Katie Salen on the Power of Game-Based Learning (Big Thinkers Series) | Edutopia - 1 views
Gameasutra writes about behavioral design in video games - 1 views
I find the notion of the interval interesting with open-world games. As the article states "Having a period of time where there is little incentive to play the game can lead to the player walking a...
Games and the Common Core: Two Movements That Need Each Other | Edutopia - 0 views
Don Mattrick plans to turn Zynga around - 1 views
I feel like this can either go well for Zynga... or end in tears. I HOPE it's good for them. They really need some serious help... but I suppose only time will tell.
Games and rewards - 1 views
http://www.psychologyofgames.com/2013/07/the-psychology-behind-steams-summer-sale/ this totally sums up the summer sale mentality. I'm guilty of purchasing a couple extra games as gifts for my boyf...
Cancelation of Fez 2 - 2 views
So disappointing! :(
Thank You! - 4 views
I'm not familiar with this site at all. Can you give us a quick rundown of what features we can use here?
How games Can teach - 2 views
This is cool. It reminded me of this other TED talk I saw about a woman who taught her daughter about the historical event of the middle passage. Brilliant game that helped her understand what happ...
Microsoft does a 180 and now allows self publishing on the XBONE - 3 views
I think it's a good move on Microsoft's part to attract people to the console. For those who are serious or just curious it gives a doorway and, if the statements in the article hold, all the tools...
Mass Effect Concept Art - 1 views
Thanks to Matt for this link to the concept artist's blog for the Mass Effect series. http://mattrhodesart.blogspot.ca/2013/07/concept-art-behind-scenes.html?m=1