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Hsiao-yun Chan

Quoting - Google Docs - 1 views

    This handout/worksheet was created to teach quoting. The answers are in a separate doc.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Paragraph structure and topic sentences (with key) - Google Docs - 10 views

    This handout/worksheet is used to paragraph writing. Make a copy (you will need to sign in to your Google account first) or download to adapt as you wish.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Essay outlining (with key) - Google Docs - 7 views

    This handout/worksheet is used to teach essay outlining. Make a copy (you will need to sign in to your Google account first) or download to adapt as you wish.
Yew Moon Lee

Welcome to Google Docs - 1 views

    Upload your files from your desktop: It's easy to get started and it's free! Access anywhere: Edit and view your docs from any computer or smart phone. Share your work: Real-time collaboration means work gets done more quickly.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Academic style - Google Docs - 7 views

    By the end of this activity, learners should be able to transform a short, non-academic paragraph into a paragraph written in a academic style. They should also be able to list some important features of academic style. Please also see the class handout bookmarked separately. Adapted from Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students (Routledge) & Study Writing (CUP). Make a copy (you will need to sign in to your Google account first) or download to adapt as you wish.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Cohesion (with key) - Google Docs - 6 views

    This handout/worksheet is used to teach cohesion. Make a copy (you will need to sign in to your Google account first) or download to adapt as you wish.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Academic style - class handout - Google Docs - 1 views

    This is the handout that goes with the "Academic style" slidedeck.
Yew Moon Lee

Welcome to Google Docs - 3 views

    This is the course outline for Level 1 Project for Y1 Performaing Arts students of AME.
Yew Moon Lee

Writing Style.ppt - Google Docs - 5 views

    This is an adaptation of HY's PPT. It is targeted at Y1 theatre / AME students towards the end of the 1st semester. It helps them distinguish between casual and academic writing.

Academic Style Assignment.ppt - Google Docs - 2 views

    Here's my Academic Style Assignment except for 2 slides: example of a text and revision to sound more academic
Hsiao-yun Chan

Summarising - Google Docs - 2 views

    This was designed to teach summarising. With key.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Quotation Verbs - Google Docs - 4 views

    Answers to the worksheet on quoting.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Referencing - exercise handout - Google Docs - 1 views

    This is to be used with the referencing handout/worksheet.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Referencing - Google Docs - 3 views

    This handout/worksheet was created to teach referencing, using NAFA Style.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Paraphrasing (passage for exercise) - Google Docs - 2 views

    This handout goes with the paraphrasing worksheet.
Hsiao-yun Chan

Paraphrasing - Google Docs - 2 views

    This handout/worksheet was created to teach paraphrasing. With key.
Yew Moon Lee

Formatting a Paper - 2 views

    This is a modification of the article on the same topic. The first slide shows how the various paragraph relate to one another. The main difference in my version is that I don't think that every paragraph needs a conclusion. Rather, there should be a link sentence to relate it to the next paragraph and more distantly the concluding paragraph. The next slides show two alternative ways in which supporting sentences can relate to the topic sentence.
    In case anyone has difficulty reading the previous attachment, which might be in keynote format.
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