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Dianna Morrison

Diversity Council: Lesson Plans & Activities - 0 views

    Diversity Lesson Plans and Activities Elementary School Middle School High School Multicultural Education Research Guide For background information on multicultural education of all types and for all levels. This website provides countless lesson links on a wide variety of diversity issues. It has links to the excerpts it recommends you use as well as objectives and essential questions. If you are looking for a lesson for teaching diversity, this is the website for you!

Apps for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities | DyslexiaHelp at the University of Michigan - 0 views

    I found this really cool website from the University of Michigan that provides apps that help students who struggle with reading and writing. Apps like this are great because they are interactive and fun. Some of the apps are free on this website and some of them cost money. I think these apps would be a great way to supplement a lesson. With the majority of students having smart phones now, having your students work on this in class once in a while would be a fun lesson too.
Dianna Morrison

Reading Rockets: Authors: Allington | Reading Rockets - 0 views

    By: Richard Allington (2002) This article by Richard Allington provides a clear-eyed view of what he believes matters most in teaching kids to read - effective and expert teachers. It seems that, finally, those who make educational policy - at the local, state, and federal levels - have begun to recognize just how much good teachers matter. I found this article interesting. A few things were new to me, but never am against being reminded of "best practices" and things we know make good teachers, but tend to forget in our busy lives.
Dianna Morrison

One Person Can Make a Difference - 0 views

    Recalling the people along the way who suggested he couldn't change the world, Barack Obama told a group of young people gathered in 2007 at Cornell College in Iowa: "I have no doubt that in the face of impossible odds people who love their country can change it." This website shares a number of inspiring books that promote the idea of young people helping our communities. I think it is important to plant the seed in children of all ages that they CAN make a difference in our world!
Dianna Morrison

McGraw-Hill | Kindergarten, Oral Language Activities - 0 views

    This site has interactive lessons to promote oral language in kindergarteners. It has slide shows and activities with pauses for discussion with a partner. I have used it with some of my kindergarten students I have in my oral language group. The categories covered are: families, friends, transportation, food, animals, neighborhood, weather, plants, amazing creatures, and I Know a Lot! It also incorporates some classification and matching games in some of the lessons.
    We know oral language development is critical for early literacy. However, it is important for teachers of all grades to remember the importance of talk in learning--even for adults! +2
Linda Clinton

Professional Literature Reviews - 1 views

    Excellent list of professional reference and resources on teaching reading. Thoughtful reviews written on each.
Colleen Fell

Common Core Standards findings - 1 views

    Although different opinions grumbled both sides in this article, I think it had a large nugget of truth attached to it.  For the last three years, a pilot program in NYC were taught to read using this Core Knowledge program.  Although a bit more complicated than this explanation, the Core Knowledge Program means that students primarily read non fiction books of their choosing in schools while teachers would conference from desk to desk with the students.  The study said it was most pronounced in kindergarten, where students that were apart of the study scored five times higher than those peers who were not apart of the study.  Note: it did not say what was on this brief reading test given to both parties.
    This New York Times article focuses on students reading non-fiction, especially in content areas other than English. The studies show that students gain reading achievements higher than students who did not have this program in place. I think that nonfiction reading has taken a back seat, and students should learn how to read informational text. Newspapers, lab preps, and the like need to be expanded upon and used more in the classroom. Nonfiction reading is another great way to get boys interested in becoming active and engaged readers. Not to pigeon hold boys as total nonfiction readers, but I feel that many boys become tired of just reading fiction book in the English classroom, and content area reading is a great way to strengthen male students reading skills and attitudes.
Erin Visger

Learning journals - 0 views

    As I found this article on reflective journaling, I thought what a great idea for an English middle or high school classroom. The point is to have students sit and reflect about their learning for that day, week, month, and even the entire school year. By thinking back on their learning process students and even adults can begin to understand how their knowledge has grown over a specific period of time. The article quotes the following, "you don't know what you know till you've written it down." What is a reflective journal? A reflective journal - often called a learning journal - is a steadily growing document that you (the learner) write, to record the progress of your learning. You can keep a learning journal for any course that you undertake, or even for your daily work.
Erin Visger

Shakespeare Teacher - 0 views

    This teacher's blog is all about Shakespeare and since this is one of my very favorite areas to study, I thought this to be the perfect link to share. This teacher to get his/her students more involved with the plays they were reading decided to type a line or a few lines of speech from a certain character from that play. Students then competed against one another to see who could correctly answer the questions on the online blog.
Erin Visger

Page by Page by Maria Salvadore | Blogs about Reading | Reading Rockets - 0 views

    This blog written by Maria Salvadore is very encouraging for adults that have young children or work with young children on a daily basis. This blog points out the facts that when young children are engaged with their reading, they are more likely to always remember the books they read at a young age. Parents and other adults will see what books become the child's favorite ones. These favorite books will be the ones that the child wants to read over and over again without skipping any parts of it. Teaching children the benefits of reading at a young age will most likely make them avid readers when they grow up. Reading Rockets' children's literature expert, Maria Salvadore, brings you into her world as she explores the best ways to use kids' books inside - and outside - of the classroom. Books entertain, educate, inform, engage, and more - more than we may realize. Readers meet others and see themselves in them.
Erin Visger

Starfall's Learn to Read with phonics - 1 views

shared by Erin Visger on 29 Mar 12 - Cached
    This is the cutest website ever! If I taught elementary school, I would use this starfall website. There are different links from the main page that will help guide a young students learning. I looked at the first topic which was about teaching the sounds of the alphabet to students. I loved all the graphics and how the announcer sounded out each letter clearly. Very great tool. Check it out!!!! opened in September of 2002 as a free public service to teach children to read with phonics. Our systematic phonics approach, in conjunction with phonemic awareness practice, is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, special education, homeschool, and English language development (ELD, ELL, ESL).
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    I love Starfall! My students use that in the beginning of the year every morning. I still have some students that need the help with letters and sounds and I will put them on it.
    This past week I watched my three year old nephew Brady. We tried out the Starfall website together, and Brady loved it. He knows most of his letters in the alphabet, but he really enjoyed the picutres that came after each letter. Great website and it was wonderful to see Brady so excited to interact with the picutres.
Erin Visger

Single-Session Alphabet Packets : Reading Tutors - 0 views

    A neat website that has premade packets that are ready to go. Includes flash cards with specific letters, worksheets, picture cards, and different games. Helpful to very young students learning their alphabet and looking to improve their reading as they are starting out. 26 Alphabet Packets Download, Print, and Assemble--Anytime, Anywhere Build a foundation for successful reading and writing with these research-based alphabet materials. Alphabet resources are one part of a comprehensive reading tutor/mentor program targeting essential reading strategies.
Renee Spaman

Read, Write, Think - 0 views

    This is a great website that I use often. 'Read, Write, Think' is excellent because it provides useful resources for grades k-12. This site provides teachers with classroom management resources, professional development, parent and after school resources, and learning objectives. My favorite part of this site is under the classroom resources tab they provide a plethora of lesson plans (great place to get ideas), and terrific interactive lesson plans too! I hope you enjoy because this is one of my favorites :)
Renee Spaman

Mandy's Tips For Teachers - 0 views

    This website I still have from back when I was student teaching. My cooperating teacher wrote this website down on a sticky note for me and I have kept it ever since. I student taught fourth grade and have been successfully using Mandy's tips in my sixth grade reading classroom ever since. Here is a breakdown of what exactly is on this link: What Is Guided Reading? Schedule (of the guided reading) What Are the Other Kids Doing? Planning for Reading Groups Starting Guided Reading Guided Reading Activities That Teach What Does the Teacher Need for Guided Reading Lessons? Leveled Book Lists If you are new to 'guided reading' or are planning out your guided reading groups, then this is a great place to start. Her schedule is broken down for an elementary classroom but I have adjusted her schedule and tweaked it to fit my 50 minute blocks of students. Works well-depending on the grade and the reading level of your students.
Renee Spaman

Poetry 4 Kids - 0 views

    I am currently working on a poetry unit in my classroom and I was recently introduced to this website by a colleague of mine. On this site you can find: funny poems, poetry lessons, poetry games, poetry podcasts (ideas for your classroom), cool kids' poem links, a rhyming dictionary and much more! You can also sign up for a monthly newsletter. So far, I like the site, and my students love the funny poems. It has been a great introduction to my poetry unit and the funny poems used as an anticipatory set are great-truly engage students!
Renee Spaman

You Can Teach Writing - 0 views

    "Teachers succeed as teachers only when their students succeed as learners" This website is intended to assist middle to high school students with nonfiction writing. This website has resources and strategies for teaching nonfiction to teens and adults. 'You Can Teach Writing' consists of blogs, writing topics, teacher services, student services, books, and events. If you teach older students this is great for some ideas :)
Renee Spaman

Delivering What Urban Readers Need - 0 views

    This article was very interesting to me. I teach reading in an urban district so 'Delivering What Urban Readers Need' caught my eye. The article talks about the reading difficulty in schools that are predominately minority and economically disadvantaged. This article contains information on: 'An Acute Problem', 'Strategies for Urban Readers', 'Provide Balanced Reading Instruction', 'Identify Those At Risk', 'Provide Supplemental Instruction', 'Encourage Active Student Responding', 'Teach Within Small Groups', 'Monitor Student Learning', 'Create Peer-Mediated Learning Environments', ' Practice Nonexclusionary Classroom Management', 'Help Parents Reinforce Learning', and 'Offering Learners Their Best Chance'. I found the section on providing a balanced reading instruction to be the most relative and intriguing to me. After reading this article, I feel more confident then ever that all students need repitition! "Good reading instruction is explicit, intensive, and systematic. Such instruction is beneficial for all learners, but it is nonnegotiable for students at risk for reading failure." This article is important for teachers in urban districts or even if you have 'at risk' students...truly worth a look.
Wendy Morales - 1 views

    This offers everything you need to teach students feature article writing and informational reading. It even includes lesson plans.
Wendy Morales

Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension | Reading Topics A-Z | Reading Ro... - 2 views

    "Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension". It's always nice to have a quick go-to guide for quick tips.
Wendy Morales - 0 views

    This helps teaching to use guided reading with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
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