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YP Tan

Preface - Writing About Art - 2 views

    This site is based on a text written for the art history undergraduates of City College of New York. It contains useful tips that focuses on visual description, stylistic/iconographic/historical analysis, etc. There's also step by step guide on writing and research processes. What I like best is the sample student papers where, paragraphs by paragraphs, the author gives detailed comments, recommendations, and revisions. 
YP Tan

Writing in Art and Design - 2 views

shared by YP Tan on 02 May 12 - Cached
    This resource is intended to help students develop skills to improve their writing in Art and Design. I like how this site highlights "reading AS research" and "observing FOR research". There's also a lot of useful tips on how to do observation/formal analysis/writing reports/etc. The best part is it encourages the keeping of a visual journal - a cool way to mark observation as a tool for discovery in research in art and design. Most part are short and sweet or in point form and comes with diagrams and images.
Yew Moon Lee

Aesthetics of Arts - Semester 3 or 4 - 1 views

    Here is the outline of the performing arts portion of the Aesthetics of Arts Module. I've revised the writing part to include time set aside to help students narrow down the areas within the topics they can present and write on. Techniques like question generation will be used. The grading rubric for writing has been tweaked to reflect greater emphasis on organization.
Rebecca Kan

How to Write a (good) Music History Paper - 2 views

    A couple good websites relating to writing history papers in music, just to add to our pool of language art resources that can be cross-applied:
Yew Moon Lee

Welcome to Google Docs - 3 views

    This is the course outline for Level 1 Project for Y1 Performaing Arts students of AME.
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