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Home/ technology in education PK-20/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by emrodriguez

Contents contributed and discussions participated by emrodriguez



  • Challenge One One of the most common challenges math teachers face is having a classroom full of students with varying levels of comprehension
  • Solution A:
  • Solution B
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  • Challenge Two Another common challenge facing teachers, especially given the pressures of high stakes testing and large class sizes, is keeping track of each student’s areas for growth. Once again, when leveraged appropriately, math technology can support targeted and personalized instruction by enhancing a teacher’s ability to keep track of student achievement data.
  • Solution A:
  • Solution B:
  • Challenge Three The final challenge we are going to explore is absent students and teachers. When a student is absent it is very difficult to find the time to catch them up on the material they have missed. Leveraging math education technology in this instance is ideal.
  • Solution A:
  • Solution B:
    • emrodriguez
      I have to agree with the fact that there will always be varying levels of comprehension and teachers must find ways to reach all students. Technology can be used to split the classroom so that those students who are behind can self pace. Technology can also be used to keep students active for those who are advancing quickly.
    • emrodriguez
      Another challenge that teachers face is keeping track of each student's individual progress. Software programs can keep track of each student's progress so that the teacher can review. With this information, teachers can intervene and help students with the particular part of math they're falling behind on.
    • emrodriguez
      Since it is almost for sure that either students or teachers will be absent, technology can be implemented to help instruction on these particular days. Tech can be set up so that students know what to review for the day when the teacher is out. If students are absent, the teacher can use technology to send the material through email or web 2.0 services so that students don't fall behind.
  • Solution B:
  • Solution A:
  • Solution A:
  • Solution A
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  • Solution B
  • Solution A
    This article is about using technology in the classroom to supplement instruction in the field of mathematics. It describes common challenges that math teachers face and solutions that can be taken to resolve these problems using technology.
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    This is a great article about implementing technology into a math classroom to resolve the common challenges of these particular educators. From a student's perspective, I wish these tactics would've been around when I was taking math classes.
    Thanks, Rosalyn! I enjoyed the article as well. I like how all of the problems are realistic while the solutions are simplistic. I would have never thought to have students that are behind to watch math videos to catch up while the others receive direct instruction. I too thought it was convenient to have software available for students to work on when teachers are absent. Most days that teachers are absent, students lose on instruction. By having this technology in place, students could use the technology to catch up while the teacher is out or use the day to get ahead on lessons. Thanks for the response, Rosalyn.
    @ Tammy Visco. I too enjoy the aspect that students get the opportunity get the chance to learn independently whether the teacher is out or they are working on computer modules. I think the ability to learn independently is a great asset to have because it builds upon your motivation and will to want to learn without having someone tell you learn. It's similar to our educational technology degree because we are given the necessary guidance to do what we have to and we take it from there. While the article does use a math classroom as reference, I believe that the principles are universal. If a teacher is out, students can work on modules. If particular students are falling behind, they can work on modules to catch up. Just a great article and I'm glad I came across it.

Tips for Teachers Who Wish to Use YouTube in Classroom - EdTechReview™ (ETR) - 9 views

  • YouTube for Schools:
  • YouTube Edu:
  • It plays a significant role in the educational field as many students, educators and institutions discover and share excellent educational content here. There are &nbsp;thousands of channels on YouTube specially for education. From basic concepts to complex experiments, YouTube enables Students and Educators to discover anything they want to learn as a part of their academic, curricular and extracurricular activities.
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  • About the AuthorAuthor: Santosh Bhaskar KWebsite: of Dr. Abdul Kalam. Following his path of Creating Creative Education in India. Contributing my works in "India Vision 2020". Former EdTech Blogger/Researcher at ETR India Administrators Educational Videos Teachers/Educators Tips for Teachers/Educators // // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? AdvertisementWhy this Ad? // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? [Infographic] Microsoft in Education: Adding Value to Experiences both Inside and Outside of the Classroom Why and How Should Educators and Administrators Use Google Apps Tips for Choosing and Using Educational Videos in Your Classroom // The EdTech Tweets E
  • About the AuthorAuthor: Santosh Bhaskar KWebsite: of Dr. Abdul Kalam. Following his path of Creating Creative Education in India. Contributing my works in "India Vision 2020". Former EdTech Blogger/Researcher at ETR India Administrators Educational Videos Teachers/Educators Tips for Teachers/Educators // // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? AdvertisementWhy this Ad? // AdvertisementWhy this Ad? [Infographic] Microsoft in Education: Adding Value to Experiences both Inside and Outside of the Classroom Why and How Should Educators and Administrators Use Google Apps Tips for Choosing and Using Educational Videos in Your Classroom // The EdTech Tweets E
  • Educators can share a YouTube video in many ways. Mailing the video URL, sharing it on social networking platforms and embedding it in your blog, website, Wiki, etc., are the numerous ways of sharing a YouTube video
    • emrodriguez
      For those who are educators, have you used YouTube in your classroom to supplement your instruction? If not, please state the reason why whether it be the site being blocked at your campus, not aware of the informational videos on the site, etc.
    • emrodriguez
      I think that sharing videos with your students is an effective way to supplement your instruction because the student may not be able to grasp the entire lecture during the time they have with you at school. Sharing a video can be done via email, on a social networking site such as twitter, or your personal blog. What benefits and drawbacks can you see to implementing this tactic in the educational setting?
    • emrodriguez
      Were you aware that a part of YouTube is specifically made to offer educational videos to its viewers? YouTube education offers a variety of educational videos posted by universities, private organizations dedicated to education, and companies such as PBS, National Geographic, and NASA. YouTube for Schools is a section made available to educators who can register using their school email address. These educators will then have have access to only educational videos and never have to worry about showing their students inappropriate material. It's even customizable to the educators likes and dislikes as to what they want to present to their students. Knowing that YouTube offers videos specific to the classroom, would you now be more likely to use this technology in your own classroom?
    What do you all think about the use of YouTube in the educational setting? Do you believe it can be beneficial to instruction?
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    Any comments on the article about YouTube being used in the classroom?
    When I worked for Brownsville ISD, YouTube was a blocked website. Therefore, no teachers used the site. I think that blocking off the website is detrimental to instruction when there is so much information available and nothing can be done with it. Fortunately, there are ways around this. Videos could be downloaded at home and shown in class. Of course, one should take the time to review the video to make sure it is appropriate and of course beneficial to learning.
    I think sharing videos with students can be beneficial to them by having supplemental instruction in case they didn't understand the material during class. The link could be emailed to students via email or by setting up a YouTube channel specifically for your class. I think a good way to implement this would be to have administration give you the okay and of course, inform parents of what you are trying to do and get their consent. Once everything is good to, videos can be shared with your class. More time could be spent learning a concept, videos could provide more in depth information, and so much more.
    Before I started my masters, I wasn't aware that YouTube had channels specifically made for education. They offer a great amount of information that can benefit all persons whether it be children or the elderly. These channels are a great source because the videos have already been filtered to make sure that you are only showing students appropriate and relevant material.
    What does everyone else think about this article and the specific questions mentioned?
    @ tvisco. Yeah, I too have only encountered YouTube videos in my graduate education as well. As for the comments, videos can ban comments or approve them if they have those video settings set up. I do agree with you that hearing information straight from the expert is a big plus to these videos. Regardless, I believe that the videos can truly supplement instruction.
    Does anyone else have anything they'd like to share regarding their thoughts/views on YouTube in the classroom?
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