What is eType? | - 0 views
Who Wanna type faster and with more confidence? Who doesn’t? eType is for you!
When eType recently launched its beta and wants you to be a part of it! Click here and join eTypes beta now! eTypes beta will be released to the public July 2010 with six available languages and will support virtually any language in the world by the end of the year.
Where eType works in full integration with almost every program, browser and Web site, including Microsoft Word, Outlook, Gmail, ICQ, Windows Messenger, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to name a few. For a complete list of compatible programs and sites, click here.
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eType is your online multi-language dictionary with translations and word substitutes to virtually any language in the world. eType is your writing guide that auto-completes your words as you type them, enabling you to type faster and boost your level of confidence in your writing. eType prevents you from making spelling mistakes before they happen and helps you select the best word choice possible - even if you are not writing in your native language.