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Strayer-University ACC 599 Week 5 Midterm - 2 views

Get help for Strayer-University ACC 599 Week 5 Midterm. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subjects Strayer-University for Session 2017-2018. ACC 599 WEEK 5...

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Search Results | Gizmodo Australia - 0 views

    "  GadgetsMobileGeek OutOnlineScienceCamerasComputingGamingEntertainmentSoftwareCarsNews TOP STORIES The New Essential Apps July 2012 NASA Had No Idea How To Save Apollo 13, But An MIT Student Reportedly Did Australian Doomsday Group Building Bunker In Regional NSW: Report Microsoft's New Windows 8 Activation Policy Aims To Curb Expected Piracy Watch The Mars Curiosity Rover Landing Live With Gizmodo Australia HTC One S Review: The Goldilocks Smartphone The New Essential Apps July 2012 NASA Had No Idea How To Save Apollo 13, But An MIT Student Reportedly Did Australian Doomsday Group Building Bunker In Regional NSW: Report Microsoft's New Windows 8 Activation Policy Aims To Curb Expected Piracy Watch The Mars Curiosity Rover Landing Live With Gizmodo Australia REGULARS Week In Review All the week's most popular news. Shooting Challenge Shooting Challenge: This week's theme is 'Depth of Field' - Enter Here Monster Machines This robot sub can chart nearly every inch of the ocean. Whitenoise Where Giz readers talk abOut stuff we're not already posting abOut Building A Solar Challenge Car What do other teams do when they build a solar car? Lunchtime Deal Dell Streak 7 - phablet nostalgia: now on special! App Deals Aussie Lingo, Awesome Mails HD, Call of Duty and more. Breakfast Wrap Don't miss the weekend's top stories. How To Start Your Own Brewery Meet Andy Mitchell. Week In Review All the week's most popular news. Shooting Challenge Shooting Challenge: This week's theme is 'Depth of Field' - Enter Here Monster Machines This robot sub can chart nearly every inch of the ocean. Whitenoise Where Giz readers talk abOut stuff we're not already posting abOut Building A Solar Challenge Car What do other teams do when they build a solar car? Lunchtime Deal Dell Streak 7 - phablet nostalgia: now on special! App Deals Aussie Lingo, Awesome Mails HD, Call of Duty and more. Breakfast Wrap Don't miss the weekend's top stories. SEARCH RESULTS GEEK Out Should You Che
Donna Baumbach

Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning) (9780262013369): Mizuko Ito, Sonja Baumer, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Rachel Cody, - 3 views

    "Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out fills this gap, reporting on an ambitious three-year ethnographic investigation into how young people are living and learning with new media in varied settings-at home, in after school programs, and in online spaces. By focusing on media practices in the everyday contexts of family and peer interaction, the book views the relationship of yOuth and new media not simply in terms of technology trends but situated within the broader structural conditions of childhood and the negotiations with adults that frame the experience of yOuth in the United States. Integrating twenty-three different case studies-which include Harry Potter podcasting, video-game playing, music-sharing, and online romantic breakups-in a unique collaborative authorship style, Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out is distinctive for its combination of in-depth description of specific group dynamics with conceptual analysis."
Storm Snaith

Chicago Digital Library - 22 views

  • In the first stage, teens are mostly text-messaging or instant-messaging friends and haunting sites such as Facebook — what the researchers call a "lightweight means" of maintaining friendships. "Messing around" begins when teens take an interest in media itself: composing music, editing photos or shooting video, driven more by interests than a desire to be with friends. "Geeking out" involves using new media in an "intense, autonomous and interest-driven way" that often leaves friends in the dust as teens seek out experts for help.
    Is this what libraries will look like in ten years' time?
    three stages of consumption and creation, informally dubbed "hanging out," "messing around" and "geeking out."
James Whittle

12 Ways To Use Google Search In School, By Degree Of Difficulty | Edudemic - 33 views

    From the site: "I've been completely obsessed with Google's new mini-site devoted to finding better ways to incorporate proper web searches into the classroom. Dubbed 'Search Education,'Google's new site has an array of lesson plans, videos (check a sample out below), concept maps, and other tools designed to help any educator properly integrate Google." This is just the logical next step for the search (and basically everything else) behemoth as Google pushes its way into the classroom. As part of Search Education, Google has shared a bunch of lesson plans that are organized by degree of difficulty. So, if you consider yourself and / or your students Google experts, you should try out the more advanced plans. If you don't know what 'boolean' means, then you probably should start with the more basic stuff. The following are just some of the many lesson plans brought to you by Google. Check out the site for more info!
Jenny Odau

AASL Blog - 16 views

    In July, 2011, the AASL Board approved the Position Statement on Labeling Books with Reading Levels. The AASL position statement defines standard directional spine labels and compares them to reading level labels (associated with computerized reading programs) as they are often applied in school libraries. The statement also offers suggestions for concerned librarians to be aware not only of the possible negative effects of these  labels on children as they browse, but also offers suggestions for voicing those concerns. There are proponents and opponents to how computerized reading programs are implemented in schools and their effects on school library collections and students' free access to books of their choice.  A school librarian (name withheld) shares this story of how labels affect students' choices in her school. "Recently I helped a student who came to me while his class was in the library browsing. As the librarian of a middle school library, I often see situations such as this one. The boy had been most recently reading about George Washington and Ben Franklin. His class assignment that day was to checkout two computerized reading program books within his tested reading level and thus was "allowed" only one free choice book. "But I'd rather not have to check out labeled books and there are some books I'd like today that don't have the dots or reading level labels on the backs of the books. Does that mean Ican't check them out?" he asks me. The boy went on to say that he'd rather be allowed to check out three books on his favorite non-fiction topics, regardless of reading level. As he expresses his frustration, he lowers his voice and moves toward a corner of the library where there are no other students. "I'm a pretty good reader," he said quietly, "and I really like reading about the American Revolution. But I have to stay within a certain range. I can't find many books in my reading level that are really interest
beth gourley

Gutenberg 2.0 | Harvard Magazine May-Jun 2010 - 10 views

  • Her staff offers a complete suite of information services to students and faculty members, spread across four teams. One provides content or access to it in all its manifestations; another manages and curates information relevant to the school’s activities; the third creates Web products that support teaching, research, and publication; and the fourth group is dedicated to student and faculty research and course support. Kennedy sees libraries as belonging to a partnership of shared services that support professors and students. “Faculty don’t come just to libraries [for knowledge services],” she points out. “They consult with experts in academic computing, and they participate in teaching teams to improve pedagogy. We’re all part of the same partnership and we have to figure out how to work better together.”
  • It’s not that we don’t need libraries or librarians,” he continues, “it’s that what we need them for is slightly different. We need them to be guides in this increasingly complex world of information and we need them to convey skills that most kids actually aren’t getting at early ages in their education. I think librarians need to get in front of this mob and call it a parade, to actually help shape it.”
  • Her staff offers a complete suite of information services to students and faculty members, spread across four teams. One provides content or access to it in all its manifestations; another manages and curates information relevant to the school’s activities; the third creates Web products that support teaching, research, and publication; and the fourth group is dedicated to student and faculty research and course support. Kennedy sees libraries as belonging to a partnership of shared services that support professors and students. “Faculty don’t come just to libraries [for knowledge services],” she points out. “They consult with experts in academic computing, and they participate in teaching teams to improve pedagogy. We’re all part of the same partnership and we have to figure out how to work better together.”
    • beth gourley
      Good summary of differentiating library services and the need to accommodate staffing. Ultimatley makes for the teaching partnership.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • “The digital world of content is going to be overwhelming for librarians for a long time, just because there is so much,” she acknowledges. Therefore, librarians need to teach students not only how to search, but “how to think critically about what they have found…what they are missing… and how to judge their sources.” 
  • But making comparisons between digital and analog libraries on issues of cost or use or preservation is not straightforward. If students want to read a book cover to cover, the printed copy may be deemed superior with respect to “bed, bath and beach,” John Palfrey points out. If they just want to read a few pages for class, or mine the book for scattered references to a single subject, the digital version’s searchability could be more appealing; alternatively, students can request scans of the pages or chapter they want to read as part of a program called “scan and deliver” (in use at the HD and other Harvard libraries) and receive a link to images of the pages via e-mail within four days. 
  • (POD) would allow libraries to change their collection strategies: they could buy and print a physical copy of a book only if a user requested it. When the user was done with the book, it would be shelved. It’s a vision of “doing libraries ‘just in time’ rather than ‘just in case,’” says Palfrey. (At the Harvard Book Store on Massachusetts Avenue, a POD machine dubbed Paige M. Gutenborg is already in use. Find something you like in Google’s database of public-domain books—perhaps one provided by Harvard—and for $8 you can own a copy, printed and bound before your wondering eyes in minutes. Clear Plexiglas allows patrons to watch the process—hot glue, guillotine-like trimming blades, and all—until the book is ejected, like a gumball, from a chute at the bottom.)
  • We’re rethinking the physical spaces to accommodate more of the type of learning that is expected now, the types of assignments that faculty are making, that have two or three students huddled around a computer working together, talking.” 
  • Libraries are also being used as social spaces,
  • In terms of research, students are asking each other for information more now than in the past, when they might have asked a librarian.
  • On the contrary, the whole history of books and communication shows that one medium does not displace another.
  • it’s not just a service organization. I would even go so far as to call it the nervous system of our corporate body.”
    "This defines a new role for librarians as database experts and teachers, while the library becomes a place for learning about sophisticated search for specialized information." "How do we make information as useful as possible to our community now and over a long period of time?"
amby kdp

DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste: Mary L. Parker: 9781511859790: Books - 0 views

    DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste [Mary L. Parker] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. DIY Ideas At Home - Make Best Out Of Waste Here in this book I am going to share with all some creative ideas on how to use old and waste material in your house. You will be amazed to know that you can make useful and creative items from those materials at your home only. I myself tried these ideas and get praised by family and friends. So
Martha Hickson

The Copyright Genie - 14 views

    Takes the magic out of copyright by: Helping you find out if a work is covered by U.S. copyright, Calculating its terms of protection, and Collecting and publishing the results (as a PDF) to save for your records or further vet with a copyright specialist

14 Excellent YouTube Math Channels for Teachers and Students ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 21 views

    "hese are basically channels where you can have access to a wide variety of math videos and tutorials to help your students with Math. I have included only what I believe are the best Math channels out there. Check out this selection and share with your colleagues."

A Round-up of 12 New Educational iPad Apps for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 33 views

    "As is he habit once every month, I feature here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning a list of some new educational iPad apps that I came across in different blogs and websites. Of course I can not include every single app I bookmarked because the list will be too long, however, the suggestions I have below are the ones that stood out to me from the rest. I invite you to check them out and probably share them with your colleagues."
Donna Baumbach

Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out - 10 views

    free download of 441 page document; also available for purchase from Amazon
James Whittle

Study: Exploring the link between reading fiction and empathy - 21 views

    Abstract Readers of fiction tend to have better abilities of empathy and theory of mind (Mar et al., 2006). We present a study designed to replicate this finding, rule out one possible explanation, and extend the assessment of social outcomes. In order to rule out the role of personality, we first identified Openness as the most consistent correlate. This trait was then statistically controlled for, along with two other important individual differences: the tendency to be drawn into stories and gender. Even after accounting for these variables, fiction exposure still predicted performance on an empathy task. Extending these results, we also found that exposure to fiction was positively correlated with social support. Exposure to nonfiction, in contrast, was associated with loneliness, and negatively related to social support.
Judy O'Connell

Hands-on: Checking out library books with Kindle clunky, but awesome - 6 views

    Public libraries have long lived by the "Blockbuster model": require people to drive to a physical location, pick up a physical book, then drive home, only to repeat the driving a few weeks later when the book is due. And how well did that approach work out for Blockbuster as iTunes and Netflix made digital delivery a reality? But books haven't gone digital as quickly as music and then movies did. Early attempts at e-book lending were execeptionally clunky affairs involving special OverDrive software, few choices, and a poor browsing interface. Getting books onto devices involved downloads and USB cables. Enter the Kindle. Amazon's hugely popular e-reader hardware and apps recently opened access to public libraries in the US, which can use the Amazon account and distribution infrastructure to control and distribute time-limited e-books to library patrons. Will we ever drive to physical libraries again? After testing the new system, it's safe to say: yes. Yes we will. But Kindle library lending provides a glimpse of the future rushing so quickly at us.
Martha Hickson

The Art of Booktalking - YouTube - 33 views

    Jennifer Bromman-Bender, librarian at Lincoln-Way West High School (New Lenox, IL) and author of several books on booktalking, including R&L's Booktalking Nonfiction: 200 Sure-Fire Winners for Middle and High School Readers (2013), spoke about how to present nonfiction books to middle- and high-school students. She also gave a presentation of some of her most popular booktalks. Katie Mediatore Stover of the Kansas City (MO) Public Library (and author of several ALA Editions RA titles) was up next, with a ton of practical advice on how to booktalk informally-while in the stacks, or out in the community. She also discussed how to pull out the best elements of a book in order to sell it to a reader. Kaite incorporated a lot of RA tips (talking about tone, mood, warning the reader what to expect) on how to do what she calls a "bookmercial." Becky Spratford, author of ALA Edition's Readers Advisory Guide to Horror (2012) and librarian at the Berwyn (IL) Public Library, gave advice on how to get your staff comfortable with booktalking, and why booktalking is so important. Becky then finished up with a selection of her favorite horror books for booktalking.
amby kdp

DIY Ideas At Home: Make Best Out Of Waste - 0 views

    DIY Ideas At Home - Make Best Out Of Waste Here in this book I am going to share with all some creative ideas on how to use old and waste material in your house. You will be amazed to know that you can make useful and creative items from those materials at your home only. I myself tried these ideas and get praised by family and friends

Happiness Ville Foundation - 0 views

    We, a young, dynamic and public-spirited team of activists at Happiness Ville, are constantly brainstorming ideas and ways to bring about the change we always talk about and hardly put into action. Our aim is to eradicate the 'mal' out of malnutrition, 'ill' out of the illiteracy, 'in' out of the injustice and the 'issues' out of the environment.
Alida Hanson

Out of Print - 10 views

    "Out of Print highlights the sea change underway in the multi-billion dollar U.S. K-12 instructional materials market enabled by recent technology and intellectual property rights innovations. With a focus on the ultimate impact on student learning, the report provides examples of lessons learned from recent digital and open (OER) content initiatives by leading states and school districts and offers comprehensive recommendations for government, industry, and educators to ensure that the inevitable shift to digital instructional materials improves student achievement and engagement and efficiently uses scarce resources."
Celia Emmelhainz

Can We Talk About the MLS? | Editorial - 0 views

  • Public libraries in rural areas really don’t have a large enough donor base to make extensive fundraising worthwhile. The other problem public libraries have with outside fundriasing is that if you start taking in a lot of major gifts and donations, then your steady stream of revenue, the local government, may just wind up cutting your funding.
    • Celia Emmelhainz
      True with school libraries as well; can't fundraise because can't lose current funding, but then feel sense of lack of control over revenue streams? = ick.
  • “Students who pick their major based solely on postgraduation salaries, as opposed to passion for a field, will in all likelihood struggle in both school and career.”
  • would agree that public librarians questionably need a library specific degree, or a degree at a graduate level anyway, as evidenced by the wealth of paraprofessionals who often do at least as good a job in that setting, though for management I think you would want someone trained in public management with library experience. In an academic setting, there is a credibility issue that begs credentialling in the areas of research and education, and credentialling to a higher standard than is now present in library schools, hence the inadequacy of the degree university libraries particularly, or at least that degree alone. The degree needs to be reinvented and would best partner to at least confer joint degrees in librarianship and business, education, and other disciplines
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • The piece I was missing was how to develop workable ideas that were well researched and aligned with the basic tenants of Librarianship.
  • philosophy and values of librarianship. It also grounded me in supervisory skills, in library management, and collection development.
  • Paraprofessionals here have been the ones leading the discussion on topics such as fair use, copyright, RDA, cataloging standards, FERPA, etc. There are several levels of paraprofessionals from pages/shelvers, circulation desk workers, catalogers (copy & original), acquisitions, IT Systems, ILL , etc. MLS Librarians are mostly reference & instruction positions, collection development and/or managers. Education is absolutely needed for some positions, but experience should be recognized as well. Our newly hired MLS people would be lost try to perform original cataloging, acquisitions/budget or ILL just as the paraprofessionals may lack the knowledge in instructional pedagogy, management/leadership, etc.
  • Much of my practical learning during grad school came from my classmates that had worked in libraries for years and were just then getting the degree. They had a MUCH better context for what was going on than I did at 23 and straight out of my undergrad
  • Require the masters in a specialized field rather than the MLIS. That could definitely work in academia. And you can require directors and managers to have the MLIS, but not necessarily the librarians at the reference desk or running a department like circulation.
  • But why do acquisitions, CD, or e-resources librarians need the degree? Those are practical jobs, that you do need practical experience for.
  • Any self-starter with a library job could easily supplement training and hands-on experience with reading books from leaders in the field on the subject, starting a blog, getting involved in conversations in the library community.
  • But for colleges, this becomes a game of perpetual growth – to secure funding and improve programs, we need more students, more alumni to donate! Job markets shrink, shift and dry up all the time, but rarely does a degree program shrink proportionately
  • Why I couldn’t pick up a book here, attend a webinar there, and get the same place eventually through grit and dedication like the librarians just a generation before me.
  • I am a Library Director in a hamlet (pop 3,000) in NH. The likelihood of my ever advancing to a larger library is categorically denied by that degree requirement. It doesn’t matter what experience I bring. Paying for another degree (I have a B.A. and an M. Div.) is out of the question for me, and, certainly, out of the question for the trustees of the library I serve
  • Laura is correct – being in a rural library is actually very challenging. There are far fewer resources for our patrons – so good luck directing them to the resources they need.
  • The public school teachers (including the school librarians) in my area have a starting salary that is about $10,000 higher than the starting salary of the public library system. Yet only the school and (some) public librarians are required to have a Masters before applying for their jobs
  • They are responsible for recruiting too many librarians, and the schools need to take responsibility for over saturation. If not, how are they any different than for-profit colleges or career colleges.
  • This is a women’s profession. Women are not valued. Hence any professional education we may have is useless in the eyes of…. us. Ah, feminism we’ve come so far. I realized when I went to library school that it was merely a sham union card for a lowly paid job.
  • Library school does need to emphasize more about management – not just one class. This is what will make us more useful. The best library directors are those who kept their libraries afloat during the economic downturn. This is because they have the fundamental ethics of a librarian coupled with mad management skills.
  • This isn’t just in the public sector. Academic librarians have crazy politics to wade through as do school librarians.
  • What if we migrated from our current degree to a B.A. in Education (with a focus on libraries); an M.A. in Education (with a focus on a particular library type or area); and a Ph.D. in Education (with a narrow focus on a particular library type or area)? This would also serve to define who we are (educators) and what we do (education: through self-directed, research assistance & instruction, instructive & enlightening experiences
  • Honestly, I privately refer to this as my fake master’s degree.
  • There is no unified body to convince that the MLS is somehow superfluous to needs; you have to convince these individuals, 99% of whom have an MLS and probably can see the value in it.
  • When I first became a librarian, I found that my past experience working in a bookstore was far more valuable to me than my MLS program.
  • For many, it clearly does not provide necessary or useful theory and practice opportunities.
  • I think some programs, like the one I attended, relied a lot on theory, and that meant that my dream, of creating better technology, was not quite realized as I needed the practical skills at building technology
  • A classmate of mine jumped ship and attended a business school in New York, and now works at Goldman Sachs…I stayed on board hoping to do meaningful work; that hasn’t quite happened yet, really because of the emphasis on theory..I think my classmate saw the writing on the wall and made a smart calculated move; I do not like to start something and leave it unfinished,
Carla Shinn

What Kids Are Reading In School and Out - 16 views

    "Walk into any bookstore or library, and you'll find shelves and shelves of hugely popular novels and book series for kids. But research shows that as young readers get older, they are not moving to more complex books. High-schoolers are reading books written for younger kids, and teachers aren't assigning difficult classics as much as they once did."
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