzzles that still tells the story and keeps kids engaged.
Cat Silvers

Don Mattrick plans to turn Zynga around - 1 views

I feel like this can either go well for Zynga... or end in tears. I HOPE it's good for them. They really need some serious help... but I suppose only time will tell.

Zynga mattrick microsoft

Cat Silvers

Games and rewards - 1 views this totally sums up the summer sale mentality. I'm guilty of purchasing a couple extra games as gifts for my boyf...

rewards game design npr

Cat Silvers

Cancelation of Fez 2 - 2 views

So disappointing! :(

Cat Silvers

Thank You! - 4 views

I'm not familiar with this site at all. Can you give us a quick rundown of what features we can use here?


Cat Silvers

How games Can teach - 2 views

This is cool. It reminded me of this other TED talk I saw about a woman who taught her daughter about the historical event of the middle passage. Brilliant game that helped her understand what happ...

Ted save world board


Microsoft does a 180 and now allows self publishing on the XBONE - 3 views

I think it's a good move on Microsoft's part to attract people to the console. For those who are serious or just curious it gives a doorway and, if the statements in the article hold, all the tools...

XBONE Microsoft Indi Publish

Casey Campbell

Mass Effect Concept Art - 1 views

Thanks to Matt for this link to the concept artist's blog for the Mass Effect series.

Mass Effect Art Concept

started by Casey Campbell on 28 Jul 13 no follow-up yet
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