OverDrive - OverDrive Read - 31 views
eRead Me Vegas: Windows 8 and two versions of OverDrive Media Console, What's the diffe... - 3 views
A Road Map to OverDrive's Next Generation - 39 views
eLibrary Downloads - 0 views
NH Downloadable Books: Checking Out the OverDrive READ Format on an iPad - 14 views
New OverDrive Catalog Coming in January | Virtual Library Notes - 7 views
To Kill a Mockingbird - now available for the first time in eBook format | OverDrive Blogs - 13 views
Search OverDrive - 18 views
Hands-on: Checking out library books with Kindle clunky, but awesome - 6 views
Public libraries have long lived by the "Blockbuster model": require people to drive to a physical location, pick up a physical book, then drive home, only to repeat the driving a few weeks later when the book is due. And how well did that approach work out for Blockbuster as iTunes and Netflix made digital delivery a reality? But books haven't gone digital as quickly as music and then movies did. Early attempts at e-book lending were execeptionally clunky affairs involving special OverDrive software, few choices, and a poor browsing interface. Getting books onto devices involved downloads and USB cables. Enter the Kindle. Amazon's hugely popular e-reader hardware and apps recently opened access to public libraries in the US, which can use the Amazon account and distribution infrastructure to control and distribute time-limited e-books to library patrons. Will we ever drive to physical libraries again? After testing the new system, it's safe to say: yes. Yes we will. But Kindle library lending provides a glimpse of the future rushing so quickly at us.