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Erin Visger

Learning journals - 0 views

    As I found this article on reflective journaling, I thought what a great idea for an English middle or high school classroom. The point is to have students sit and reflect about their learning for that day, week, month, and even the entire school year. By thinking back on their learning process students and even adults can begin to understand how their knowledge has grown over a specific period of time. The article quotes the following, "you don't know what you know till you've written it down." What is a reflective journal? A reflective journal - often called a learning journal - is a steadily growing document that you (the learner) write, to record the progress of your learning. You can keep a learning journal for any course that you undertake, or even for your daily work.
Michaela Klusman - 1 views

    The ideas about engagement and motivation and their place in encouraging at-risk students to read was incredibly interesting to me.  I wonder in which district in Michigan the study was done.
Paul Pelc

Journal #1 Increasing reading comprehension Is there a difference among genders? - 12 views

Plourde, Lee A., and Ludivina Prado. "Increasing reading comprehension through the explicit teaching of reading strategies: is there a difference among the genders?" Reading Improvement Spring 2011...

TEMS520 reading

Lauren Scherr

Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Popular Culture: Literacy Development Among Urban Youth - 4 views

    Finding effective ways to teach today's student population is perhaps the greatest challenge facing literacy educators in the United States. As classrooms become increasingly diverse, educators struggle to find curricula and pedagogical strategies that are inclusive and affirmative yet facilitate the development of academic and critical literacies.
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    How might you apply some of the researcher's findings in your own (current or future) practice? Do you know of teachers who have implemented aspects of this type of critical literacy?
    How might you apply some of the researcher's findings in your own (current or future) practice? Do you now of teachers who have implemented aspects of this type of critical literacy?
    Prof. Clinton, In my own future practice the application from this article that I found most useful was teaching popular film and media in the classroom. In the new core curriculum I know that one of the standards includes comparing text to its corresponding film and evaluating and analyzing the changes that directors have made in adapting the text to film. It would just be a matter of finding a more current relevant film that has a corresponding novel that is grade appropriate and having students study the book before watching the film. I also see value in evaluating music lyrics in a poetry unit. As of right now the host teacher that I am working with hasn't done any of this. She abhors poetry and pretty much refuses to show films in class, although we haven't had much opportunity to since our school assigns readings based on lexile and right now there is no way to have a whole class read the same novel since their reading levels are all so different. I think with the core curriculum standards rolling out next year we'll really have to.
Linda Clinton

Posting Durable Links - 4 views

If you look up an article through one of the SVSU library databases, you need to post the persistent url or purl. Here's info from the library: Persistent links allow researchers to permanently ac...

TEMS520 research

started by Linda Clinton on 03 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Lori Losinski

Text Book Reveiw: 7 Keys to Comprehension: How to Help Your Kids Read It and Get It! - 5 views

    Zimmerman, S., & Hutchins, C. (2003). 7 keys to comprehension: How to help your kids read it and get it. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press. 7 Keys to Comprehension is a powerful read that I would recommend for both teachers and parents that want to encourage reading for enjoyment and understanding. This book is simply written and well organized making it an easy read for teachers and parents. The book outlines the 7 key strategies that good readers use in order to create meaning. What I really like about this book is that each chapter is designated to one of the key strategies, making it easy to look up and refer back to. Inside each chapter the authors discuss each strategy and why it is important to reading success. The authors also provide examples of how to help children at varying levels (preschool, emerging, and advanced) with each strategy. As a teacher, one of my favorite things about each individual chapter is that a list of picture books and more advance books is given to use when working on the specific strategy. I also like that at the end of each chapter tips are provided to highlight the main idea of the chapter and simple ideas to implement the strategy. When I was teaching first and second grade, this book was always on my bookshelf because it was so easy to pick up and refer back to when I had students that were struggling. This was also a book that I had shared with my coworkers and parents because the strategies are used in every grade on some level and are not geared specifically for classroom use, but also for parents to use at home while reading with their children. Many times parents would ask me how they could help their child with reading and I would often lend them this book or give them strategies from this book to use at home. In lower elementary so much time is spent on decoding skills and learning to read the words, but a huge part of reading is comprehension and although stude
Dianna Morrison

Journal #2: Cool Books for Tough Guys: 50 Books Out of the Mainstream of Adolescent Lit... - 2 views

    "Teachers of English need to reach the tough guys out there, and they are probably not going to do it by prescribing another go at The Sound and the Fury. The problem is not so much that tough guys lack the brainpower to read: they simply do not want to." I like the suggestions given for books to motivate adolescent male readers given in this article. I appreciate how Lawrence Baines has collected information over the years to share with us as teachers.
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    I smiled when I saw this... I have had some "tough guys" in middle school Language Arts, especially when we read only 1 text that has a male protagonist in the 8th grade. Luckily, we just started teaching Glory Road, a screen play about a college basketball team during the 1960s and my boys connected very well to that text. I actually found "Crime Lab 101: Experimenting with Crime Detection" at the Salvation Army over the summer and bought it. (It was one of my "grab everything on the shelf and buy it" days). A student that "hates reading" found that book and I actually have heard from other teachers that he "doesn't pay attention in class because of that book." I think there could be worse reasons for not paying attention. :)
    What ideas do you have for getting "tough guys" to read.?
    I always try to do an interest inventory with students and find books that fall into these interests to offer for independent reading time. I also love informational books that center around sports and life oddities, such as Ripley's or Guiness Book of World Records. Boys seem to like these types of books. I have used Sports Illustrated for Kids also as an offer for reading. For class books, I have used "The Air Down Here" by Gil Alicea, a teenage boy from the Bronx. It is written in journal format and tells about his life in his own words. I used this with 8th graders and the boys especially seemed to "grudgingly" get interested and want to read more! I also found that books about aliens, Big Foot, Sasquatch and those types of informational books were interesting to them as well!
    When I was a media center teacher, I could not keep the Guinness or Ripley books on the shelf! I think besides the "ew" factor, another draw is (of course) the pictures, and small chunks of text.
Linda Clinton

Book Review: 7 Keys to Comprehension: How to Help Your Kids Read and Get It - 5 views

I haven't seen too many books that are equally useful for teachers and parents. I'll have to take a look at this book. Might be something to pick up for door prizes for our parent involvement activ...

TEMS520 bookreview

Linda Clinton

Using Drama in the History Classroom - 0 views

    Suggested activities for engaging students in historical narrative.
    Our topic next week is read-alouds and shared reading. This page has some activities dealing more with oral language, but the skills of summarizing, determining importance, sequencing and more are also in play.
Jamie Facine

Symbaloo Website Corkboard - 0 views

    This website allows you to create a "corkboard" page where you can link all your favorite websites for your students to use.
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  • This is the link to the Symbaloo page I created!
    Well done, Jamie! This could also be a way to curate resources for a content unit.
    What an interesting idea! I would love to create one for the math classes I teach. I always have parents asking what they can do at home for review. Having a central location for them to go to would be a great educational tool. Thanks for sharing.
Paul Pelc

TED Blog | Once Upon a School: Dave Eggers' TED Prize wish on - 0 views

    This is a 25 minute video about how helping tutor students helps the community. Please take a few minutes and see what people are doing to help school age children read and write, hopefully you'll be as inspired as I was about spreading this message. 18 March 2008 Accepting his 2008 TED Prize, author Dave Eggers asks the TED community to engage with their local school. With spellbinding eagerness, he talks about how his 826 Valencia tutoring center inspired others around the world to open their own volunteer-driven, wildly creative writing labs.
Colleen Fell

Test prep as a literary genre? - 1 views

    This article caught my attention because it was focused on something we just discussed last night: teaching to standardized tests. I like this schools way of thinking: they do not obsess about teaching to the test, but rather look at it as one section to teach for the whole year, like a poetry unit. Teachers cannot be ruled by standardized tests, but must take it into consideration when they are teaching students.
Linda Clinton - 1 views +2

TEMS520 reading elementary

Brett Hewitt

Nutrition Facts: An interactive guide to food labels - - 0 views

    Very often students, and even some adults don't understand the what is in the food they are putting in their bodies. This site gives an explanation of what a nutrition label is, along with have an interactive nutrition label. The interactive label gives you the ability to scroll over various macromolecules that are on a label and gives you an explanation of what they are and how much of these you need. This would be a good site to incorporate into a lesson on nutrition. I am actually starting one this week, so I am planning on using this site.
Scott Ceglarek

Education World: Tools for Teaching - 0 views

    This article that I found I thought was very useful with new teachers developing classroom rules and procedures. Without the proper classroom routines and procedures in place a teachers classroom can be much different than they would want it to be. Noise levels, classroom wandering, and time being wasted can all occur. These things can be fixed but not by just announcing that no talking, staying in your seat, and staying on task are to be expected. These must be taught. The use of visual cues such as stop and start hand gestures as well as a gesture to say stop and start over if the procedure was not done correctly. By practicing the routine to mastery, students become aware that you are trying convey that this practice is important to their behavior. Establishing high standards is easier than having low standards. To show this, one must realize that reinforcement for bad behavior must come from the peer group. Research has reportedly shown that effective teachers show that they use the first few weeks of school teaching classroom rules. This is being proactive in your classroom.
Dianna Morrison

McGraw-Hill | Kindergarten, Oral Language Activities - 0 views

    This site has interactive lessons to promote oral language in kindergarteners. It has slide shows and activities with pauses for discussion with a partner. I have used it with some of my kindergarten students I have in my oral language group. The categories covered are: families, friends, transportation, food, animals, neighborhood, weather, plants, amazing creatures, and I Know a Lot! It also incorporates some classification and matching games in some of the lessons.
    We know oral language development is critical for early literacy. However, it is important for teachers of all grades to remember the importance of talk in learning--even for adults! +2
Paul Pelc

Apps for Reading - 0 views

    So many books! Apps for reading and a great website to help students or anyone to find out what's available to download on their iPods, smart phone or any other piece of technology that's out there kindle etc. and many are free to download.
Lori Losinski

Trelease brochures on reading - 1 views

    This is a great site that has tons of information about why reading aloud is important. The site also has some great printable brochures to share with parents about reading with their children.
    thanks for sharing Lori. Always looking for information to send home with my students
Linda Clinton

Combining Dictogloss and Cooperative Learning to Promote Language Learning - 3 views

This week's topic is "Making and Taking Notes." One of the suggested activities in our text is "dictoglos," a strategy first proposed by Wajnryb (1990; see text for original citation). Through some...

TEMS520 reading ELL ESL

started by Linda Clinton on 18 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
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