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Pet Overpopulation, Puppy Mills, and Lessons from Proposition B : Nathan J Winograd - 0 views

  • To claim to want to shut down puppy mills, but to ignore or fight reform efforts to stop shelter neglect, abuse, and killing (as groups like HSUS and PETA do) is not only ethically inconsistent, it is morally bankrupt.
  • Neglect is neglect, abuse is abuse, killing is killing regardless of by whose hand that neglect, abuse, and killing is done.
  • To look the other way at one because that neglect, abuse, and killing is done by “friends,” “colleagues,” or simply because the perpetrators call themselves a “humane society” is indefensible.
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  • These organizations have built a dependency model where you give them money and they promise to take care of things, rather than empowering the grassroots to actually go out and solve the problem.
  • community education and protest
  • make it easy for people to do the right thing, and they will
  • we must expose these organizations for what they really are
    • pepa garcía
      cómo es en chile? hay informes sobre las condiciones etc. de los criaderos de perros?
  • legislation that prohibits puppy mill dogs from being sold either at pet stores or online,
  • , when we work to reform local shelters, we are also working to impact the puppy mill trade.
  • When shelters turn away good homes because of poor customer service or arbitrary rules, we fuel the pet shop trade
  • when shelters go head to head with the competition, they win.
  • uring the 1990s, at the height of its adoption success and popularity, the San Francisco SPCA had seven offsite adoption locations throughout the city seven days a week. Consequently, the number of pet stores which sold puppies was reduced to zero.
  • T]he more animals dying in a given community (which traditionalists claim means lack of homes), the greater number of pet stores that sell dogs and cats (which shows homes readily available). Generally, pet stores succeed when a shelter is not meeting market demand or competing effectively, and because animal lovers do not want to go into a shelter that kills the vast majority of the animals…
  • we can file civil lawsuits and push for criminal prosecution.
  • we can attempt to regulate and/or eliminate puppy mills directly through legislation, as several states have done
  • severe lack of state inspectors
  • Protest, educate, litigate, legislate, push for enforcement, and reform the shelter. And oh yeah, don’t buy from a pet store, sign my pledge, and send me money. (Just kidding.)
  • the bill will require commercial breeders to provide each dog with sufficient food and clean water, necessary veterinary care, housing, sufficient space, regular exercise, and limits on how many times per year a dog can be bred.
  • It continues the breeding, buying, and selling of dogs.
  • It specifically excludes dogs in animal research labs. It excludes breeding operations who sell “hunting dogs.” And it excludes animal shelters
  • the opposition is using the support of groups like the Humane Society of the United States to claim this is part of a radical animal rights agenda.
  • Compromises must often be made to achieve piecemeal success which can be built on over time.
  • For example, I would support laws banning the killing of animals in shelters altogether. But given tremendous opposition from the shelter killing industry, and the support of that industry by powerful groups like (ironically) the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, and Best Friends, local and state governments are not willing to do that at this time in history, so I work on legislation like the Hayden Law and Assembly Member Micah Kellner’s rescue access bill in New York State to reduce the number killed. T
  • Historically, HSUS has a disturbing pattern of raising money on an issue, and immediately moving on, just as they did when they raised $30 million on Hurricane Katrina rescue, spent $4 million, shipped the animals off to kill shelters, announced “Mission: Accomplished,” and went  home $26 million richer with two criminal investigations on their fundraising practices in their wake.
  • we need local and other national groups to act less like simpleton cheerleaders of HSUS and more like what they should be—groups whose mission is to advocate for dogs.
  • HSUS taking some of its $110 million annual budget (of which only ½ of one percent goes to shelters)
  • ASPCA taking some of its $120 million in annual revenues,
  • Best Friends taking some of its $40 million per year it takes in to rescue only 600 animals per year (at a whopping $70,000 each
  • If HSUS and others fully commit resources and energy into creating a safety net for dogs currently in puppy mills who will be discarded when Proposition B passes, any potential downsides resulting from this legislation would be eliminated.
  • In truth, I believe people are ready for laws banning puppy mills altogether and that would make sense, so long as we do not inadvertently open up markets to puppy mills from places like China, where medieval levels of barbarity would likely be the norm and they would remain out of regulatory reach.

THE POPE & THE HOMELESS CATS: John Paul II had a dream By: J.R. Hyland - Humane Religio... - 0 views

    ""It was a terribly severe winter in New York, the city was completely covered with snow. Inhabitants were well-off and warmly dressed, and walking slowly along roads because cars, due to mountains of snow, could not be operated. I was happy that I could walk on top of the snow on avenues of white. "All my physical effort was spent on walking. To this day, pictures of huge apartment houses on both sides of the avenue are instilled in my mind, and the doormen quickly closing and opening entrance doors as though trying to prevent humanity and warmth from escaping. "On top of the snow, I noticed a brown cat emerge from a side street and walk on the snow. I looked closer, and to my surprise, saw that this big cat was being followed by six small brown-and- white kittens, all of them following the big brown cat in a perfect line. The mother cat looked back from time to time to see if her babies were there, but her main concern was to reach the entrance door. I presumed she was trying to find warmth for herself and her children, but as soon as she reached the door, a man in a well-pressed uniform, jumped at her with a broom and chased them away. I followed this procession and prepared to deliver a speech to the doorman. I opened my mouth and tried to complain, 'Where is your proverbial American generosity? Where is your American good heart and fair play? Let them in. Let them in!! "I tried to speak, but the words would not come out. Maybe I was afraid of the doorman with the broom. I started searching my cassock pockets for a piece of bread, found some crumbs and put them on my palms, calling: 'Kitty, kitty, kitty.' But the words would not come from my supposedly intelligent mouth. Instead, the wind blew the crumbs from my palm and I said, 'what can I do? I can't speak to the cats. I can't speak to the doorman. But there are many hungry birds. They might pick up the crumbs.' "Again, I walked after the cats, now with a pain in my chest, feeling treme

Facebook | Construye y vende cámaras de gas - 0 views

    North Carolina has most PhDs per capita in the country, North Carolina is rated as two of the Best Places To Live in the country. North Carolina is rated as one of the five Best Places For Business And Careers in the country. THEN WHY IS NORTH CAROLINA THE THIRD HIGHEST STATE IN PER CAPITA NUMBER OF DOGS AND CATS KILLED WHEN IT IS ELEVENTH IN HUMAN POPULATION? Dr. Ralph Houser, DVM Ever wonder why North Carolina has so many county-funded animal gassing and heartstick facilities? Well, perhaps it's thanks to this Hitler incarnate, Dr. Ralph Houser, DVM, North Carolina Animal Rabies Control Association board member and owner of Carolina Veterinary Consulting. He manufactures and sells these gas chambers all throughout county-funded animal shelters in North Carolina and surrounding states that also still use them. Well, no wonder they haven't made headway getting this atrocity abolished, it seems this man is lining his pocket with government money.

la HUSU no destina el dinero q recauda a los shelters locales - 0 views

    "That poll also shows that 59 percent believe the group gives "most of its money" to local pet shelters. That's false, too. In fact, hands-on dog and cat shelters at the local level received less than 1 percent of the $86 million HSUS raised in 2008.

Conflicto de Freirina podría postergar planes de apertura en bolsa de Agrosup... - 0 views

  • En la planta de Freirina hay 500 mil cerdos y es parte del gigantesco proyecto Huasco, en el cual se han ya invertido US$ 400 millones. La inversión total será de US$ 800 millones. Es el principal proyecto de Agrosuper y le permitirá duplicar la producción de cerdos, la cual se destinará principalmente a exportación. Cuando esté terminada, la planta será la más grande del mundo.

Effects of Mandatory Spay/Neuter laws - Houston animal shelters | - 0 views

  • These laws are not having the desired effect i.e. a reduction in kill rates in local animal shelters.
  • One of the programs of the No Kill Equation is high volume, low cost spay/neuter services:  "Low cost, high volume spay/neuter will quickly lead to fewer animals entering the shelter system, allowing more resources to be allocated toward saving lives."  
  • increased voluntary sterilization does help reduce the number of animals entering shelters
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  • MSNL do not decrease the number of animals entering or being killed in shelters.
  • MSNL have resulted in more abandoned animals, higher shelter admissions, higher kill rates, lower compliance with licensing and rabies vaccination laws, and radically increased costs for animal control. 
  • People become afraid to get pet licenses because proof of sterilization is required. 
  • They are afraid to go to a veterinarian for rabies shots or medical care because veterinarians are required to report them
  • People abandon their pets because they fear fines and penalties.
  • Numerous studies have shown that the primary reason people do not sterilize their pets is costs
  • When the result of not sterilizing is an unaffordable fine or confiscation/impoundment of the pet, animals die.
  • more than 80 percent of owned cats in the US are already sterilized
  • This means that the majority of unsterilized cats are unowned strays.
  • MSNL would do nothing to increase the sterilization of unowned cats and would not reduce their deaths in shelters.
  • Also, MSNL are a nightmare to enforce.
  • hey burden already underfunded, understaffed animal control departments with more responsibilities.
  • Each community must hire more animal control officers to enforce them so an enormous amount of additional money is spent to enforce a draconian law when a much better use of those funds would be to provide low cost or free spay/neuter services.
  • immediately after passing MSNL, kill rates began to rise in L.A.
  • after MSNL were passed, for the first time in a decade, impounds and killing increased;
  • successful no kill shelters have stopped the killing without these laws.
  • Even though the author claimed that the economic downturn has caused kill rates to rise in L.A., clearly this isn’t the correct explanation.
  • All of these shelters dropped their kill rates without MSNL.
  • It is obvious that Mandatory Spay/Neuter laws are not a factor that helps to stop the killing in shelters. 

The ASPCA and the case of the extremely elusive documents | Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World - 0 views

  • They’re in danger of being exposed for what they are—people and organizations who value money and power over the lives of animals

Op-ed: Creating a No Kill Norfolk | AltDaily : Creating and celebrating local culture i... - 0 views

  • in Norfolk, Virginia, seven out of 10 cats and almost half of all dogs are still being needlessly killed. Why? Because shelter officials are mired in the 19th century model of animal control based on an “adopt a few, kill the rest” mentality.
  • And we aim to change that.
  • We’ve requested that the City Council pass an ordinance requiring Norfolk to run its shelter in line with those of the most successful communities in the nation, by requiring simple, commonsense and cost-effective alternatives to killing that most animal lovers would be shocked to learn are not already being comprehensively implemented voluntarily.
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  • One of the proposals is to make it illegal for Norfolk shelters to kill animals using taxpayer money when qualified non-profit rescue organizations are willing to save them at private expense.
  • All it will require are foster care,
  • That number now stands at over 58,939—a 370% increase in annual lifesaving, all at no cost to taxpayers.
  • Another of the Norfolk proposals would end the practice of killing animals simply because the mandated stray holding period has passed.
  • Before the California law went into effect, only 12,526 animals were being transferred from shelters to rescue groups statewide every year.
  • working with rescue groups,
  • marketing and adoptions
  • Can anyone with even a hint of common sense or compassion actually say it is better to kill baby kittens than have volunteers bottle feed them?
  • Right now, excluding laws imposed by health departments regarding the use of controlled substances, the disposition of rabid and potentially aggressive animals and mandated holding periods, shelter directors in this country have essentially unlimited discretion as to how they operate their facilities.
  • They can exclude members of the community from volunteering.
  • They can prevent other non-profits, such as rescue groups and other shelters, from saving the lives of animals in their custody.
  • And when volunteers or rescuers go public with their concerns, they are terminated.
  • Where shelters are not willing to do these things voluntarily or do so on a limited basis when they should be doing it for every single animal, every single time, we must pass laws forcing them to do so.
  • when all you ever do is all you’ve ever done then all you’ll ever get is all you’ve ever gotten.
  • Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.

Power to the People : Nathan J Winograd - 0 views

  • Despite the entrenchment of groups like the ASPCA, the widespread success of the No Kill movement has invigorated animal lovers nationwide, and one of the results of that success has been an exponential increase in the number of rescue organizations.
  • Her opposition is, at its core, about fear—a fear of losing power. A fear that Oreo’s Law—by eliminating her role as the unnecessary “middle man” between shelters and rescue groups will render her obsolete, as it should.
  • While Sayres continues to write checks to Hoffman’s group, such as the additional $150,000 given in 2009 for her discretionary use, the initial $5 million from the ASPCA has been spent. And the Maddie’s Fund project ends this year. The Mayor’s Alliance and her role as its head cannot survive in New York without grant funding from the ASPCA. And there lies the rub. Hoffman needs Ed Sayres’ money and control over the rescue groups to stay in power, and Ed Sayres needs Jane Hoffman’s support to fight a law which will forever memorialize his betrayal of an abused dog. It is an unholy alliance based on greed, naked self-interest, and the preservation of near unequivocal power the two currently enjoy over the smaller non-profits in New York City.
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  • Like the network of “safe houses” which protected runaway slaves as they fled north to freedom, the thousands of rescue groups, No Kill sanctuaries and No Kill shelters throughout our nation are our movement’s own safe houses.

Wayne Pacelle, Humane Bully? | HumaneWatch - 0 views

  • Throw these two troublemakers under the bus.
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