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Home/ DGL Misinformation Debate - Team A/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by folashayshay

Contents contributed and discussions participated by folashayshay


Using Technology To Increase Literacy Skills - 1 views

    by Linda Roos and Kerry Lambert There is increasing evidence that the use of computer technology can positively effect the acquisition of literacy skills in students of all abilities and ages. Using technology to enhance reading and writing instruction can make learning activities more fun and help to create a lifelong love of reading.

literacy improvement video - 2 views

    In this video Katie McKnight uses the example of research to explain how technology has enhanced literary skills and changed the way research is conducted and how it makes researching more rigorous. McKnight stated that some teachers think technology dumbs down students when really it enhances learning capabilities because we have access to so much more all at once, which gives us a way to conduct better research just in an easier form.

Children who use technology are 'better writers' - 1 views

    This article talks about children who use technology and how they are either better writers than children who don't use technology or at the same level. It gives us percentages which could help our statement and talks about the controversy between teachers and how some teachers don't want to expose their students to technology early but at the age of 13 computers become closer than teachers. This is a very good resource as well
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